Please scroll down for several enlightening updates

Please also read the pertinent gaiaguys article which was (interestingly) started shortly before the above article from Dr Greer, and also focuses on Australian media corruption issues.

29 April 2004


by Steven M. Greer M.D.
Director, The Disclosure Project

Copyright 2004 also available online at


Conventional Wisdom has it that we live in a free and open society with a free press, which plays the role of a key check and balance on government secrecy and abuse. This and other fantasies, foisted on a gullible public, have enabled runaway illegal secret projects to get away with murder, and they are now on the verge of planeticide - the killing of an entire planet.

The truth is that we have free media - so long as it is inconsequential. That is, freedom of the press exists so long as it is exercised within a certain sphere of influence that does not reach a critical mass of significance. Sure, you can say and write anything - so long as it does not get placed in front of the masses in an honest way. The quaint notion of a free press, serving as the Fourth Estate and watching vigilantly over the interests of The People is one of the great lies perpetrated by the government, and by the corporate media itself. Every insider knows this is a lie.

Big Media must be distinguished from the media in general, insofar as the former is utterly corrupted and the latter is sequestered into spheres of limited influence and significance. Mass retail media - the nightly news, CNN, The NY Times, The Washington Post, Newsweek, Time and the like are less free on anything of real significance than the media of many third world countries - or even communist China.

We know, because we have beta tested the system. (More on this later.)

The implications of this corruption cannot be overestimated. In the world today, the corrupt, dumbed-down and controlled Big Media is the central reason for significant investigations being killed, illegal secrecy persisting and major scientific breakthroughs being suppressed.

Without the cooperation, compliance and corruption of Big Media, the shadowy programs that keep the world burning could in no way prevail. In fact, when recently asked by a member of Congress how these illegal operations persist and flourish, I had to tell him it was the primarily due to the fact that Big Media give them a free pass.

Years ago, while at a gathering in New York City with Laurence Rockefeller and a few other influential people in the city, Bob Schwartz, a noted journalist who had been on the Board of Time Life (before it was Time Warner, or AOL Time Warner etc, etc) flat out told me that the Big Media "…had become scribes taking dictation from the right hand of the king…" rather than really functioning as a free press and the Fourth Estate. He proceeded to tell me how he had given his friend Mike Wallace of CBS' 60 Minutes a number of government documents on UFOs, and that Mr. Wallace wanted to pursue the story, but ultimately dropped it due to pressure from 'somewhere'.

Now, Big Media will tell you that the UFO matter is closed, that the Air Force looked into UFOs and ended Project Blue Book with a report from the Condon Committee that essentially said there was nothing to study. This is one of the Big Lies and can be proven to be so. But every Big Media outlet in the US holds to this line, notwithstanding overwhelming evidence to the contrary - and the fact that we can now prove that Dr. Condon himself corrupted the study and was on the payroll of the shadowy projects keeping the matter secret!

Essentially, America has no free press of any significance when it comes to real investigative reporting, government secrecy or serious technology breakthroughs dealing with energy and propulsion systems that could replace Big Oil. The Big Media is vertically and horizontally integrated into a large corporate and quasi-governmental matrix of shadowy interests and corrupting influences. In no way is the major media in America free, nor has it been for decades.

In the late 1990s I met with a senior reporter for the Washington Post, whose beat included government, military and national security issues, who told me that he was sitting on rather explosive files on a number of issues (hint: we were talking about secret underground facilities and certain genetic experiments that are ongoing). When I asked him when they would run that story he winked and said, "Oh Dr. Greer, you know that nothing important is ever printed in the Washington Post. We will never print that kind of story and, if anything, we will work to debunk it if it appears anywhere else…" When I asked him, "Well what about the Fourth Estate - our free media being a check and balance on government and extreme secrecy that is out of control?" he said, "You know that doesn't exist anymore…" We had a drink and went on our way.

Senior government officials, members of Congress and top Pentagon officials with whom I have met have cited media infiltration, corruption and ridicule as the main reason they steer clear of certain areas. Why look into super-secret UFO related projects if you will only be shellacked by the Big Media as Senator Moon Beam?

Of course, many people in the media never look into these issues since they have blindly accepted the party line and bought into the ridicule and disinformation surrounding the subject. A lack of independent investigation, and a prevailing prejudice, prevents most journalists from even giving a cursory look into these controversies. A senior editor for the Boston Globe once told me that they would never run a story on UFOs "…even if you put a dead ET on my desk…" since such topics were the stuff of the low-end tabloids. (I guess 24/7 coverage of titillating details of sexual escapades and lurid murders are ok, however.) Persistent ridicule and a glib dismissal of 'conspiracy' theorists and 'UFO believers' are about as far as most journalists get. The facts are seldom investigated, and on the rare occasion when they are, the story is blocked.

It is also an open secret that the intelligence community has infiltrated and used the media for decades. What is not acknowledged is the extent to which the Big Media are controlled by corrupt interests that are the antithesis of freedom. It is a pervasive problem that is subtly managed very quietly, but anyone who has gotten close to the truth on a really Big Story that these interests want kept secret know what happens.

Such journalists walk into the mother of all buzz saws, and learn very quickly how un-free the Big Media really is. Into The Buzz Saw, with a forward by Gore Vidal, is a book that recounts the experiences of a number of journalists who came across a story that 'they' did not want out -and who found out how ruthless media suppression really is.

The crown jewel of secrecy is the collection of projects that deal with advanced technologies, energy systems, propulsion systems - and UFO matters - that, once disclosed, would end the need for oil, gas, coal or nuclear power. The corruption and secrecy surrounding this issue is like none other - it is in a class of its own. The media can only cover the subject either in a cavalier or dismissive way - or through direct disinformation and ridicule. No honest investigative report has every appeared, over time, on this subject in any Big Media outlet - not in over 50 years of secrecy. Why?

Because they are not allowed to do it. And if they did, it would mark the end of their career and possibly their lives. It is not an overstatement to say that I have spoken to mainstream journalist who evince palpable fear when the matter is brought up.

Of course, because of sensational cases of 'investigative reporting' like Watergate, Monica-gate and the like, the public believe the media is this fierce watch dog guarding the interests of the people and courageously ferreting out the truth. If only.

Sure, Big Media can have 24/7 coverage of trivial matters like a President's private sex life (NEWS FLASH: Powerful men are known to have affairs and may even - gasp - lie about it!). Or a bungled and clumsy break-in at the Watergate. But the really big stories are never printed,  the research is not allowed, and the truth is only whispered about privately, and carefully.

Shills in the Big Media are the central reason why the truth about many matters of great importance will never be told. Sure they will tell you about a titillating scandal, or about a tax cut, or a bombing. But get close to stories related to real power, and these Big Media hacks run the other way.

The proof?

In May of 2001, The Disclosure Project ( held a major international press conference at the National Press Club in Washington DC. Hosted by legendary White House reporter Sarah McClendon, the event featured over 20 top-secret government, military, intelligence  and corporate witnesses to UFO events and projects. No flakes amongst these: The witness testimony presented ranged from Brig. General to Colonels to a top FAA official. The National Press Club ball room was packed with media from around the world and the event was - briefly - reported on CNN, BBC, Fox and many other outlets.

This two-hour event was the most watched live press event on the Internet and eventually over 1 million people saw the event on the net. We called for a full investigation into illegal covert programs dealing with UFOs and covert energy and propulsion projects. Congressional hearings were requested and the media were asked to fully investigate the matter. Tens of thousands of people wrote members of Congress and the US President asking for full, open, honest hearings at which some of the over 400 military and government-connected witnesses identified by The Disclosure Project could testify. (The reader may read the testimony of over 5 dozen of these witnesses in the book Disclosure or view their testimony at

Interestingly, the first hour of the event was externally electronically jammed by "someone outside the Press Club", according to Internet hosting company Connect Live. (Sources later confirmed that this was an electronic warfare jamming of the broadcast.)

Senior producers at two Big Media networks, who had been briefed in advance and were planning major exposes in their newsmagazine programs, later told me that they were not allowed to go forward with their investigations or broadcast the programs. When I asked why, they simply said, "They just won't let us do it." And when I ask who are 'they', I was told, "Dr. Greer, you know who they are…"


Here, smoking gun evidence, official government documents and dozens of credible, corroborated, top-secret witnesses were presented to the world's major media - and Big Media did virtually nothing. On major stories, involving controversial matters, I am told the New York Times requires three points of corroboration. Here, dozens were presented, from men and women with impeccable credentials and high national security clearances - and they were not anonymous sources, but presented with name, rank and serial number! But the coverage was brief (just enough to allow for 'plausible freedom of the press', I am told by insiders) and then quickly taken down. And no Big Media entity was allowed to do serious follow-up investigations. And none have occurred up to this date.

Such 'editorial discretion' has been abused hundreds of times to keep big stories out of the major media. People do not realize it, but we already live in an extremely controlled and closed society that is micro-managed by an elite few - all the while looking populist, democratic and open. As I write this a few miles from Thomas Jefferson's home, Monticello, I can feel him spinning in his grave…

Meanwhile, it is up to us to get the truth out, notwithstanding the overwhelming force and corruption of the Big Media. It is almost too late - but not quite. With a Herculean effort, we might yet get the facts out before the public before the control freaks run the entire biosphere into the ground and we end up, Mad Max-like, fighting over the last barrel of oil in endless oil wars.

Perhaps someone in Big Media will step up to the plate and do the matter justice. But more likely, we need to identify a financial sponsor to start what I am calling "The Disclosure Network" via satellite. With adequate funding, we could begin real investigative reporting on issues that really matter - and renew the promise of a free press.

Until then, spread the word and get the truth out. Ultimately, if the people will lead the leaders will follow. Time is getting short for the corrupt corporate Big Media to regain its role as the Fourth Estate. And the earth cannot take another 50 years of ecological abuse, geopolitical instability born out of the injustice of poverty, and more oil wars. It is up to us to change course and create the sustainable civilization necessary for peace. For without peace there can be no future - and peace is impossible without truth, an open society and justice. There is time to act, but we must act now.

Steven M. Greer MD
Director, Disclosure Project
29 April 2004
Albemarle County, Virginia



Leading Journalists Expose Major News Cover-ups by Media Corporations

Below are some astounding statements from a summary of the book Into the Buzzsaw on the informative website In this eye-opening compilation, 18 award-winning journalists describe in detail how they were prevented by corporate media ownership from reporting major, revealing news stories. These courageous journalists have won numerous awards, amongst others several Emmys and a Pulitzer. This message is sent with the hope of strengthening democracy and building a brighter future for all of us.

Kristina Borjesson—CBS, Emmy award winner. Pierre Salinger announced on Nov. 8, 1996, that he’d received documents proving that a US Navy missile had accidentally downed TWA flight 800. That same day, FBI’s Jim Kallstrom called a press conference. At one point, a man raised his hand and asked why the Navy was involved in the investigation while a possible suspect. “Remove him!” Kallstrom yelled. Two men leapt over to the questioner and grabbed him by the arms. There was a momentary chill in the air after the guy had been dragged out of the room. Kallstrom and entourage acted as if nothing had happened. Jim Kallstrom was later hired by CBS.

Jane Akre—Fox News. After our struggle to air an honest report on hormones in your milk, Fox fired the general manager of our station. The new general manager said that if we didn’t agree to changes that the lawyers were insisting upon, we’d be fired for insubordination. We pleaded with him to look at the facts we’d uncovered. His reply: “We paid $3 billion dollars for these TV stations. We’ll tell you what the news is. The news is what we say it is!” After we refused, Fox’s general manager presented us an agreement that would give us a full year of salary, and benefits worth close to $200,000 in “consulting jobs,” but with strings attached: no mention of how Fox covered up the story and no opportunity to ever expose the facts. After declining, we were fired.

Monika Jensen-Stevenson—Emmy-winning producer for 60 minutes. Robert Garwood—14 years a prisoner of the Vietnamese—was found guilty in the longest court-martial in US history. At the end of the court-martial, there seemed no question that he was a monstrous traitor. In 1985, Garwood was speaking publicly about something that had never made the news during his court-martial. He knew of other American prisoners in Vietnam long after the war was over. My sources included outstanding experts like former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency General Tighe and returned POWs like Captain McDaniel, who held the Navy’s top award for bravery. With such advocates, it was hard not to consider the possibility that prisoners (some 3,500) had in fact been kept by the Vietnamese as hostages to make sure the US would pay the more than $3 billion in war reparations.

Gary Webb—San Jose Mercury News, Pulitzer Prize winner. In 1996, I wrote a series of stories that began this way: A Bay Area drug ring sold tons of cocaine to the Crips and Bloods gangs of LA and funneled millions in drug profits to a guerilla army run by the CIA. The cocaine that flooded in helped spark a crack explosion in urban America. The story developed a momentum all of its own, despite a virtual news blackout from the major media. Ultimately, it was public pressure that forced the national newspapers into the fray. The Washington Post, the New York Times, and the Los Angeles Times published stories, but spent little time exploring the CIA’s activities. Instead, my reporting and I became the focus of their scrutiny. It was remarkable that the four Washington Post reporters assigned to debunk the series could not find a single significant factual error. A few months later, the Mercury News, under intense CIA pressure, backed away from the story, publishing a long column apologizing for “shortcomings” in the series. The New York Times splashed the apology on their front page, the first time the series had ever been mentioned there. I quit the Mercury News not long after that.

For more on these and the eye-opening stories of other leading journalists, go to the two-page summary of Into the Buzzsaw at Or even better, go straight to the information-packed 10-page summary at If these stories were reported in headline news where they belong, caring citizens would be astounded and demand to know more. This has not happened, which is why we feel compelled to provide them here.

To understand more about the impact of all this, go to The entire website is dedicated both to providing a concise, reliable introduction to incredibly important information that is being hidden from us, and to inspiring us to work together to strengthen democracy and to build a better world. You can help to build a brighter future now by educating yourself on these vital issues, and by forwarding this message to your friends and colleagues and asking them to do the same. Thank you for caring. Together we can and will build a better world for ourselves and our children.


Sydney Morning Herald

Unsigned Circles

September 22nd 2004

By Bernard Zuel

It's all Mel Gibson's fault. Make a movie about crop circles and their role in the coming of the little green men and, next thing you know, it's oogedy-boogedy central, even at the ABC. Not that we want to pre-judge the evidence, of course; we'r e all open-minded folks here, particularly the Geminis.

After all, the chances that a higher force, a wise and superior being living in the cosmos, is communicating with us by creating fabulous patterns in grain fields (though almost always in Western, English-speaking countries) is at least as good as any of Eric von Daniken's theories. Or Ron Howard's Cocoon movie.

Certainly, the researchers quoted at length (and without counter arguments or even demands for hard facts) believe so and they are honourable men and women, are they not? If they believe that it's crisscrossing energy fields, or energy waves that produce music, or a non-human intelligence creating these phenomenon, who are those cynical, bitter and twisted armchair experts to doubt them? Remember, they didn't believe Doris Stokes either.


The New York Times

Media get a blogging from internet pundits

October 30th, 2004

In a divided nation, journalists are under fire from all sides, writes Jim Rutenberg.

Practising cheap and dirty politics, playing fast and loose with facts and even lying: these accusations, and worse, have been nonstop this year.

The accused are not the candidates, but the mainstream news media. And the accusers are an ever growing army of internet writers, many of them partisans, who reach hundreds of thousands of people a day.

Journalists covering the campaign believe the intent is often to bully them into caving in to a particular point of view. They insist the efforts have not swayed them significantly, although others worry they could eventually have a chilling effect.

Many of the internet writers say they have been empowered by the web to begin serving as a long-needed real-time check on mainstream outlets and reporters, who they say wield too much power, sometimes irresponsibly and often with hidden partisan motives.

"The traditional players, including the press, have lost some of the control or exclusive control they used to have," said Jay Rosen, chairman of the journalism department at New York University, who keeps his own weblog.

But "I think there's a campaign under way to totally politicise journalism and totally politicise press criticism," he said. "It's really an attack not just on the liberal media or press bias, it's an attack on professionalism itself - on the idea that there could be disinterested reporters."

The harshest criticism comes from sites with open political leanings. The conservative Media Research Centre posts a daily list of supposed infractions on its website. A typical item, posted last week: CBS News did not identify a September 11 widow voicing support for Kerry, Kristen Breitweiser, as "an outspoken, anti-Bush activist". Sandy Genelius, a CBS News spokesman, said the report was "straightforward, fair and accurate".

Media Matters for America, financed by liberals to combat groups like Media Research Centre, this week accused NBC's Meet the Press of "skewing its media roundtable discussion to the right," an assertion that a spokesman for the show said was absurd.

But the most personal critiques originate among the political weblogs - especially from the left - run by individuals who use news media reports for their often heated political discussions.

Many sites urge visitors to call reporters and news organisations and send email messages, which can number in the hundreds daily.

The New York Times is a favorite target of critics of all political persuasions. The paper came in for particularly harsh criticism on conservative sites this week for its article about the disappearance of 342 tonnes of powerful explosives from an Iraqi military complex. The article quoted the Iraqi interim government as saying that the disappearance occurred after the fall of Baghdad.

The White House has said the explosives may have been removed while Saddam Hussein was in power. Bloggers questioned the timing and accuracy of the report, done in conjunction with the CBS program 60 Minutes, with one saying the paper "has no interest in accuracy or integrity" and others directing people to call and write to the paper.

Most political reporters interviewed for this article insisted that outside forces did not sway them from being fair, although a couple admitted that they could not rule out having pulled punches in small and even subconscious ways. Some of the effects are more obvious.

When 60 Minutes reported on documents purporting to show George Bush received preferential treatment in the Air National Guard, questions about the documents' authenticity originated and caught fire on the FreeRepublic and PowerLine blog sites.

Mainstream outlets followed.

CBS News admitted two weeks later that it could not authenticate the documents.

The NBC anchor, Tom Brokaw, recently likened the tone of the internet coverage of the CBS National Guard report, presented by the anchor Dan Rather, to a "political jihad".

Brokaw said last week that CBS News had clearly made mistakes. But he added: "I think there were people just lying in the internet bushes, waiting to strike, and I think that particular episode gave them a big opportunity."

Published on Tuesday, November 23, 2004 by The Nation
Stenographers to Power
by John Nichols
The best question asked in the aftermath of the 2004 US election came from a British newspaper, The Daily Mirror, which inquired over a picture of George W. Bush, "How can 59,054,087 be so dumb?

Now, another British newspaper has answered the question. A new marketing campaign for The Weekly Guardian, one of the most respected publications in the world, features images of a dancing Bush and notes that, "Many US citizens think the world backed the war in Iraq. Maybe it's the papers they're reading."

The weekly compendium of articles and analyses of global affairs from Britain's liberal Guardian newspaper has long been regarded as an antidote to government controlled, spun and inept local media. Nelson Mandela, when he was held in South Africa's Pollsmor Prison, referred to the Weekly Guardian as a "window on the wider world."

But is it really appropriate to compare the United States in 2004 with a warped media market like South Africa during apartheid days?

Actually, the comparison may be a bit unfair to South African media in the apartheid era--when many courageous journalists struggled to speak truth to power.

No serious observer of the current circumstance in the United States would suggest that our major media serves the cause of democracy. Years of consolidation and bottom-line pressures have forced even once responsible media to allow entertainment and commercial values to supersede civic and democratic values when making news decisions. And the determination to color within the lines of official spin is such that even the supposed pinnacles of the profession--the New York Times, the Washington Post and CBS News' 60 Minutes--have been forced to acknowledge that they got the story of the rush to war with Iraq wrong.

There can be apologies. But there cannot be excuses because, of course, media in the rest of the world got that story right.

And there are consequences when major media blows big stories. As the Weekly Guardian's new marketing campaign suggests, a lot of Americans voted for George W. Bush on November 2 on the basis of wrong assumptions.

According to a survey conducted during the fall campaign season by the Program on International Policy Attitudes--a joint initiative of the Center on Policy Attitudes and the Center for International and Security Studies at the University of Maryland School of Public Affairs--a lot of what Americans know is wrong.

Despite the fact that surveys by the Gallup organization and other polling firms have repeatedly confirmed that the vast majority of citizens of other countries opposed the war in Iraq, the PIPA survey found that only 31 percent of Bush supporters recognized that the majority of people in the world opposed the Bush administration's decision to invade Iraq.

Amazingly, according to the PIPA poll, 57 percent of Bush supporters assumed that the majority of people in the world would favor Bush's reelection, while only 33 percent assumed that global views regarding Bush were evenly divided. Only 9 percent of Bush backers correctly assumed that Kerry was the world's choice.

That wasn't the end of the misperception.

"Even after the final report of Charles Duelfer to Congress saying that Iraq did not have a significant WMD program, 72 percent of Bush supporters continue to believe that Iraq had actual WMD (47 percent) or a major program for developing them (25 percent)," explained the summary of PIPA's polling. "Fifty-six percent assume that most experts believe Iraq had actual WMD and 57 percent also assume, incorrectly, that Duelfer concluded Iraq had at least a major WMD program."

"Similarly," the pollsters found, "75 percent of Bush supporters continue to believe that Iraq was providing substantial support to al Qaeda, and 63 percent believe that clear evidence of this support has been found. Sixty percent of Bush supporters assume that this is also the conclusion of most experts, and 55 percent assume, incorrectly, that this was the conclusion of the 9/11 Commission."

PIPA analysts suggest that the "tendency of Bush supporters to ignore dissonant information" offers some explanation for these numbers. And there is something to that. After all, Kerry backers displayed a far sounder sense of reality in PIPA surveys.

But unless we want to assume that close to 60 million Americans look at the world only through Bush-colored glasses, there has to be some acceptance of the fact that good citizens who consume American media come away with dramatic misconceptions about the most vital issues of the day.

Sure, Fox warps facts intentionally. But what about CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, USA Today, the New York Times and the Washington Post, as well as most local media across the country? They may strive to be more accurate than Fox or talk-radio personalities such as Rush Limbaugh. But they still fed the American people an inaccurate picture when they allowed the Bush team to peddle lies about Iraq and other issues without aggressively and consistently challenging those misstatements of fact.

America has many great journalists. And there are still good newspapers, magazines and broadcast programs. But, taken as a whole, US media--with its obsessive focus on John Kerry's Vietnam record, its neglect of fundamental economic and environmental issues and its stenographic repetition of even the most absurd claims by the president and vice president--warped the debate in 2004.

Some of those 59,054,087 Bush voters may have been dumb.

But a far better explanation for the election result is summed up by the Weekly Guardian's observation that, "Maybe it's the papers they're reading."

John Nichols, The Nation's Washington correspondent, has covered progressive politics and activism in the United States and abroad for more than a decade. He is currently the editor of the editorial page of Madison, Wisconsin's Capital Times.

© 2004 The Nation



And another important contribution from the team:


This message is available on the Internet at
Project Censored specializes in covering the top news stories which were either ignored or downplayed by the mainstream media each year. This Sonoma State University research group is composed of nearly 200 faculty, students and community experts who review about 1000 story submissions for coverage, content, reliability of sources and national significance. The top 25 stories are submitted to a panel of judges who then rank them in order of importance. The results are published each year in an excellent book, available for purchase at their website,, and most major book stores.
A summary of this year's list provided below proves quite revealing and most informative. The headline of each story contains a link for those who want to check the sources and read more. I highly recommend these very well researched reports. A visit to the website at may also be well worth your time. Thanks to the Internet and wonderful, committed groups like Project Censored, the news is getting out to those who want to know. By revealing all that is going on and working to stop the excessive secrecy, we are creating a better world, one step at a time.

Censored 2005: The Top 25 Censored Media Stories of 2003-2004


#1: Wealth Inequality in 21st Century Threatens Economy and Democracy

Wealth inequality increased dramatically in the United States in the late 1990s. The top 5% is now capturing an increasingly greater portion of the pie while the bottom 95% is clearly losing ground, resulting in the rapidly vanishing middle class. This trend is the product of legislative policies carefully crafted and lobbied for by corporations and the ultra-wealthy over the past 25 years. America's economic trends have a global footprint. Today, the top 400 income earners in the U.S. make as much in a year as the entire population of the 20 poorest countries in Africa. A series of reports released in 2003 by the UN warn that further increases in the imbalance in wealth throughout the world will have catastrophic effects if left unchecked, such as the collapse of the entire global economy.

#2: Ashcroft vs. the Human Rights Law that Holds Corporations Accountable

Attorney General John Ashcroft is seeking to strike down one of the world's oldest human rights laws, the Alien Torts Claim Act (ATCA) which holds government leaders, corporations, and senior military officials liable for human rights abuses taking place in foreign countries. Organizations such as Human Rights Watch (HRW) vehemently oppose the removal of this law, as it is one of the few legal defenses victims of human rights violations can claim against powerful organizations such as governments or multinational corporations. By attempting to throw out this law, the Bush Administration is effectively opening the door for human rights abuses to continue under the veil of foreign relations diplomacy.

#3: Bush Administration Censors Science

In Washington D.C. more than 60 of the nation's top scientists, including 20 Nobel laureates, medical experts, and former federal agency directors, issued a statement February 18, 2004 accusing the Bush Administration of deliberately distorting scientific results for political ends. They are calling for regulatory and legislative action to restore scientific integrity to federal policymaking. Under the current administration, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has blacklisted scientists who pose a threat to pro-business ideology, and many unqualified scientists with close industry ties have been appointed to advisory boards.

#4: High Levels of Uranium Found in Troops and Civilians

Civilian populations in Afghanistan and Iraq and occupying troops have been contaminated with astounding levels of radioactive uranium as a result of post-9/11 use of tons of uranium munitions by the U.S. Four million pounds of radioactive uranium were dropped on Iraq in 2003 alone. Most American weapons (missiles, smart bombs, bullets, tank shells, cruise missiles, etc.) contain high amounts of uranium that on detonation, release a radioactive dust. Once ingested, these subatomic particles slice through DNA. With a half-life of 4.5 billion years, it is a permanent contaminant distributed throughout the environment. Scientists from around the world testify to the huge increase in birth deformities and cancers wherever uranium munitions have been used. The effects of the U.S. deployment will be felt in all the neighboring countries in the Middle East and Asia, as well as in our returning troops.

#5: The Wholesale Giveaway of Our Natural Resources

The Bush Administration's environmental policies are destroying much of the environmental progress made over the past 30 years. Between the "Clean Skies Initiative," a recent policy that allows power plants to emit more than five times more mercury and twice as much sulfur dioxide, and the "Healthy Forests Initiative," which allows the wholesale liquidation of ancient forests by corporate timber interests under the guise of fire prevention, resource extraction and pollution is occurring at unprecedented rates.

#6: The Sale of Electoral Politics

Conflicts of interest exist between the largest suppliers of electronic voting machines in the United States and key leaders in the Republican Party. While the voting machines themselves present some technical issues, the political affiliations within the voting machine industry pose even more serious questions. The three major companies involved in implementing the new, often faulty, technology at voting stations throughout the country have strong ties to the Bush Administration, Republican leaders, and major defense contractors.

#7: Conservative Organization Drives Judicial Appointments

In 2001 George W. Bush eliminated the longstanding influence of the American Bar Association (ABA) in the evaluation of the prospective federal judges. ABA's judicial ratings had long kept extremists from the right and left off the bench. In its place, Bush has been using the Federal Society for Law and Public Policy Studies--a national organization whose mission is to advance a conservative agenda by moving the country's legal system to the right. One of the most important issues in the country is the control of one of the three branches of government, the judiciary. While Presidents and Congress-members get elected every few years, judicial appointments are for life, Our courts deal with nearly every aspect of life; work conditions and wages, schools, civil rights, affirmative action, crime and punishment, abortion and the environment, amongst others.

#8: Cheney's Energy Task Force and The Energy Policy

Cheney Energy Task Force documents turned over in the summer of 2003 by the Commerce Department as a result of the Freedom of Information Act lawsuit brought by Sierra Club and Judicial Watch contain maps of Iraqi oilfields, pipelines, refineries and terminals. The documents, dated March 2001, also contain plans of occupation and exploitation that predate September 11, confirming suspicions that the Bush Administration energy policy is driving U.S. military strategy.

#9: Widow Brings RICO Case Against U.S. government for 9/11

Ellen Mariani became widowed when her husband Louis Neil Mariani perished in the collision between United Airlines flight 175 and the South Tower of the World Trade Center. In addition to her refusal of the government's million-dollar settlement offer, Mrs. Mariani has filed a 62 page complaint in federal district court charging that President Bush and officials: (1) had adequate foreknowledge of 911, yet failed to warn the country or attempt to prevent it; (2) have since been covering up the truth of that day; (3) have therefore abetted the murder of plaintiff's husband and violated the Constitution and multiple laws of the United States; and (4) are thus being sued under the Civil Racketeering, Influences, and Corrupt Organization (RICO) Act for Malfeasant conspiracy, obstruction of justice and wrongful death.

#10: New Nuke Plants: Taxpayers Support, Industry Profits

Senator Peter Domenici (R-NM), along with the Bush Administration, is looking to give the nuclear power industry a huge boost through the new Energy Policy Act. The Domenici-sponsored bill will give nuclear power plants credits costing taxpayers an estimated 7.5 billion dollars, to build six new privately owned, for-profit reactors across the country. Safety standards will be lowered and liability will be passed on to taxpayers. This is in addition to the $4 billion already provided for other nuclear energy programs.

#11: The Media Can Legally Lie

In 2003, a Florida Court of Appeals ruled that there are no written rules against distorting news in the media. It agreed with an argument by Fox Television that, under the First Amendment, broadcasters have the right to lie or deliberately distort news reports on public airwaves. Under the current ruling, it is up to the public to discover whether or not they are being lied to.

#12: The Destabilization of Haiti

On February 29, 2004, President Jean-Bertrand Aristide was forced into exile by American military. While U.S. officials were eventually forced to acknowledge the kidnapping allegations, they were quick to discredit them and deny responsibility. Meanwhile, the circumstances that led to the current situation in Haiti, as well as the history of U.S. involvement, are being ignored by U.S. officials and the mainstream media.

#13: Schwarzenegger Met with Enron's Ken Lay Years Before the California Recall

In 2002, while the California Governor and his deputy were attempting to re-regulate the energy industry (and get back the $9 billion that was defrauded from California taxpayers by Enron and other energy companies) Arnold Schwarzenegger was being groomed to overthrow Governor Davis in a recall - and cancel plans to re-regulate or to recoup the $9 billion. Back in May of 2001, in the midst of California's energy crisis, Schwarzenegger met with Enron's Ken Lay to discuss "fixing" California's energy crisis.

#14: New Bill Threatens Intellectual Freedom in Area Studies

The International Studies in Higher Education Act of 2003 threatens academic freedom and classroom curriculum. Under this act, professors whose ideological principles do not support U.S. practices abroad can have their appointments terminated, any course curriculum containing criticism of U.S. foreign policy can be censored, and any course deemed anti-American can be barred from the classroom.

#15: U.S. Develops Lethal New Viruses

Scientists funded by the US government have developed a way to make pox viruses incredibly deadly. The stated goal of this research is to fight possible bio-terror attacks. The new virus kills all mice even if they have been given antiviral drugs along with a vaccine that would normally protect the victim from death.

#16: Law Enforcement Agencies Spy on Innocent Citizens

With little media comment, federal, state and local agencies have begun working as partners in the collection, analysis, and dissemination of intelligence information. Under the "Global Intelligence Working Group" (that oversees the new network) police departments receive increased funding for surveillance activity. This has resulted in the recent COINTELPRO-style instances of police infiltration of groups critical of government policies.

#17: U.S. Government Represses Labor Unions in Iraq in Quest for Business Privatization

According to the Wall Street Journal, the Bush Administration has "sweeping plans to remake Iraq's economy in the US image." The US is calling for the privatization of state-owned industries such as oil and water. But it has chosen not to overturn Sadaam-era edicts that outlaw unions. Every day the economic policies of occupying authorities create more hunger among Iraq's working people, transforming them into a pool of low-wage, semi-employed labor, desperate for jobs at any price.

#18: Media and Government Ignore Dwindling Oil Supplies

Even industry executives affirm that oil is close to reaching, or may have already reached, its highest levels of production potential. Once the peak is reached, oil prices will start to rise (as they have every year since 2000). As oil decline accelerates, prices will rise even faster, with devastating effects to the US economy. Over the years, U.S. leaders, bowing to oil industry pressure, have not worked to develop viable alternatives (as they have done in Europe).

#19: Global Food Cartel Fast Becoming the World's Supermarket

Agribusiness and supermarket alliances are transforming the agri-food system into a powerful network of transnational corporations. They now have the power to control the world's food supply at every stage of food production. As fewer corporations control food production, traditional farming is becoming a high-tech form of serfdom. Lack of competition is leading to higher prices, lower choice and quality, and employee abuse.

#20: Extreme Weather Prompts New Warning from UN

In 2003, The UN's World Meteorological Organization reported unprecedented levels of extreme weather and climate occurrences all over the world. The report emphasized an alarming increase in global warming and pointed to the impact of human activity. The significance of this particular report is that the highly respected UN organization is known for its normally conservative predictions and statements.

#21: Forcing a World Market for GMOs

The Bush Administration is trying to force Europe to drop trade barriers against genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Meanwhile, the agricultural biotechnology industry is focusing even more intently on developing countries, where regulations governing their use are generally more lax. At the same time, biotech promoters continue to suppress studies that show GMOs may have adverse effects on health and the environment.

#22: Censoring Iraq

After the fall of Saddam, Paul Bremer told journalists they were now "free to criticize whoever, or whatever, you want." But when negative critiques of U.S. policies appeared in the Iraqi media, Bremer quickly placed controls on its content. And rather than hiring a media outlet to run the Iraqi media (or simply allowing the news groups already there to continue reporting), the Pentagon chose a defense contractor to define the news.

#23: Brazil Holds Back in FTAA Talks, But Provides Little Comfort for the Poor of South America

The Free Trade Area of the America's (FTAA) could become the biggest trading block in history, expanding NAFTA to 34 countries from Canada to the bottom of South America. This deal is unlikely to meet its January 2005 deadline, now that the second largest player in the negotiations, Brazil, is holding back. However, Brazilian President Lula has begun, of his own volition, to institute his own brand of FTAA austerity policies that are sure to drive the poor of the region deeper into poverty.

#24: Reinstating the Draft

The Selective Service System (SSS), the Bush Administration, and the Pentagon have been quietly moving to fill draft board vacancies nationwide in order to prepare for a military draft that could start as early as June 15, 2005. Several million dollars have been added to the 2004 SSS budget. Meanwhile, through an on-going militarization of public school systems, the Pentagon has begun efforts to double the number of Latinos in the U.S. military by 2006.

#25: Wal-Mart Brings Inequality and Low Prices to the World

The vision of the international division of Wal-Mart is one where Wal-Mart becomes a global brand, just like McDonald's or Coca- Cola, monopolizing the global retail market. The next five or six years could see about 5,000 to 6,000 Wal-Mart stores outside of the United States. Wal-Mart is Americanizing retailing around the world and exercising an inordinate amount of economic power.



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