Please scroll right down for a very enlightening update

with the complete correspondence briefly excerpted here:

 "I am convinced by your arguments concerning my project to provide a summary version of Steven's books. I now agree with you, that this endeavor would be worthless because of all the inaccuracies and omissions involved in the translations. So, I have decided to cancel all work involved in this undertaking." Maurice Osborn, August 11th, 2005

[Excerpt from Michael Horn's newsletter.  (Note: The book promotion was taken down a short time later.) ]


So, Wendelle Stevens has put copies of the texts of the first two books on CDs and, since the original books contained edited and incomplete translations (due to the controversial nature of the information regarding religions, governments, etc.) these ebooks contain both the original, edited pages and the complete, unedited transcripts.

In addition, Maurice Osborn has made available a 338-page paperback book, THE ESSENCE OF THE NOTES, that gives concise, detailed overviews of all of the information in the first 76 contacts. He has done a remarkable job of presenting this information. The richness of information in these early contacts is amazing, especially considering its relevance today.

You can find these new items at:


From:"" <>
Subject: Maurice's book
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Date: Friday, 27 April 2007 1:40 PM
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Dear Michael and Christian,

Please see below for the problems I have found in Maurice Osborn's book, just as a result of a brief look into a page here and there. Although some errors are probably not very important, (like describing those who are spiritually growing as, "always presented with the incense of eternity, which never fades away and has the fragrance of a beautiful rose.") others, like on (p.24) "Meier is told that he will indulge in different vices." and "Within ten years, an evil possession will suddenly take over his body and he will live a different life" are needlessly asking for trouble. Similarly, "But the truth can only be spread with harshness just as peace can only be forced by nuclear power." (!!) (Somehow, "forcible forcelessness" has become "nuclear power".) And how did he get the notion that Jmmanuel was once in Florida? P. 303

If this problematic interpretation of the notes is allowed to circulate, without correction of such points, and with your O.K., Michael, (and apparently FIGU's) you can imagine the kind of trouble we will have trying to correct it. After all, why would people then take our word for it? Perhaps Maurice can correct the worst of these things, as suggested, but are there other similar problems in it? It will be quite a job to check the whole thing.

Maurice invites us to tell him of errors. I am doing so with these few. But checking the rest is a big job, as you could well imagine, and I wonder if it is really practical.

As you will see, some of these problematic parts come from parts which Wendelle left out, at least in our version (1988). I'm asking Maurice where he took it from. Do you know, Michael?

Perhaps over-all it will do more good than harm but, the above points really should be addressed.

I'm sending the below to Maurice now.

Cheers, Vivienne

Dear Maurice,

We have just bought your book, "The Essence of the Notes" and I thank you for all your trouble to help make that information available to people. I can see a lot of work has gone into it. You have asked for any errors to be brought to your attention so that you can correct them. It seems that you have relayed a lot of the information quite accurately and in accord with Wendelle's translation, but I have noticed a few errors just after a brief look through small parts of your text. It looks like it would have perhaps been a combination of confusing translations but also some of your own misunderstandings. While some of these errors are not very important, others could be quite misleading and problematic. The following are a mixture.

From where did you take the interpretations for your "Spiritualism" section? I see they are summaries of the parts that Wendelle left out (at least in the 1988 version we have).

The use of the word Spiritualism is problematic because it refers to a certain religion/ideology, and although Billy criticizes adherents of Spiritualism here and there he does not ever teach it. What he does teach us about is spirituality which is beyond all ideologies or religions such as Spiritualism. Since this is a main plank of the Plejaren/Meier teachings it is important to get it right. A look in the dictionary should clarify this confusion for you.

Also, where does the "Laws of God" title come from? P. 176 Shouldn't it read, "Laws of Creation"?

The following is another line which is not in our version of Wendell's translation. p.294. "But the truth can only be spread with harshness just as peace can only be forced by nuclear power." The German is, "Doch die Wahrheit kann nur vebreitet werden durch Härte genauso wie Frieden nur durch nackte gewaltsame Gewaltlosigkeit erzwungen werden kann." Which translates roughly to "Indeed the truth can only be spread through hardness exactly as peace can only be through naked forcible forcelessness. (Forcible forcelessness is a term explained elsewhere which applies to such actions as, when necessary, restraining dangerous criminals by locking them up, but it never refers to the use of nuclear power. It could be better translated as "enforced non-violence")

I'll list some more points I noticed, which will lead to confusions in the future if not corrected.

Somewhere I think you have confused the transmission of the Asket reports about the Jmmanuel trip with the Arahat Athersata or Petale transmissions. Jmmanuel didn't have lessons for Billy to pass on. Unfortunately, for the moment I can't remember which page you had that on.

How did you arrive at (p.24) "Meier is told that he will indulge in different vices." And "Within ten years, an evil possession will suddenly take over his body and he will live a different life".

Where did you get the notion that Jmmanuel was once in Florida? P. 303

Regarding the spiritual teachings, here is one of concern.

On page 164 there is a fairly serious error. "This is their inner spiritual being, which is infinitely easier and uncomplicated. It forms a trinity of transcendental reality with understanding, knowledge, wisdom, love and liberty." The German that I have here does not say trinity (Dreiheit) but Einheit (ie unity) This is very important because elsewhere Arahat Athersata (I think) explains that teachings which include a trinity concept are particularly bad and we know from our exposure to a lot of the spiritual teachings that no such trinity idea is part of the Plejaren/Meier teachings.

There are a few other points in these spiritual teachings which are incorrect but it probably doesn't make sense to continue until you have responded about the above-mentioned points.

It seems clear from a cursory look at your work that you have access to other incorrect translations/information separate to the erroneous Steven's translations. Can you please tell us what that source is so we can try to sort out this problem.

I hope to hear from you soon.


Vivienne Legg


Michael"Michael" <>
Subject: Re: Maurice's book
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Date: Saturday, 28 April 2007 1:31 AM
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Hi Vivienne, Dyson and Christian,

I have some suggestions:

We can discontinue selling the book.


We can further clarify the errors on the website and I can attach a letter with each copy detailing the specific and important inaccuracies.

If we want to do the latter, Dyson's specific points, for any and all erroneous/objectionable material would be included, if he wishes to undertake this.

BTW, I do remember reading (in the Contact Notes) something about Jmmanuel having been to Florida (I doubt that he was vacationing in Miami Beach). And I think the evil possession line was in there, unless I'm mistaken.




FIGU - Christian Frehner"FIGU - Christian Frehner" <>
To: Michael"Michael" <>
Subject: Re: Maurice's book
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Date: Saturday, 28 April 2007 4:24 AM
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Hi Vivienne, Dyson and Michael,

Thanks Vivienne for your reading. I did not read the book, but reading
through your few points of mistakes etc. brings me to the conclusion
that we cannot and should not promote this book, at least not without
detailed information about the mistakes and grave errors, like trinity
instead of unity. A letter with explanations should be a must.

I don't have the time, though, to do this.

Well, we'll see what Maurice will answer.



Maurice Osborn"Maurice Osborn" <>
Subject: I am glad that you have a copy of my book
Attachments: ESSENCE0.RTF, Messages Contents and References.doc
Print Reply Reply All Forward
Date: Saturday, 28 April 2007 8:44 PM
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Dear Vivienne,
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
I am glad that you have a copy of my book, ?The Essence of the Notes? and that you are sharing with me various concerns that you have about the accuracy of it. Many of the corrections seem valid to me, but I will first confirm the mistakes through FIGU before I make any changes to the book. While I am grateful for finally receiving this feedback, I am quite puzzled by the timing.
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
All of this time, I have been working on this project all alone with no help from anybody and a lot of resistance to boot! Now, all of a sudden, I am receiving feedback on a published book that I so desperately needed beforehand. Your Email states that you derived your information of my work from a book that you recently purchased. I find this to be amazing since I know from a mutual acquaintance that you have downloaded my book from my website ( and have had access to it for a long time now. So naturally, I am curious why there has been no help previously, especially since my offer to send you a free copy of my book was refused.
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
To answer your question regarding my source for the Billy Meier translations in my ?Spiritualism? chapter, I have included the References for Chapter 5 below. The numbers after each heading refer to the contact number, followed by the sentence numbers involved. As you can see, this information was derived from various contacts starting with contact 1 through 69.
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
You stated, ?I see they are summaries of the parts that Wendelle left out (at least in the 1988 version we have).? Naturally, I do not know what your source is, but I do know that Mr. Stevens removed contacts 34 through 53 from his CD of volume 2 of ?Messages from the Pleiades?. I have been able to recover most of these from David Chance (chancede@SLU.EDU) who was kind enough to mail me photocopies of the missing pages. I scanned these pages into picture files that I converted into text. Now, I have recently learned that Wendelle is providing unedited CDs of his books for Michael Horn to sell. You can contact Michael at:
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
Your next question asks, ?where does the "Laws of God" title come from?? This came from a list of topics discussed in the Contacts that was derived independently. I simply copied this heading, but I agree with you that it should say, ?Laws of Creation?.
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
You have also stated, ?Somewhere I think you have confused the transmission of the Asket reports about the Jmmanuel trip with the Arahat Athersata or Petale transmissions. Jmmanuel didn't have lessons for Billy to pass on. Unfortunately, for the moment I can't remember which page you had that on.? When you discover what page you are referring to, please let me know.
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
Next, you asked, ?How did you arrive at (p.24) "Meier is told that he will indulge in different vices." And "Within ten years, an evil possession will suddenly take over his body and he will live a different life".? On page 471 of the second volume, sentence 19, it says, ?So also will come with different vises, for which you still will indulge.? Sentence 22 states, ?Already now I want to tell you, within less than ten years having to pass the until then hardest examination of your life.? Sentence 25 says, ?A large change will suddenly take your body in possession, by what you suddenly will live a new life.? Did I transcribe this inaccurately?
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
Finally, you asked, ?Where did you get the notion that Jmmanuel was once in Florida? P. 303.? Well, on page 94 of the missing pages, Ptaah?s sentences 196 and 197 states, ?In Hyperborea, in Florida, when it was still at the place where still today the land is called Greenland. But Jmmanuel was not there, because he was later in Florida where it can be found today.? Did I transcribe this inaccurately?
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
Due to the expense of the added pages, the cross-reference sections between Wendelle?s book and mine were not included with the book. However, I am attaching these sections with this Email. These sections should make it possible for you to find the exact location within Wendelle?s books where you can find the exact information that I used in my book. If you have any problems, please let me know and I will be happy to assist you as I have done with all of your previous questions.
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
I am sending a copy of your Email and my reply to the FIGU group in Switzerland. I will let you know what they decide regarding the changes that you have suggested. Please feel free to provide me with all of your concerns so that they can be acted upon quickly. But before asking what my sources are for anything in my book, I would suggest that you simply look at the heading of every segment, which indicates the exact contact and sentence reference numbers involved. Thank you for your help with insuring the accuracy of my book. It is greatly appreciated.
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
Spiritual reason & wisdom of Earth humans 4.100-101
Spiritual Teachings 10.1-265
Sense and function of the spiritual teachings 10.93-115
Spiritual Teachings 11.54-149
Semjase proposes an experiment of spirit imaging 15.100-106
The nature & qualities of a "spiritualized person" 18.25-100
Truth is not complicated 53.
<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->
5.1 Consciousness
Evaluating the position of consciousness of Ebner 54.76-85
Evaluating the position of consciousness - details 54.132-143
Spiritual-intellectual level of consciousness 54.144-145
Results of Ebner?s spiritual analysis 54.146-157
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
5.2 Creation
Creation and universes 1.40-59
Matter/rough-material stuff 8.2-14
Creation 8.15-23
Creation - behaves neutrally; creates life 8.167-169
Creation 10.4-138
Spiritual Teachings - nature & term of The Creation 18.1-24
Description of the Creation E2.A1-2
Mathematics of Creation cannot be revealed E4.A1-23
Heaven?s Sons 38.19-30
"The Universe is the inner & the outer body of Creation" 53.
"Genesis" - FIGU book, explains the creation 69.117-119
The Creation - the universal consciousness 69.120-124
Creation 69.105-124
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
5.3 Development, 7 stages
7 main stages/periods of development 6.6-45
Nature & qualities of a spiritually developing person 11.54-71
Material life is a ladder to the spiritual life 11.117-137
"Evolution" - 2 meanings 24.39-41
Life?s lessons require patience 38.1-5
Evolution, Negative & positive forces for balance 38.Q5-14
"Right thinking" - defined 39.P83-85
Natural evolution of life forms is universal unity 55.52-62
<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->
5.4 Laws of God
Creation - laws of "God" - defined 1.40-59
Evolution, negative & positive forces for balance 38.Q5-14
The natural cosmic laws order a unitary & harmony 66.79-80
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
5.5 Levitation, Meditation, and Mediums
Levitation - control of gravitational forces 66.81-91
Ability to communicate with spirits 7.186-200
Communication with the dead, mediums, & séances 25.71-98
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
5.6 Love, Hate
Love and wisdom 10.57-76
Meier asks about underdeveloped humans loving others 23.88-103
Love & hate 66.109-111
<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->
5.7 Reincarnation
Reincarnation 6.6-57
Reincarnation 7.174-185
You cannot avoid natural development 22.13
Reincarnated guilt 23.14-22
Relegeon 24.38-46
Reincarnation on other worlds 55.199-203
Pleiadians incarnating on Earth 57.76
Self-knowledge of previous incarnations "not good" 61.122-125
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
5.8 Spirit
Spiritual energy 8.15-24
The spirit 8.65-70
Spirit within humans 10.1-19
Happiness 10.20-33
Wisdom and spirit 10.34-43
Peace 10.77-92
Awareness of oneself, the spiritual consciousness 10.212-265
Spiritual intellect & material intellect 11.72-77
Nature & qualities of the spirit within humans 11.78-97
The spirit that dwells within humans 24.42-44
"The spirit continues after the material death 24.45-47
Unlimited memory is attained in pure spirit forms 34.202-214
Spiritual forces which lie sleeping in subconscious 38.120-123
Jmmanuel - feeding of the 5000 with bread 38.124-130
Creational force of humans (thinking) 39.59-84
"Value of the spirit" 39.P86-89
Auric forces in a cadaver can linger for centuries 42.
Communication with higher spiritual beings 48.
Animal spirit forms - evolve to assist nature 54.55-58
Values of colors 55.125-139
<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->
5.9 Spirit World
A "spirit world" 7.168-173
Voices heard on tape recordings 7.201-210
"Ghost music" - music compositions transmitted 7.224-232
Astral travel claims are deceit, lies or delusions 15.80-99
Auric forces in a cadaver can linger for centuries 42.58-62
<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->

From:"" <>
Subject: re: I am glad that you have a copy of my book
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Date: Sunday, 29 April 2007 9:18 AM
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Dear Maurice, (& Michael & Christian)

(Vivienne here.)

Thanks for getting back to me. Just to avoid further confusion I want to address your first couple of points in this email and try and deal with the remainder in another. You wrote:

"All of this time, I have been working on this project all alone with no help from anybody and a lot of resistance to boot! Now, all of a sudden, I am receiving feedback on a published book that I so desperately needed beforehand. Your Email states that you derived your information of my work from a book that you recently purchased. I find this to be amazing since I know from a mutual acquaintance that you have downloaded my book from my website ( and have had access to it for a long time now. So naturally, I am curious why there has been no help previously, especially since my offer to send you a free copy of my book was refused."

We did not download a free copy of your book, nor recall your offer of it.

Who is this mutual friend? (We have had your "reference listing" and "table of contents" on our "Meier Index" @ , but Dyson and I take personally responsibility for not adequately checking it for the problems like "Spiritualism", "Laws of 'God'", etc., naively assuming that it was already OK or would be picked up by others.) Perhaps this caused the mutual friend (David?) to think we had your whole book. We were not conscious that you had finished it until a couple of weeks ago when Michael announced it in his newsletter. That's when we bought a copy through him, not realizing it was also already on your website. We did not "refuse" your offer of a free book. There has been some kind of misunderstanding.

We have been trying to remember whether it was you who approached us many, many months ago requesting assistance with preparing a book. As we recall (and we assume it was you) we advised you then that there were problems with what you were attempting to do simply because you are working from material with errors in it. With the best of intentions you would have additional problems simply due to your personal misunderstandings and it is an enormous job for anybody else to try to sort you out. And it wasn't practical for us to spend the necessary time to check all your work since this would mean we also would have to study all of the Stevens material again in detail just to be sure you had it right. Unlike some others in the English world, we have only a few years of exposure to the Wendelle material and have spent most of our energy trying to get familiar with the German language (only) material which followed it. It was more important for us to put time into bringing more of the German material to the awareness to the English language people. I'm quite sure I would have explained this to you at the time and warned you that there would be problems. This is the position we still have on the matter. Now, since you have gone ahead with your project, (and I'm sure we wished you well, if it was you who contacted us) and Michael Horn is promoting your book, it was obviously more important to take the time to check it out because, through Michael, it, in effect, gets the FIGU stamp of approval which means that those of us trying to promote the case will have trouble trying to combat any errors.

You wrote, "You stated, "I see they are summaries of the parts that Wendelle left out (at least in the 1988 version we have)." Naturally, I do not know what your source is, but I do know that Mr. Stevens removed contacts 34 through 53 from his CD of volume 2 of "Messages from the Pleiades". I have been able to recover most of these from David Chance (chancede@SLU.EDU) who was kind enough to mail me photocopies of the missing pages. I scanned these pages into picture files that I converted into text. Now, I have recently learned that Wendelle is providing unedited CDs of his books for Michael Horn to sell. You can contact Michael at:"

You see, this gets very confusing. Let me try to explain it differently. In your chapter five you note 10.93-116 as your source for the first section. When I check our 1988 version of Wendelle's book I see that lines 93 - 111 have been left out of his book. So I am wondering whether you have access to a book of Wendelle's which includes these lines or whether you have taken these lines from elsewhere. Can you clarify that for us? Naturally, if you have taken the lines from elsewhere, other than Wendelle's version, we need to know that. (I did check Wendelle's book to see whether it corresponded to your points with most of what I checked, but, as mentioned, some of the corresponding lines simply weren't there.)

I'll try to clarify the other points in the next email.


Vivienne (& Dyson)


"" <> wrote:
Dear Maurice,
On to those other points,
Firstly, I was wrong to question you about Jmmanuel being in Florida.(Hyperboria) That is indeed how it reads in the German and I finally found the corresponding part in our copy of Wendelle's book. Your page numbers don't relate to our books, unfortunately. My apologies.
You wrote:
"Next, you asked, "How did you arrive at (p.24) "Meier is told that he will indulge in different vices." And "Within ten years, an evil possession will suddenly take over his body and he will live a different life"." On page 471 of the second volume, sentence 19, it says, "So also will come with different vises, for which you still will indulge." Sentence 22 states, "Already now I want to tell you, within less than ten years having to pass the until then hardest examination of your life." Sentence 25 says, "A large change will suddenly take your body in possession, by what you suddenly will live a new life." Did I transcribe this inaccurately?"

We don't have a page 471 in our set of Wendelle's books. I can tell you what the currently approved corresponding German lines are from "Contact Reports" book 1 (2002). Maybe these below examples serve to better demonstrate the problem with basing the work on material which is flawed. As you can see, after such errors are passed on, with the best of intentions, through yet another source, the product can be quite different from the original, as shown below. (Of course, as I said before, it looks like a lot of what you have written is quite representative of what I recall as being correct.)
[The German]
19. So wird es auch sein mit verschiedenen Lastern, denen du lernmässig noch frönen wirst.
[A likely translation]
It will also be so with different vices in which you will yet indulge for learning purposes.
[Wendelle's version]
"So also will come with different vises, for which you still will indulge."
[Your explanation]
"Meier is told that he will indulge in different vices."
You probably agree that it is important to relay why he was to indulge in these vices. In my opinion it is important to include a little of the context, at least the, "for learning purposes" phrase. Sentence 18. says, Denn wenn du die Dinge verstehen sollst, kannst du dies nur dann, wenn du in eigener Erfahrung alles selbst erlebst. (ie. Because if you are to understand things you can only do this if you experience everything yourself in your own experience.)
[The German]
25. Eine grosse Veränderung wird von deinem Körper Besitz ergreifen, so du plötzlich ein vollig neues Leben leben wirst.
[A likely translation]
25. A big change will grasp possession of your body, so you will suddenly live a completely new life. (Because of the potential confusion about the idea of "possession" the translator could legitimately chose the phrase "take hold" instead of "grasp possession". Ie. A large change will take hold of your body . )
This line refers to the loss of his left arm.
[Wendelle's version]
"A large change will suddenly take your body in possession, by what you suddenly will live a new life."
[Your version]
"Within ten years, an evil possession will suddenly take over his body and he will live a different life"
You have dropped "change" and added "evil" (from the previous phrase?) which clearly produces a different impression, especially when those two words, "evil possession" are put together.
So, of course, you can now see the quite different effect when your two phrases are combined leading us to think that Billy indulged in vices (for no obvious good reason) and was possessed (by evil spirits?). Unfortunately there is a will out there to distort the message from the Plejaren and Billy and associate it with religion and devils and things. So we look out for these unintentional errors which may feed that idea.
I'm still looking for what I saw as a confused explanation regarding Jmmanuel passing teachings on to Billy. (I keep thumbing through and still can't find it again.) For your information, during my search I came across a couple of examples on your page 33 of the misleading use of the word Spiritualism, in case you weren't aware of it.
Naturally I'm pleased that you are checking with FIGU that my explanations are correct.
Hope this helps,

Maurice Osborn"Maurice Osborn" <>
Subject: I cannot tell you how happy I am
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Date: Sunday, 29 April 2007 10:01 PM
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Dear Vivienne,
I cannot tell you how happy I am to have someone, who understands the original text in German, providing accurate translations of the notes. Your explanations are very detailed and easy to understand. Thank you ever so much! I have felt as though I had written the book as a blind man. Your insights are greatly appreciated.
I agree with you that the words, ?for learning purposes? should be added to the end of the sentence on page 24, "Meier is told that he will indulge in different vices." I also agree that the sentence, "Within ten years, an evil possession will suddenly take over his body and he will live a different life" should read, "Within ten years, a big change will take hold of his body, so that he will suddenly live a completely new life.? If this sentence is indeed a reference to the loss of Meier?s arm, then I believe an editorial note indicating this should also be included. By the way, the reason why the term, ?evil possession? was used was because Wendelle?s translation of the prior sentence stated, ??evil things will meet you.?
I have no problem with changing all references of ?Spiritualism? to ?Spirituality?, if that is something that is desired by FIGU. I was not aware of any difference in the words. I welcome all recommendations for changes to my book and I promise to provide a rapid review of each suggestion. But, I cannot wait long for your comments before the second edition of the book is published. So, I urge you to complete any comments that you may have as soon as possible. Thank you for your wonderful help.


[We received the following on 30th May '07]

Dear Michael,

I am glad that you received the books okay. There are two other things that I need to write to you about. One of them relates to an Email of photographs that I have attached to this Email. This is in reference to a recent protest in England by an Islamic group. Their signs sent chills up my spine when I related this to the Henoch Prophesies. I thought you might find this to be of interest.

The other thing that I wanted to communicate is that I have just received an Email from Vivienne Legg of Gaia Guys. It described several corrections to my book, “The Essence of the Notes”. Many of the corrections seem valid to me, but I will first confirm the mistakes through Christian Frehner before I make any changes to the book. While I am grateful for finally receiving this feedback, I am quite puzzled by the timing.

All of this time, I have been working on this project all alone with no help from anybody and a lot of resistance to boot! Now, all of a sudden, I am receiving feedback on a published book that I so desperately begged for earlier. Her Email states that she derived her information of my work from a book that she recently purchased. I find this to be amazing since I knew from a mutual acquaintance that she has downloaded my book from my website and has had access to it for a long time now. Why was there no help previously? I will keep you informed on how things progress.



Michael <> wrote:
Hi Maurice,

Thanks for the books and yes, the photos seem to indicate that England will be in for a very hard time from Islam, as Meier long since wrote.

Regarding the books, I am now aware of the extent of the problems as well. I think that since the books were not an official FIGU project, and you were working from Wendelle's versions, the problems are not entirely unexpected. However, in the overall scheme of things such problems arise and do have to be addressed since one of the biggest problems has been all of the incorrect translations/meanings connected to the available English language material.

Regarding not getting the help while you were doing the project, the primarily volunteer resources of FIGU are stretched as it is and their primary focus is with the German language material, as I see it.
Even the Talmud Jmmanuel is far behind the schedule that Steelmark had estimated, perhaps by well more than a year. So things sometimes move more slowly with this situation but, as someone who loves to get things done yesterday, I've learned that we can't skip steps and get things right.

So even though it's an inconvenience, we have to thank Vivienne and Dyson for being diligent and thorough enough to catch what wasn't caught before we made the books available. I'll hold off on promoting the books for now and see how it goes in uncovering and correcting the errors, which can only result in a more clear and useful book, as you too ultimately intended.



Michael"Michael" <>
To: Maurice Osborn"Maurice Osborn" <>
CC: Christian Frehner, gaiaguysnetNET"Christian Frehner" <>, "gaiaguysnetNET" <>
Subject: Re: I find your comments to be very disconcerting.
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Date: Monday, 30 April 2007 7:07 AM
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Hi Maurice,

Let me insert my comments.

Dear Michael,

I find your comments to be very disconcerting. Your decision to hold off promoting the book can have disastrous consequences on the image presented to the public about the book as being not good enough to be promoted. Your own promotion included comments from Christian Frehner that the book was certain to contain inaccuracies. Yet, you chose to promote and distribute it anyway. Now because questions have arisen that show that there are inaccuracies, you choose to no longer promote it?

MH: I think that it's important to be careful and do it the right way, even if we're a little after the fact. Christian has asked to wait on the promotion until this can be cleared up and for me to include a letter, which I have suggested and am preparing, to those who have already bought the book so that we don't allow incorrect info to be spread. After all the effort by FIGU, and Vivienne and Dyson, to rectify past errors, this should be understandable.

What about all of the books that I sent to you? Are you going to throw them all in the trash? I sent them to you with assurances from you that they would be promoted and distributed. What about other people in the future who may find fault with the book. Will you stop promotion with everyone with a complaint. I am very disappointed.

MH: No, I'm not throwing anything away. I'm simply going to hold on to the books while this gets straightened out. The priority has to be doing what's right, not just getting the books, or my selling and FIGU and I making a profit on them. And there's a difference between people "finding fault with the book" and the book containing information that may be very much opposite to the meaning of the texts. Don't be disappointed, be patient and let's see what's required to make things right.

You have also commented about my complaint regarding the lack of help I received in writing the book. I did not criticize FIGU for not helping me, but I did question why I did not receive help from gaiaguys prior to the publication of the book when it was clear that they had access to it then. Although I value their input now, I question why I was not given their assistance earlier. Perhaps you are using their criticisms now as an excuse to not promote a book that you do not personally endorse.

MH: Regarding it being clear that gaiaguys had access to the book, I don't think that they were obligated, or expressed a commitment, to read and comment on the book. As Vivienne just wrote,

"We did not download a free copy of your book, nor recall your offer of it.
Who is this mutual friend? (We have had your "reference listing" and "table of contents" on our "Meier Index" @ , but Dyson and I take personally responsibility for not adequately checking it for the problems like "Spiritualism", "Laws of 'God'", etc., naively assuming that it was already OK or would be picked up by others.) Perhaps this caused the mutual friend (David?) to think we had your whole book. We were not conscious that you had finished it until a couple of weeks ago when Michael announced it in his newsletter. That's when we bought a copy through him, not realizing it was also already on your website. We did not "refuse" your offer of a free book. There has been some kind of misunderstanding."

And your conclusion is actually opposite the reality. I would be thrilled to promote the book, with the necessary rectification, because I think that it would be a great tool for people to use to familiarize themselves with the information in the early contacts.

To be prudent, to recognize that we leapt before we looked, is just to acknowledge a mistake. We all make them! So I'm looking forward to seeing how this can be perfected, as perfecting the information to be in accordance with the true meanings is very important. Do know that there have been MANY frustrating things on the path to faithfully and accurately getting the information out into the world. Some things may fly along smoothly and others hit some bumps in the road. My suggestion to you is to hang in there, see what comes from Christian and gaiaguys and, if you're willing, do whatever it takes to set things right.

I would like nothing more than to resume promotion of the book when the time is right.





From:"" <>
Subject: Questions for answering
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Date: Monday, 30 April 2007 11:02 AM
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Dear Maurice, (Hello Michael and Christian)

Please let's all realise, first and foremost, that any checking I may do will still result in a product with confusing errors, for all the aforementioned reasons. All it will achieve is a degree of improvement to what, despite its merits, will always be a document with inaccuracies, because it was taken from the Wendelle notes.

Maurice, you need to answer some points from my last emails before I can proceed at all. You don't seem to realise what a big job it is.

What led you to think we already had access to your book prior to a couple of weeks ago? If it was a misunderstanding please just say so. Who was the mutual acquaintance?

Was it you who approached us a long time ago directly asking for assistance?

Which version of Wendelle's notes did you use? As I said, your page numbers aren't relevant for our books, so that is an additional problem.

The following is what I wrote to you two emails ago. Can you please answer it?

"You see, this gets very confusing. Let me try to explain it differently. In your chapter five you note 10.93-116 as your source for the first section. When I check our 1988 version of Wendelle's book I see that lines 93 - 111 have been left out of his book. So I am wondering whether you have access to a book of Wendelle's which includes these lines or whether you have taken these lines from elsewhere. Can you clarify that for us? Naturally, if you have taken the lines from elsewhere, other than Wendelle's version, we need to know that."

Maurice, I must reiterate that, at the most, all I will do is read through your book and note any points that really jump out at me as being wrong and try to explain to you why they are wrong. This is due to my own time limitations and priorities. Even that will take me a great deal of time because I will have to rummage through our versions of things and work out whether it is a problem with Wendelle's translation or your own further misinterpretation. Please understand that even if I can manage to do that there will still be various problems in your writing that I will not recognised because I don't have sufficient familiarity with the Wendelle notes. Other people may have more. As a part of this process I will consult the approved German text BUT this will only be to deal with isolated points. Otherwise, as you must be able to realise, the exercise becomes one of first and foremost identifying all the problems with Wendelle's translations! That's completely impractical. Everyone's time is better spent working to try to produce accurate translations.

So please keep in mind that, after I look through, it, your book will still have to be promoted with qualifications. I don't want to mislead you into thinking that after I do this that that will amount to an unqualified stamp of approval from us. I do hope that we will be able to say that it is helpful in the absence of access to, or in combination with the other materials, or something to that effect.



Michael"Michael" <>
To: Christian Frehner, gaiaguysnetNET"Christian Frehner" <>, "gaiaguysnetNET" <>
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Date: Monday, 30 April 2007 3:33 PM
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Hi Christian, Vivienne and Dyson,

This is a copy of what I am including with the recently purchased books. I have copied to you an email that I sent to my webmaster, Woody, in Australia, and he usually makes changes to my site on either Tuesdays or Saturdays, so the book will be removed from the site until and if it is approved.



Dear Customer,

In addition to the caveat at, we feel the need to provide some specific examples of what is erroneous. Please excuse us for putting the cart before the horse in our enthusiasm to make more of the early Meier material available. We know that Maurice Osborn sincerely intended to make this contribution and we have to take responsibility for being somewhat premature in the release of the book. Here are some examples of erroneous information/translations, as noted by Vivienne Legg of www.gaiaguys,net:

[The German] 19. So wird es auch sein mit verschiedenen Lastern, denen du lernmässig noch frönen wirst.

[A likely translation] 19. It will also be so with different vices in which you will yet indulge for learning purposes.
[Wendelle Stevens' version] "So also will come with different vises, for which you still will indulge."
[Essence of the Notes version] "Meier is told that he will indulge in different vices."

Vivienne Legg: It is important to relay why he was to indulge in these vices. In my opinion it is important to include a little of the context, at least the, "for learning purposes" phrase. Sentence 18. says, Denn wenn du die Dinge verstehen sollst, kannst du dies nur dann, wenn du in eigener Erfahrung alles selbst erlebst. (ie. Because if you are to understand things you can only do this if you experience everything yourself in your own experience.)

[The German] 25. Eine grosse Veränderung wird von deinem Körper Besitz ergreifen, so du plötzlich ein vollig neues Leben leben wirst.

[A likely translation] 25. A big change will grasp possession of your body, so you will suddenly live a completely new life. (Because of the potential confusion about the idea of "possession" the translator could legitimately chose the phrase "take hold" instead of "grasp possession". Ie. A large change will take hold of your body.)

Vivienne: This line refers to the loss of his left arm.

[Wendelle Stevens' version] "A large change will suddenly take your body in possession, by what you suddenly will live a new life."

[Essence version] "Within ten years, an evil possession will suddenly take over his body and he will live a different life."

Vivienne: The compiler dropped "change" and added "evil" (from the previous phrase?) which clearly produces a different impression, especially when those two words, "evil possession" are put together. So, of course, you can now see the quite different effect when the two phrases are combined leading us to think that Billy indulged in vices (for no obvious good reason) and was possessed (by evil spirits?). Unfortunately there is a will out there to distort the message from the Plejaren and Billy and associate it with religion and devils and things. So we look out for these unintentional errors, which may feed that idea.

Thank you for your understanding,

Maurice Osborn"Maurice Osborn" <>
Subject: I am trying to understand
Attachments: 4 Msg. 1, Title Page, p 4.jpg, 1 Message 2, Title Page, p 1, p 1.jpg, 182 Msg. 1, 10th Cont. 7, p 135, p 182.jpg, 183 Msg. 1, 10th Cont.8, p 136, p 183.jpg, 184 Msg. 1, 10th Cont. 9, p 137, p 184.jpg
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Date: Tuesday, 1 May 2007 8:29 AM
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Dear Vivienne,
I am trying to understand why you wrote, ?any checking I may do will still result in a product with confusing errors?. What made you think I was asking you for ?an unqualified stamp of approval?? I simply stated, ?I welcome all recommendations for changes to my book and I promise to provide a rapid review of each suggestion. But, I cannot wait long for your comments before the second edition of the book is published. So, I urge you to complete any comments that you may have as soon as possible. Thank you for your wonderful help.?
Has someone else asked you for ?an unqualified stamp of approval? for my book? I certainly understand the challenges involved and the limitations that you may have on your time and resources to devote to this project. I appreciate what you have done so far and I have no expectations that you will provide any additional help in the future. It is well understood by me that what you are doing is provided voluntarily, just as what I have done has strictly been voluntary without profit or personal gain.
You asked what led me to think that you had previous access to my book. I had previously expressed puzzlement and amazement in the differences in understanding between your version of events and that of another person who wishes to remain anonymous. I don?t know this other person any more than I know you. So, I am willing to accept your story, if that is important to you. There has been no direct previous contact between us prior to you contacting me. Personally, I fail to understand what this has got to do with my book.
I will be as precise as I can be regarding my sources for Wendelle?s books. I purchased CDs of the first and second books as well as a hardback copy of the third book from Wendelle in person. I am attaching the picture files of the copyright pages from these CDs. They show them to be reissued books with copyright dates of from 1979 through 1988 by UFO Photo Archives. Volume 3 has a copyright date of 1993. I do not know how I can be any clearer about my sources than that.
Now I will address your concern for the information I included at the beginning of Chapter 5, which references the source as ?10.93-116?. I cannot be held responsible for the fact that you have an edited version without these notes that were translated in the version I have. But, in order to assist in your research, I will attach picture files of these missing pages for you. Let me be clear, ALL information that I used in my book was derived from Wendelle?s books.
I have no problem with my book being promoted with qualifications. My book has always been promoted with a quote by Christian Frehner that refers to the fact that, ?since it is based on Wendelle?s translations, it will surely contain some inaccuracies and omissions and mistakes, but we can take the risk.? I am not asking you for anything, but I am very grateful to you for any assistance that you can provide in helping to correct any errors that you may find. I hope that this reply answers all of your questions satisfactorily. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance.

Michael"Michael" <>
To: Maurice Osborn"Maurice Osborn" <>
CC: FIGU - Christian Frehner, gaiaguysnetNET"FIGU - Christian Frehner" <>, "gaiaguysnetNET" <>
Subject: Re: Michael Horn has recently stated in an Email
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Date: Wednesday, 2 May 2007 1:31 AM
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Hi Maurice,

I also want to insert some thoughts, inaddition to whatever answers you may receive from Christian.

Dear Christian,

Michael Horn has recently stated in an Email, “Christian has asked to wait on the promotion until this can be cleared up and for me to include a letter, which I have suggested and am preparing, to those who have already bought the book so that we don't allow incorrect info to be spread.” It is because of this decision by you that I am writing to you now.

I am very disappointed in your actions. I have gone to enormous expense and invested a great amount of my personal time to provide an ample supply of books to Mr. Horn, based upon your approval of the book and his assurances to me that they would be promoted and distributed. Many books have been sold with your statement that, “since it is based on Wendelle's translations, it will surely contain some inaccuracies and omissions and mistakes, but we can take the risk.” This was agreeable to me.

However, just because someone has actually found mistakes in the transcription of the Contact Notes, you have now decided to halt promotion, sales, and distribution of my books? Why? Not only did you have ten copies of my book to review for several weeks before agreeing to promote them, but you personally had a copy of my book to review for over a year.

I could certainly understand your actions if it had been found that I had deliberately included false information in the books to discredit Herr Meier or any of the information in the Notes. But, there have been several communications between gaiaguys and myself that show how innocent mistakes have been made in the translations and that positive steps have been made to correct any problems discovered thus far.

MH: Maurice, I think that you are familiar with the phrase, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." I think that is all the more important since the material we are talking about is, and has been, unintentionally mistranslated, misinterpreted, as well as deliberately falsified, etc. by other people for some time. It is also well known how large an issue this is. As a matter of fact, are we not aware of the "need" for seven prophets on the planet over many thousands of years BECAUSE of such corruptions and inaccuracies...deliberate or not?

It seems to me that there are two very important questions that must answered in light of these communications. Is there any evidence to suggest that erroneous information has been deliberately inserted in the book and has there been any resistance to the correction of the discrepancies? If the answer is “Yes” to either question, than you are justified in halting the promotion of my book. If not, then you have perpetrated a great injustice against me any everyone else that desires to have access to the book.

MH: So, in light of my comment above, I must point out that, if you are truly in service to the truth, you should step back and see that not only is there NO personal injustice against you, or anyone else, especially since you are not trying to profit from the book, there are only the inconveniences accompanying the need to rectify the matter. I am unaware of any expressed or implied obligation by FIGU to read, review, edit, correct or approve your book. It is an undertaking all your own and you are well aware of FIGU's priorities with their won publications and translations. Or at least I hope you are. Meier has written more than 40 books and still transcribes the ongoing contact conversations, All of the work surrounding these, and FIGU members' numerous other voluntary obligations, falls to the members in addition to their regular work, family lives, etc.

Ms. Legg has recently stated in an Email, “Please keep in mind that, after I look through, it, your book will still have to be promoted with qualifications. I don't want to mislead you into thinking that after I do this that that will amount to an unqualified stamp of approval from us. I do hope that we will be able to say that it is helpful in the absence of access to, or in combination with the other materials, or something to that effect.”

So the question is, “What are you attempting to gain from delaying the promotion of the book?” Ms. Legg has also stated, “All it will achieve is a degree of improvement to what, despite its merits, will always be a document with inaccuracies.” Because she has limited time to spend on this project and other priorities, this will take her a great deal of time. The more time that passes without any promotion of the book, the greater damage is done to its credibility in the eyes of the public.

MH: Continuing then, it appears that you have a somewhat suspicious, as well as self-centered focus, one that is missing the spirit and practice of the way FIGU operates, in my opinion. I think that the only thing that FIU is intending to gain is to not, inadvertently, accidentally or by default, allow inaccurate, untruthful, misleading and therefore damaging information to be, again, disseminated - even if the publisher's intentions are absolutely devoid of any negative intention. It's that "road to hell" thing again.

And if FIGU and I were precipitous in disseminating material that, thanks to the due diligence of Vivienne and Dyson, was discovered to be too saturated with erroneous and misleading information, then the error is ours, perhaps born out of our own enthusiasm and...good intentions.

Michael Horn is preparing a letter for everyone that has already purchased the book. I assume that letter will include a list of corrections that have been approved by you so far. I suggest that the book continue to be promoted with this letter included with each purchase. This would solve any problem with inaccuracies that have been discovered so far. All corrections will be included with the second edition of the book, but ONLY after the current stock has been sold. Please let me know what your intentions are in this matter.

MH: Let's remember that the parties that would profit here are FIGU and me. I don't put profit over principle and I think that NOT contributing to a possible undoing of many years of hard work on FIGU and Meier's part to straighten out the damage, not only of current errors but of centuries of damage, is far more important than any inconvenience to any of us.

How "inconvenient" has it been for Meier to be the sole conduit through which all of the information and renewed teachings flow to us? How much complaining have we heard from him about the various prices he has paid to do so?

Human beings make mistakes and sometimes they are costly. But there is a far higher cost to perpetuating mistakes that we are aware of, no matter what the rationalization. I suggest patience, perspective and cooperation will best serve to rectify the situation. Suspicion, accusations and demands simply don't help.





FIGU - Christian Frehner"FIGU - Christian Frehner" <>
To: Michael"Michael" <>
CC: Maurice Osborn, gaiaguysnetNET"Maurice Osborn" <>, "gaiaguysnetNET" <>
Subject: Re: Michael Horn has recently stated in an Email
Print Reply Reply All Forward
Date: Wednesday, 2 May 2007 6:17 AM
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Dear Maurice,

I must say that I share Michael's answers. I will also insert my
thoughts below:

Michael schrieb:
> Hi Maurice,
> I also want to insert some thoughts, inaddition to whatever answers
> you may receive from Christian.
>> Dear Christian,
>> Michael Horn has recently stated in an Email, “Christian
>> has asked to wait on the promotion until this can be cleared up and
>> for me to include a letter, which I have suggested and am preparing,
>> to those who have already bought the book so that we don't allow
>> incorrect info to be spread.” It is because of this decision by you
>> that I am writing to you now.
>> I am very disappointed in your actions. I have gone to
>> enormous expense and invested a great amount of my personal time to
>> provide an ample supply of books to Mr. Horn, based upon your
>> approval of the book and his assurances to me that they would be
>> promoted and distributed. Many books have been sold with your
>> statement that, “since it is based on Wendelle's translations, it
>> will surely contain some inaccuracies and omissions and mistakes, but
>> we can take the risk.” This was agreeable to me.
>> However, just because someone has actually found mistakes
>> in the transcription of the Contact Notes, you have now decided to
>> halt promotion, sales, and distribution of my books? Why? Not only
>> did you have ten copies of my book to review for several weeks before
>> agreeing to promote them, but you personally had a copy of my book to
>> review for over a year.
>> I could certainly understand your actions if it had been
>> found that I had deliberately included false information in the books
>> to discredit Herr Meier or any of the information in the Notes. But,
>> there have been several communications between gaiaguys and myself
>> that show how innocent mistakes have been made in the translations
>> and that positive steps have been made to correct any problems
>> discovered thus far.
> MH: Maurice, I think that you are familiar with the phrase, "The road
> to hell is paved with good intentions." I think that is all the more
> important since the material we are talking about is, and has been,
> unintentionally mistranslated, misinterpreted, as well as deliberately
> falsified, etc. by other people for some time. It is also well known
> how large an issue this is. As a matter of fact, are we not aware of
> the "need" for seven prophets on the planet over many thousands of
> years BECAUSE of such corruptions and inaccuracies...deliberate or not?

CF: Maurice, you were going to publish your book with or without our
(FIGU's) consent or encouragement. My intention in the collaboration
with you was to at least have a note in the book that it cannot be taken
as fully accurate information from Billy. I knew that Wendelle's
translations were a) made from old, uncorrected versions of the Contact
Notes, and b) that he had omitted quite some amount of information.
Additionally, the translation contained errors.

I never promised you that I will read your book because I hadn't enough
time, and my priority lays on translations from the original texts, and
not on a summary from non-authorized, incomplete and in several cases
false translation.

If I have to learn (as the few examples proof) that there are grave
mistakes in the book, either stemming from Wendelle's translation, or
from a false interpretation on your side, it is clear to me that FIGU
cannot, and will not promote your book, at least not before there has
been a close examination and if there is no letter with explanations in
each book.

>> It seems to me that there are two very important
>> questions that must answered in light of these communications. Is
>> there any evidence to suggest that erroneous information has been
>> deliberately inserted in the book and has there been any resistance
>> to the correction of the discrepancies? If the answer is “Yes” to
>> either question, than you are justified in halting the promotion of
>> my book. If not, then you have perpetrated a great injustice against
>> me any everyone else that desires to have access to the book.
> MH: So, in light of my comment above, I must point out that, if you
> are truly in service to the truth, you should step back and see that
> not only is there NO personal injustice against you, or anyone else,
> especially since you are not trying to profit from the book, there are
> only the inconveniences accompanying the need to rectify the matter. I
> am unaware of any expressed or implied obligation by FIGU to read,
> review, edit, correct or approve your book. It is an undertaking all
> your own and you are well aware of FIGU's priorities with their won
> publications and translations. Or at least I hope you are. Meier has
> written more than 40 books and still transcribes the ongoing contact
> conversations, All of the work surrounding these, and FIGU members'
> numerous other voluntary obligations, falls to the members in addition
> to their regular work, family lives, etc.

CF: I agree.
>> Ms. Legg has recently stated in an Email, “Please keep in
>> mind that, after /I/ look through, it, your book will still have to
>> be promoted with qualifications. I don't want to mislead you into
>> thinking that after I do this that that will amount to an unqualified
>> stamp of approval from us. I do hope that we will be able to say that
>> it is helpful in the absence of access to, or in combination with the
>> other materials, or something to that effect.”
>> So the question is, “What are you attempting to gain from
>> delaying the promotion of the book?” Ms. Legg has also stated, “All
>> it will achieve is a /degree/ of improvement to what, despite its
>> merits, will always be a document with inaccuracies.” Because she
>> has limited time to spend on this project and other priorities, this
>> will take her a great deal of time. The more time that passes
>> without any promotion of the book, the greater damage is done to its
>> credibility in the eyes of the public.
> MH: Continuing then, it appears that you have a somewhat suspicious,
> as well as self-centered focus, one that is missing the spirit and
> practice of the way FIGU operates, in my opinion. I think that the
> only thing that FIGU is intending to gain is to not, inadvertently,
> accidentally or by default, allow inaccurate, untruthful, misleading
> and therefore damaging information to be, again, disseminated - even
> if the publisher's intentions are absolutely devoid of any negative
> intention. It's that "road to hell" thing again.
> And if FIGU and I were precipitous in disseminating material that,
> thanks to the due diligence of Vivienne and Dyson, was discovered to
> be too saturated with erroneous and misleading information, then the
> error is ours, perhaps born out of our own enthusiasm and...good
> intentions.

CF: Exactly.
>> Michael Horn is preparing a letter for everyone that has
>> already purchased the book. I assume that letter will include a list
>> of corrections that have been approved by you so far. I suggest that
>> the book continue to be promoted with this letter included with each
>> purchase. This would solve any problem with inaccuracies that have
>> been discovered so far. All corrections will be included with the
>> second edition of the book, but ONLY after the current stock has been
>> sold. Please let me know what your intentions are in this matter.
> MH: Let's remember that the parties that would profit here are FIGU
> and me. I don't put profit over principle and I think that NOT
> contributing to a possible undoing of many years of hard work on FIGU
> and Meier's part to straighten out the damage, not only of current
> errors but of centuries of damage, is far more important than any
> inconvenience to any of us.
> How "inconvenient" has it been for Meier to be the sole conduit
> through which all of the information and renewed teachings flow to us?
> How much complaining have we heard from him about the various prices
> he has paid to do so?
> Human beings make mistakes and sometimes they are costly. But there is
> a far higher cost to perpetuating mistakes that we are aware of, no
> matter what the rationalization. I suggest patience, perspective and
> cooperation will best serve to rectify the situation. Suspicion,
> accusations and demands simply don't help.
> Best,
> MH

CF: I also agree with Michael (and Vivienne Legg, of course). I just
informed FIGU Society USA to stop any promotion of your book until
everything is clear and settled.

And I send my thanks to Vivienne for starting this discussion, based on
her observations. This is helpful, albeit inconvenient. :-)
The overall goal is to disseminate the truth, and not half-truth.

Best regards,
>> Sincerely,
>> Maurice

Michael"Michael" <>
To: Maurice Osborn"Maurice Osborn" <>
CC: Christian Frehner, gaiaguysnetNET"Christian Frehner" <>, "gaiaguysnetNET" <>
Subject: Re: Let me see if I understand you correctly.
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Date: Wednesday, 2 May 2007 1:20 PM
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Hi Maurice,

Dear Michael,

Let me see if I understand you correctly. Your first comment included the phrase, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." Are you implying that my good intentions should not be considered because of what others have done, which have paved the road to Hell?

MH: No, I'm saying that good intentions are not enough, especially if the actual result - though not intended that way - is not good, desirable or productive and leads to the opposite of what is intended.

You stated in your second comment that there is no personal injustice against me and that there are only inconveniences accompanying the need to rectify the matter. How can you say that there is no personal injustice against me when my credibility is being questioned here?

MH: I don't exactly know who is questioning your credibility. What is being questioned is the accuracy of the work and, thereby, its ability to positively contribute to the greater purpose. It seems you are taking it personally in a way that infers that you are above reproach, unlike all other fallible humans, Billy and the Plejaren included. If anything, the mistake would be shared by Christian/FIGU and me for going ahead - with the best of intentions - when we should have taken more time to review the book. Fortunately, Vivienne and Dyson devoted more time to it and caught the problem, which is more extensive than first perceived and can now be seen, as Christian as written, to necessitate a thorough edit with necessary revisions and corrections in order to be of true value. And I assume hat having the book be of true value is more important to you than perceived image.

If, as you say, there has been no expressed or implied obligation by FIGU to read, review, edit, correct or approve my book, then how is this matter being rectified? What is the point of delaying promotion of the book if there is no intention of verifying the content of the book? Certainly, gaiaguys have made it clear that they feel no obligation to correct the book. So, what is the point?

MH: The point in delaying the book is simply to provide the time opportunity for it to be made right and correct. I personally do not know how/when/if that will occur. And I am not attached to the idea that it HAS to occur. I'm attached to the idea that it meets with FIGU's approval as being the best, most accurate representation possible, and not one that requires a letter to warn readers of its errors and inaccuracies.

You stated, “I think that the only thing that FIU is intending to gain is to not, inadvertently, accidentally or by default, allow inaccurate, untruthful, misleading and therefore damaging information to be, again, disseminated”. If that were true, then why did you quote Christian in the promotion of the book as stating, “since it is based on Wendelle's translations, it will surely contain some inaccuracies and omissions and mistakes, but we can take the risk”?

MH: Christian and I stand corrected for assuming that the problems were quite minor, which, as well know by now, is not the case. We were wrong, mistaken, incorrect. And that hasn't destroyed our credibility because we do not insist on forging ahead to profit, present false images or information, etc. It simply means that we do not want to COMPOUND the problem by effectively lying, now that we have been made aware of the truth of the matter.

And nowhere in here has anyone yet condemned, insulted or even chastised you. I think we're all hoping that you will see, however, that this isn't about YOU, your ego, self-image, etc. It's about the situation and how we can prevent what would be unintentional damage to the FIGU work from occurring.

Gaiaguys have stated that they can only provide a degree of improvement to a document that will always have inaccuracies. Does this mean that FIGU should never take the risk of promoting the book with qualifications? The whole point is to ask what is benefited from a delay. I have already spoken of the damage that a delay would have in the eyes of the public. My personal concern is that it will take FIGU another 30 years before the English-speaking people of the world will be able to have access to this information once again.

MH: FIGU probably shouldn't take that risk, since a separate letter (which may certainly not be guaranteed to remain with every copy of the book) is not the way to go about disseminating a book, this should be obvious. And think, if you're concerned about it taking FIGU 30 years, perhaps an intelligent solution can arrived at in a fraction of the time, even if it's not clear at this moment.

The question is, “What is the criterion upon which a decision is made to take the risk of promoting the book once again?” If FIGU does not have the ability to review the book, how can the determination be made that the book is, “too saturated with erroneous and misleading information”? At what point will the decision be made to enable the people of the world to have access to this extremely important information once again?

MH: I think that Christian has clearly stated FIGU's priorities so you have to consider his answers, even if they are not be what you wan to hear.

I have no problem with customers being informed of inaccuracies and their corrections. I encourage you to provide a letter saying as much as long as it does not say that the book should not be read. I also believe that I should be consulted regarding including the corrections that have been provided. I have no intention of perpetuating mistakes. You say that I am complaining. But, who else will speak for the rights of humanity to have access to this material, that you, yourself has said is important?

MH: I don't think that the "rights of humanity" thing is your best argument. With rights there are responsibilities, such as perhaps paying someone who is qualified to review the material. And the humanity that you refer to has not exactly beat down the door in the first place, either demanding their rights or assuming their responsibilities.

Now, I have something else to tell you. Your own credibility may be in jeopardy. You may remember how Ms. Legg stated that her version of Wendelle’s books did not contain sentences 93 through 111 of Contact 10. I also stated that the text from Contacts 34 through 53 were missing from Wendelle’s CD of his second book. I have attached his “Sad Note” about this to this Email.

Well, you have been promoting the CDs of Wendelle’s first two books as being unedited. Have you verified that these CDs are actually unedited with this missing text? If not, don’t you think that you should do so before jeopardizing your good name by promoting this as being true when it may not be? If the CDs are without omissions, then I would be very interested to have a copy of volume 2. It is very important that I receive this additional information as soon as possible so that it can be added to the second edition of my book.

MH: I will check Vol. 2.

Naturally, since Wendelle’s CDs contain the same mistakes that are in my book, I am curious as to why my book is no longer being promoted and his CDs are. Why is that?

MH: Good question. First thing that comes to mind is that you have summarized what's in the material and perhaps have made mistakes in your own understanding of it. BUT I have no objection to not selling the CDs if, upon consideration, FIGU thinks that they fall under the same criticism as your book. Let's see what they say and I will comply either way.





From:"" <>
Subject: Further Problems
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Date: Wednesday, 2 May 2007 2:03 PM
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Dear Maurice, Christian and Michael,

(note: We just read the last exchange between Michael and Maurice which futher supports my contentions.)

Thanks for your comments, Christian and Michael. (Just to be clear, you have seen all the correspondence we have had with Maurice.)

There is a further consideration about all this that none of you has yet dealt with.

Maurice, your web site contains a section about the "Pleiadians" which is very out of line with the facts. It leads the reader seriously in the direction of anticipation of the great scary extraterrestrial attack from those aliens which want to feed on us. Eg.

"Some evidence supports the theory the malevolent aliens are using humanity as raw materials for their effective rebirth as a thriving race - they claim to be from a dying planet and 'need' our help. Their intention actually is to subjugate and control humanity covertly, or otherwise overtly if necessary. ""

It also rather polarizes the ETs into the "good" ones and the "bad" ones. It leads one towards the disinformation which is spread by those Earthlings who want us to fear or ridicule the extraterrestrials. It is certainly confused. If you are truly keen to promote the truth about Meier you will take the effort to clear up those far more pronounced misunderstandings/misinterpretations. Have you read the latest FIGU bulletin which outlines these hoaxed ET projects? Have you read Guido Moosbrugger's book?

If FIGU promotes your book people will naturally tend to think that your web page comments which are specifically about these extraterrestrials are fairly accurate. This misunderstanding should certainly be avoided. (And no, I hadn't been to your web page before and did not know what you had there. Apparently no-one else checked either.)

The reason I warned you that my checking of your book would not amount to a stamp of approval is because you had already demonstrated the pronounced inclination to leap to conclusions about what we have all claimed or done and I want to be sure that you will not claim anything more than has been said by us.

To claim things about us told you by an anonymous "acquaintance", giving us no option to defend ourselves from the claims, is totally inappropriate and further leads me to discourage FIGU from its support of your book since I wonder what your attitude will be in the future.

As it happens I just spent a few hours going through the first quarter of your book this morning and did not find more than a couple of thing which could cause misunderstandings about the most important components of the case (ie. the thrust of the spiritual teachings). Most were much in line with the level of inaccuracy in Wendelle's book and are just a bit confused or vague as far as I can tell. So there are large parts anyway which seem well put together and could be quite helpful in reaching more people. I will try to make a note of any outstanding points as soon as I reasonably can (and see how the remainder is) so that you can try to address them. (We received your attachments, thank you.)



P.S. Michael, our first Wendelle CD is blank.

Michael"Michael" <>
Subject: Re: Further Problems
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Date: Wednesday, 2 May 2007 2:15 PM
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Hi Vivienne,

Sorry that Vol. 1 of Messages is blank. I will forward this to Wendelle and he will send you a new one to:

Dyson Devine & Vivienne Legg
775 Upper Coldstream Rd.
Tyndale, New South Wales
Australia 2460

Michael, our first Wendelle CD is blank.


Michael"Michael" <>
To: Maurice Osborn"Maurice Osborn" <>
CC: Christian Frehner, gaiaguysnetNET"Christian Frehner" <>, "gaiaguysnetNET" <>
Subject: Re: Further Problems
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Date: Wednesday, 2 May 2007 2:50 PM
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Hi Maurice,

I want to add this thought. If you are concerned about your credibility, as you have expressed several times, why do you post all of that unsubstantiated information about extraterrestrial races on your website (

I would echo Vivienne's concerns and add that, having observed Darryl with his make believe Bashar entity in channelings during the 1990s, I have little doubt that it is either a sub-personality or a schizophrenic manifestation.

It's certainly your right to promote whatever you want on your website but I don't think that it enhances the credibility of the Meier material - completely alone as far as substantiation and evidence are concerned - to be in the company of the other material, which would, unfortunately, gain credibility in people's minds on the strength of the Meier material's presence there.




Maurice Osborn"Maurice Osborn" <>
To: FIGU - Christian Frehner"FIGU - Christian Frehner" <>
Subject: I can certainly understand FIGU’s interest
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Date: Thursday, 3 May 2007 6:55 AM
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Dear Christian,<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--> I can certainly understand FIGU?s interest in verifying the validity of my book as long as it is completed in a timely manner. As I stated before, there appears to be only four mistakes found so far, which I have provided corrections for. Ms. Legg indicates that out of the entire first quarter of my book, she has only been able to find a couple of things that could cause misunderstandings. There has been no mention as to
what these things are, but I am sure that she will share them with me soon.<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--> The only thing else that Ms. Legg could find wrong is with unsubstantiated material on my website. I only included my book in this website in order to bring greater exposure to the Contact Notes. If this is a problem, I will be glad to remove the book from my website.<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--> Ms. Legg has stated , ?Maurice, your web site contains a section about the "Pleiadians" which is very out of line with the facts. It leads the reader seriously in the direction of anticipation of the great scary extraterrestrial attack from those aliens which want to feed on us.?<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--> It seems unfortunate to me that she did not read the beginning of Chapter 6, where Semjase says in her very first
contact, ?So, there exists life forms that have acquired much knowledge and have freed themselves from their home worlds. They have traveled through the universe and have also come to Earth. Many of them are rather nasty contemporaries and live in a certain barbarism that exists on Earth. Mankind ought to be on its guard because these entities often attack and destroy anything that gets in their way. They have destroyed whole planets or beaten their inhabitants into barbarous bondage. One of the Pleiadian missions is to warn Earth humans of these creatures.? I thought I was helping to do that with my website.<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->Sincerely,<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->Maurice

Michael"Michael" <>
To: Maurice Osborn"Maurice Osborn" <>
CC: FIGU - Christian Frehner,"FIGU - Christian Frehner" <>,
Subject: Re: I can certainly understand FIGU?s interest
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Date: Thursday, 3 May 2007 3:47 PM
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I think that it's important that you also know of recent Contact Reports/Notes and answers from Billy on the FIGU Forum. For instance, Billy recently said that the greatest immediate danger facing mankind is NOT from extraterrestrials but from among our own species.

Also, while mentioning that there may (eventually) be a threat from outer space, presenting information on completely unsubstantiated, and possibly imaginary, "extraterrestrials" as the possible source of such a threat weakens the argument, to put it mildly.



Maurice Osborn"Maurice Osborn" <>
To: FIGU - Christian Frehner"FIGU - Christian Frehner" <>
Subject: I would like to propose a solution
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Date: Friday, 4 May 2007 5:23 AM
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Dear Christian,
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
I would like to propose a solution to any objection regarding my website. As you know, I am only concerned about making the Contact Notes available to humanity and have no interest in obtaining riches of fame from my book. This should be abundantly clear with all of the free copies that I provided and the fact that I offered authorship of the book to Michael Horn.
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
I suggest that a second edition of the book be published with all mutually agreed upon corrections and presented under a different name for the author with no association to myself or my website. Only my Email and mailing address will remain the same under an assumed name so that I can still receive correspondence from the readers. In addition, the book will also be removed from my website. This should satisfy everyone concerned.
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
I still have not yet received any information from Ms. Legg concerning any new problems that may have been discovered in my book in spite of the claim that there are a couple of things that may cause misunderstandings. Come to think of it, none of her prior correspondence has ever contained any helpful hints for greater clarity. She has only tried to present a case to discredit the book.
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
It certainly seems apparent that recently, she has been more interested in trying to show fault with my website instead of correcting any mistakes in the book. This leads to the obvious conclusion that she is not interested in making the book better, but in preventing its disclosure to the public at all costs. In any case, her genuine intentions will become quite clear if no further cooperation is forthcoming.
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
I urge everyone concerned to consider that there are certain powerful elements in our society that do not wish for this book to be made available to the English-speaking people of the world. Attempts will certainly be made to prevent its disclosure.
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
I welcome any effort to improve the accuracy of the book and promise to correct any mistakes. This should be obvious since I have cooperated with you and FIGU to correct ALL misunderstandings discovered in the past. I look forward to a relationship of continued cooperation and mutual respect.
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
Maurice Osborn


FIGU - Christian Frehner"FIGU - Christian Frehner" <>
To: Maurice Osborn"Maurice Osborn" <>
Subject: Re: I can certainly understand FIGU’s inter est
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Date: Friday, 4 May 2007 5:32 AM
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Dear Maurice,

Thank you for your explanations.

Best regards,

Michael"Michael" <>
To: Maurice Osborn"Maurice Osborn" <>
CC: FIGU - Christian Frehner,"FIGU - Christian Frehner" <>,
Subject: Re: I would like to propose a solution
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Date: Friday, 4 May 2007 6:03 AM
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Hi Maurice,

My comments inserted.

Dear Christian,

I would like to propose a solution to any objection regarding my website. As you know, I am only concerned about making the Contact Notes available to humanity and have no interest in obtaining riches of fame from my book. This should be abundantly clear with all of the free copies that I provided and the fact that I offered authorship of the book to Michael Horn.

I suggest that a second edition of the book be published with all mutually agreed upon corrections and presented under a different name for the author with no association to myself or my website. Only my Email and mailing address will remain the same under an assumed name so that I can still receive correspondence from the readers. In addition, the book will also be removed from my website. This should satisfy everyone concerned.

MH: I think a corrected second version, if it's possible from the source translations, and pending FIGU's approval, is a good idea.

I still have not yet received any information from Ms. Legg concerning any new problems that may have been discovered in my book in spite of the claim that there are a couple of things that may cause misunderstandings. Come to think of it, none of her prior correspondence has ever contained any helpful hints for greater clarity. She has only tried to present a case to discredit the book.

It certainly seems apparent that recently, she has been more interested in trying to show fault with my website instead of correcting any mistakes in the book. This leads to the obvious conclusion that she is not interested in making the book better, but in preventing its disclosure to the public at all costs. In any case, her genuine intentions will become quite clear if no further cooperation is forthcoming.

MH: I need to point out that you draw inaccurate, and slightly paranoid (common usage implied, not clinical) "conclusions" based on faulty premises that you yourself set up.

Let's remember, please, that no one, including Ms. Legg, is obligated, contracted or officially committed to making the corrections/translations, etc. that you refer to. As both she and Dyson have pointed out, they are extraordinarily busy translating (often more current) Meier material. And that does not disqualify anyone from pointing out factual errors. On the contrary, the fact that they have taken the time to peruse the book and check its accuracy is an indication of a charitable, voluntary effort on their part, which you should certainly understand and appreciate.

I urge everyone concerned to consider that there are certain powerful elements in our society that do not wish for this book to be made available to the English-speaking people of the world. Attempts will certainly be made to prevent its disclosure.

MH: I don't know if that is anymore true than that any and all of the Meier material is opposed by certain parties. However, with the production of recent DVDs, books, etc., as well as the traffic now flowing to various Meier websites in evidence, a back-against-the-wall attitude is simply not necessary.

I welcome any effort to improve the accuracy of the book and promise to correct any mistakes. This should be obvious since I have cooperated with you and FIGU to correct ALL misunderstandings discovered in the past. I look forward to a relationship of continued cooperation and mutual respect.

MH: Let's clear up perceptual difficulties pertaining to presumed motives, conspiracies, etc. and find the best way to proceed. The second edition that you refer to seems like the right goal to me.




Maurice Osborn

FIGU - Christian Frehner"FIGU - Christian Frehner" <>
To: Michael"Michael" <>
CC: Maurice Osborn,"Maurice Osborn" <>,
Subject: Re: I would like to propose a solution
Print Reply Reply All Forward
Date: Friday, 4 May 2007 6:45 AM
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Dear Maurice,

Again I fully agree with what Michael has written. Therefore I don't
want to make an additional comment.

Thanks and regards,

Michael schrieb:
> Hi Maurice,
> My comments inserted.
>> Dear Christian,
>> I would like to propose a solution to any objection
>> regarding my website. As you know, I am only concerned about making
>> the Contact Notes available to humanity and have no interest in
>> obtaining riches of fame from my book. This should be abundantly
>> clear with all of the free copies that I provided and the fact that I
>> offered authorship of the book to Michael Horn.
>> I suggest that a second edition of the book be published with all
>> mutually agreed upon corrections and presented under a different name
>> for the author with no association to myself or my website. Only my
>> Email and mailing address will remain the same under an assumed name
>> so that I can still receive correspondence from the readers. In
>> addition, the book will also be removed from my website. This should
>> satisfy everyone concerned.
> MH: I think a corrected second version, if it's possible from the
> source translations, and pending FIGU's approval, is a good idea.
>> I still have not yet received any information from Ms.
>> Legg concerning any new problems that may have been discovered in my
>> book in spite of the claim that there are a couple of things that may
>> cause misunderstandings. Come to think of it, none of her prior
>> correspondence has ever contained any helpful hints for greater
>> clarity. She has only tried to present a case to discredit the book.
>> It certainly seems apparent that recently, she has been more
>> interested in trying to show fault with my website instead of
>> correcting any mistakes in the book. This leads to the obvious
>> conclusion that she is not interested in making the book better, but
>> in preventing its disclosure to the public at all costs. In any
>> case, her genuine intentions will become quite clear if no further
>> cooperation is forthcoming.
> MH: I need to point out that you draw inaccurate, and slightly
> paranoid (common usage implied, not clinical) "conclusions" based on
> faulty premises that you yourself set up.
> Let's remember, please, that no one, including Ms. Legg, is obligated,
> contracted or officially committed to making the
> corrections/translations, etc. that you refer to. As both she and
> Dyson have pointed out, they are extraordinarily busy translating
> (often more current) Meier material. And that does not disqualify
> anyone from pointing out factual errors. On the contrary, the fact
> that they have taken the time to peruse the book and check its
> accuracy is an indication of a charitable, voluntary effort on their
> part, which you should certainly understand and appreciate.
>> I urge everyone concerned to consider that there are
>> certain powerful elements in our society that do not wish for this
>> book to be made available to the English-speaking people of the
>> world. Attempts will certainly be made to prevent its disclosure.
> MH: I don't know if that is anymore true than that any and all of the
> Meier material is opposed by certain parties. However, with the
> production of recent DVDs, books, etc., as well as the traffic now
> flowing to various Meier websites in evidence, a back-against-the-wall
> attitude is simply not necessary.
>> I welcome any effort to improve the accuracy of the book and promise
>> to correct any mistakes. This should be obvious since I have
>> cooperated with you and FIGU to correct ALL misunderstandings
>> discovered in the past. I look forward to a relationship of
>> continued cooperation and mutual respect.
> MH: Let's clear up perceptual difficulties pertaining to presumed
> motives, conspiracies, etc. and find the best way to proceed. The
> second edition that you refer to seems like the right goal to me.
> Best,
> MH
>> Sincerely,
>> Maurice Osborn


From:"" <>
Subject: Re: I would like to propose a solution
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Date: Friday, 4 May 2007 5:04 PM
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Dear Christian and Michael, (hello Maurice)

Let's take another look at that, shall we?

>> I still have not yet received any information from Ms.
>> Legg concerning any new problems that may have been discovered in my
>> book in spite of the claim that there are a couple of things that may
>> cause misunderstandings. Come to think of it, none of her prior
>> correspondence has ever contained any helpful hints for greater
>> clarity. She has only tried to present a case to discredit the book.
>> It certainly seems apparent that recently, she has been more
>> interested in trying to show fault with my website instead of
>> correcting any mistakes in the book. This leads to the obvious
>> conclusion that she is not interested in making the book better, but
>> in preventing its disclosure to the public at all costs. In any
>> case, her genuine intentions will become quite clear if no further
>> cooperation is forthcoming.

He said that, and you're suggesting proceeding? I can handle Maurice's insults and lack of reason but it does not bode well for your project and should serve as a warning. Let's be clear. This is not because he is rude and offensive but because he clearly does not respect the truth. This (above excerpt) is not the cue to continue a joint project. He has repeatedly played down the extent of the problems I have shown him and attacks the person who draws his attention to his problems. If he sincerely wants to spread the truth then that's great and he can discover some of his own errors by studying the other available English material! I don't expect to do any more on it than I just have* (these past three days solid). This is foolishness. My obligation, as someone who recognises the profound value of this material, is to the truth, so, what I do, thankfully, doesn't depend on whether Maurice, or anyone else likes me or not. People have to know there are errors no matter how much hard work he has done. It's nothing personal, of course, and it serves NOBODY to play down this problem.

*except that a book review for is in order, since it's apparently already in circulation. How many copies are in circulation?

[D just had a look at the "Scientific" section and says it's hopeless and anyone who buys it will just think the case is nonsense. As you can imagine, he is about 4 times more adamant than I am.]

When you produce a summary from (30 year old) notes which are incomplete and full of errors you get a summary which paints an incomplete picture full of the original errors plus various additional errors due to the writer's own misunderstandings. This is only logical. If the original translations are a problem, then the summary will be a bigger problem. This is how "The Essence of the Notes" has to be described.

No matter what the positive aspects and potential of such a book are (and there are some, as I HAVE previously mentioned) they won't cancel out the negatives, especially as far as FIGU's promotion of it goes. Both the positive and the negative exist side by side. It is completely impractical to think that a third party who knows the German notes (well) can adequately identify the extent of errors in this work for the author and then make it clear how, and why, the corrections should be made. (Does anyone have six months on their hands? It would be more sensible to work on a new project.) You will realise this yourselves if you read it, and you will more easily recognise errors than I can due to your much longer exposure to those early notes.

By the way, do you really want that old version of Asket's explanation spread which includes the Jewish Zionists trying to take over the world?

(A couple of helpful hints for Maurice. When Billy says "Well, so- and- so is really going to be pleased about that." He is being sarcastic or ironic, not literal. P. 121, para. 3 sounds like all Earthlings must obey the Plejaren. P.10 Sounds like Sfath comes from Dal universe. (I've got three pages of scribbles noting things that seemed to be errors but each one would take ages to check and explain.). 40. "excuse" should be "apology". Many of these are carried over from Wendelle's books. "Control" is used when it probably should be "supervised", which makes a big difference, and so on.

It isn't just a matter of finding an isolated few errors. There are a great many minor errors and most of them are bound up with slight misunderstandings of what the notes were describing. So it's not just a word or line which needs to be fixed, but whole areas which need to be reworked.

In order to prevent the worst misunderstandings, which will provide a particularly big headache in the future for people working to spread the truth, (and I'll be here 20 years longer than you guys, if everything doesn't go pear- shaped first). I have identified errors which were most outstanding (that I could recognise). There is another category of errors which are individually of less importance, but it has to be understood, they will still cause a lot of confusion and I can see no logical reason why FIGU would want to promote it when people have trouble enough understanding correct information.

Maurice says he is happy to fix errors. The below are those he can attempt to fix, above all. They are mostly from the first half of the book. I haven't read the second half, apart from a page here and there.

There are stretches which seem quite well understood and correct and helpful and there are others which are very confused, but how would the reader know which is which?

[Anyway, I wrote the below as a suggestion, thinking you were still going to put a note in the cover of the existing books. It includes additional errors to the ones previously mentioned. Of course, if I have made any errors myself, now is the time to discover them.]

Numerous errors have been discovered in this book since it was first published. While many are perhaps not of a very critical nature there are a number of them which must be noted here in an attempt to avoid encouraging damaging misunderstandings concerning the nature of the Billy Meier case and the advice and information provided to him by the Plejaren Extraterrestrials.

On page 294 there is the line, "But the truth can only be spread with harshness just as peace can only be forced by nuclear power." This wrongly gives the impression that the Plejaren are promoting nuclear war or something similar. This is absolutely opposite to their real message. They stridently condemn war, the use of nuclear weapons and the use of nuclear power. A large part of their mission here has been to persuade us to put a stop to all of these things.

On page 24 there are the lines, "Meier is told that he will indulge in different vices." This line requires more context to be understood. The German sentence includes the adjective, "lernmässig", (of or pertaining to learning) which indicates that this was necessary in order for Meier to have sufficient understanding of life to be able to fulfil his extremely demanding role as prophet. He had to endure great suffering for the same reason.

Also on page 24, we find, "Within ten years, an evil possession will suddenly take over his body and he will live a different life". This line could lead people to think that Meier was a victim of some kind of evil possession, but, as the lines in the notes which follow imply, this actually merely refers to the loss of Meier's left arm. The relevant German text can most directly be translated to, "A big change will grasp possession of your body, so you will suddenly live a completely new life."

On page 164 we find, "This is their inner spiritual being, which is infinitely easier and uncomplicated. It forms a trinity of transcendental reality with understanding, knowledge, wisdom, love and liberty." The German text describes this as a unity (Einheit), not a trinity (Dreiheit). This is very important to note because the Meier/Plejaren teaching clearly explains that teachings which include a trinity concept are particularly bad. Certainly the Meier/Plejaren teachings do not include such a teaching.

On page 176 there is a sub-title, "Laws of God". Because one of the main planks of the messages from the Plejaren is that the gods are merely human beings who have achieved a very high degree of understanding and should never be confused with Creation itself or assume a dictatorial role, this title should read, "Laws of Creation".

In various parts of this book the term Spiritualism is used where the word spirituality, or spiritual teachings should be used. Since Meier and the Plejaren teach that all religions and all ideologies are misleading and are not aligned with the truth, it is incorrect to use the term Spiritualism, (which refers to an ideology or a religious concept), to describe what they teach.

On page 73 we find the line, "They become elite entities and able to provide spiritual guidance and education for humanity on Earth." This line, which is presented in a partial confusion of the context, could suggest that FIGU core group members achieve some sort of elite status and requires more clarification. The original German word relating to this matter is indeed "Elite", but it refers to the group as a group, in future incarnations, and how this will be achieved as a result of the Plejaren guidance and the efforts of the individuals involved. (Naturally it does not imply a superiority or any sense of being raised above other humans.)

On page 17 there are the lines, "The limitless greed for power is evident in all earthly religions and represent the most dangerous threat for the eventual goal of a world government. All earthly governments are subjected to religious influences that endeavour to unite them under a single world government." From these lines it could be wrongly assumed that the Plejaren oppose the concept of a world government. This is not true. They stress the importance of uniting in order to tackle the mounting problems we face. But the government should be good and just and concerned for the welfare of the people, not one which is forced upon us by stealth or through war. The following translation should shed some light on how the relevant section is meant to be understood. "218. But, if the Earth human continues to live attached to religions, then he thereby only serves the wishes, and desires for power, of those who have worked for a long time towards the conquest of Earth and thereby for world control. 219. The Earth human must pay very precise attention to these things because otherwise a worldwide war of annihilation threatens him, which, as the Third World War, could bring the final defeat and enslavement over the Earth - directed and steered by the malicious extraterrestrial life-forms under the pyramids of Giza." [see]

On page 19 there is a line which states that Jewish Zionists, with the help of the Christian religions, will sharpen their bloody swords to control the Earth. This explanation, which was once in the contact notes, has been corrected by FIGU and now, reads as follows.

131. At that time, and also even later, it will be America, Russia and China, that very strongly push for enslaving world domination, so it will not be at a later point in time the Jewish Zionists, as many people presume, who sharpen their blood sword through mass-murdering acts of violence and with the help of the Christian religion, to subjugate the Earth, rather smaller powers and various malignant sects, whereby one such really malignant one leads back to a certain Ron Hubbard. [see]

O.K., It's over to you.



Michael"Michael" <>
To: gaiaguysnetNET, Christian Frehner, Maurice Osborn"gaiaguysnetNET" <>, "Christian Frehner" <>, "Maurice Osborn" <>
Subject: Re: I would like to propose a solution
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Date: Saturday, 5 May 2007 1:51 AM
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Hi all,

I think that Vivienne's comments have served to both clarify and elevate my thinking.

I realized that I wanted this project to succeed in part because I wanted to see some "healing" of Maurice's misperceptions, distortions and inaccurate inferences and insults, as I saw them. I thought that by trying to reflect a more neutral-accurate perception and perspective he would correct what the rest of us apparently agree are the underlying problems.

His last email seemed to reflect at least a better approach, i.e. starting the project over for a new edition of the book. However, in keeping with what Vivienne points out regarding the truth, there has been virtually no concern for it expressed by Maurice, or certainly it has not been his expressed priority. He has plainly presented his other concerns, such as perceived damage to his own credibility and blaming others for their positions, lack of assistance, FIGU's not working fast enough for his liking, etc.

In looking at this now, I can see that my own desires to create a working partnership are premature. Perhaps my own approach then was too "diplomatic" on one hand and naive on the other, since the underlying attitudes and perceptions haven't been/aren't dealt with and would likely erupt or express themselves at some other weak point in the process. We aren't here just to publish the material but primarily to learn from it.

I think that what is called for is for Maurice to "slow down" and examine the criticisms not only of the version of the book but more importantly of the perceptual-behavioral issues identified and especially what Vivienne and Dyson have said in regards to respect for and prioritizing the truth.

It may not need repeating but all of us are in process as far as all of this goes and to help each other to see, clarify and understand is to also apply the teachings.

There are about 20 books in circulation, from my sales, and it is no longer available at my site.


From:"" <>
Subject: Re: I would like to propose a solution
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Date: Saturday, 5 May 2007 2:50 PM
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Thanks for your explanation, Michael. I can see where you were coming from.

Cheers, V

Michael"Michael" <>
Subject: Re: I would like to propose a solution
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Date: Sunday, 6 May 2007 1:57 PM
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Welcome Vivienne!

Cheers to you guys,


Dear Christian and Michael,
I messed up! I took the remarks from Gaiaguys personally and now I have caused them to refuse any further help in reviewing my book. This was a big mistake on my part as their inputs have been invaluable. I now understand that my book is a major obstacle in their goal to obtain funding for them to provide new translations of the early contact notes. Because it was in their own best interest to find fault with my book, this means that they were perfect for the task and now I have gone and messed that all up. I’m sorry.
What everyone appears to have missed, including me, is that their criticisms had very little to do with how I wrote my book. As everyone knows from reading the front cover, the information was solely derived from the translations published by Wendelle Stevens. With the exception of only two mistakes, I have verified that my transcriptions of his translations are accurate and that every mistake outlined by Ms. Legg was the result of misunderstandings in the translations into English from the original notes. I never should have accepted blame for mistakes that I did not commit. My report confirming this can be found after this Email.
I want you to know that I was extremely happy when I learned that Wendelle Stevens was making his CDs of his books available for you to sell. I had pleaded with him to make the unedited version of his books available to people. But, he told me in an Email that he was sorry for ever having made his books available because he felt that it resulted in additional assassination attempts being made on Herr Meier’s life. I have always thought that his books have been of tremendous benefit for humanity.
Michael, I am still waiting to find out if Wendelle’s CD of his second book actually contains all of the contact notes that were missing in my CD. If you are unable to determine this for me, than please allow me to purchase a copy and I will let you know what I find out. If his CDs are still edited, than this is contrary to what you have been telling everyone about them. If not, then I will mail you a money order for the purchase of a copy right away.
Although I am delighted that you are promoting his CDs, I am curious why his CDs are being promoted and mine are not since his CDs contain almost all of the same mistakes that were reported by Ms. Legg. The following report shows this to be true. The only difference between his version and mine is that I am willing to correct all of the problems previously identified and he cannot. If no one else is willing to review the second half of my book for mistakes, than I will begin to input all corrections for the second edition. Please let me know how you would like to proceed.




Michael"Michael" <>
To: Maurice Osborn"Maurice Osborn" <>
CC: Christian Frehner, gaiaguysnetNET"Christian Frehner" <>, "gaiaguysnetNET" <>
Subject: Re: I messed up!
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Date: Monday, 7 May 2007 2:53 AM
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Hi Maurice,

I will check Wendelle's CD later today but I understood from someone who did get it that it is complete. As I said, I'll personally check it later. I will also try to make time to read your comparison below.

However I want to point some problems in your email in the form of inferential, inaccurate and unsubstantiated statements (accusations, actually):

"I now understand that my book is a major obstacle in their goal to obtain funding for them to provide new translations of the early contact notes. Because it was in their own best interest to find fault with my book, this means that they were perfect for the task and now I have gone and messed that all up."

As far as my selling Wendelle's CDs and as far as whether your book project should be encouraged, assisted, etc., I look for word from FIGU on both of these matters.





Maurice’s Book: Unknown
Wendelle’s Book: Unknown
Complaint: When Billy says "Well, so- and- so is really going to be pleased about that." He is being sarcastic or ironic, not literal.
Correction: Not known

Maurice’s Book Source: Page 121, Para. 3: 28.Q28-33 “The Plejarens are the leading and advising factors before humanity on Earth and it is not permitted for people to rely on their own illogical thoughts and disregard orders. If they cannot realize the wisdom of the Plejaren logic, this does not give them license to do whatever they want to do. The Plejarens can only offer spiritual lessons and useful information for humanity on Earth when their advice is respected. Illogical arbitrary actions greatly injure their mission here. Humanity should understand that the Plejarens are 3,000 years in advance of Earth humans in evolution. Anyone on Earth that believes that they know better than the Plejarens are suffering from a selfish megalomania.”
Wendelle’s Book Source: First book page 308, “28. In this respect, we are the leading and advising factors before the earthhuman being, and so it is not admitted, some persons rely on their inlogic and treat not from the issued orders. 29. If also their unlogic lets not realize our logic, this means no license of arbitrariness for them. 30. We only then may offer the spirit’s lesson and all things else useful towards the earthly human being, if becomes treated from our advises. 31. Unlogical arbitrarinesses but injure with great measure our mission. 32. Within all steps of evolution we are from earthly counting of the time etc. about 3000 years before the earthhuman being, which fact should be considered by all. 33. If then an earthhuman being, who lays behind us this span of evolution, is of the opinion, that with his unlogic ignorance he would surpass the logic knowing of us, than this equals to a selfish megalomania, as you like to designate such.”
Complaint: Sounds like all Earthlings must obey the Plejaren.
Correction: None needed

Maurice’s Book Source: Page10, Section 1.1, “Contact reports with Asket from 1953 to 1964” No reference found to Sfath’s origin, but in Section 4.3.6 “Sfath 63.82-86” it states, “Semjase informed Meier that Sfath was her grandfather.”
Wendelle’s Book Source: Third book, page 175, Contact 63, Semjase reveals, “83. He was my grandfather, as you would call it.”
Complaint: Sounds like Sfath comes from Dal universe.
Correction: None needed

Maurice’s Book Source: Page 40, Para. 2: 2.1-17 “When Meier asks if he should give an excuse for his comments, he is told that excuses are empty words that seldom offer real opinions.”
Wendelle’s Book Source: First book, page 28, Meier says: “…shall I excuse me perhaps.” Semjase then says: 15. I believe you, yes, and don’t expect an excuse from you. 16. Excusations are at all alone empty words and seldom offer the real opinion.
Complaint: "excuse" should be "apology". Many of these are carried over from Wendelle's books.
Correction: None needed

Maurice’s Book Source: No reference to “Control” found in Chapter 2
Wendelle’s Book Source: No reference found
Complaint: "Control" is used when it probably should be "supervised"
Correction: None needed

Maurice’s Book Source: Page 294, Para. 3: 5.9-24, "But the truth can only be spread with harshness just as peace can only be forced by nuclear power."
Wendelle’s Book Source: First book, page 48, "But the truth can alone get spread by hardness, same, as peace can alone get forced by naked power."
Complaint: This wrongly gives the impression that the Plejaren are promoting nuclear war or something similar.
Correction: But the truth can only be spread with harshness just as peace can only be forced by naked power.

Maurice’s Book Source: Page 24, Para. 3: “Asket’s Explanation of 2/7/53 at the Dead Sea”, "Meier is told that he will indulge in different vices. He will experience heavy physical and mental pain. He will live in hell from the persecution of others and learn to conceive of heaven.”
Wendelle’s Book Source: Second book, page 471, Asket says: 19. So also will come with different vises, for which you still will indulge. 20. Heavy bodily pain will same as less be spared from you, as psychical pain, too. 21. From earthhuman judication you will live in the hell, by what yet you first will learn to conceive the heaven.
Complaint: This line requires more context to be understood. The German sentence includes the adjective, "lernmässig".
Correction: None needed

Maurice’s Book Source: Page 24, Para. 3: “Asket’s Explanation of 2/7/53 at the Dead Sea”, Asket says, "Within ten years, an evil possession will suddenly take over his body and he will live a different life."
Wendelle’s Book Source: Second book, page 471, Asket says: 22. Already now I want to tell you, within less than ten years having to pass the until then hardest examination of your life. 23. But this examination, too, will be necessary in your fate, to collect many cognitions. 24. I know rather well your future, because I have explorated into her, and I know, that evil things will meet you. 25. A large change will suddenly take your body in possession, by what you suddenly will live a new life.
Complaint: This line could lead people to think that Meier was a victim of some kind of evil possession, but, as the lines in the notes which follow imply, this actually merely refers to the loss of Meier's left arm. The relevant German text can most directly be translated to, "A big change will grasp possession of your body, so you will suddenly live a completely new life.” The translator could legitimately chose the phrase "take hold" instead of "grasp possession".
Correction: “Within ten years, a large change will take hold of his body, which will be the most traumatic of his life. But this will be necessary in order for him to learn many things.” Also, an editorial note should be included to explain that this referred to the loss of his arm.

Maurice’s Book Source: Page 164, Para. 3: 11.57-138, Semjase says, "This is their inner spiritual being, which is infinitely easier and uncomplicated. It forms a trinity of transcendental reality with understanding, knowledge, wisdom, love and liberty."
Wendelle’s Book Source: First book, page 158, Semjase says: 93. The inner spiritual being, the life of the life itself, which is infinited easy and incomplicated, forms a trinity of transcendental reality, cognition, knowledge, wisdom, love, and liberty.
Complaint: The German text describes this as a unity (Einheit), not a trinity (Dreiheit).
Correction: “It forms a unity of transcendental reality with understanding, knowledge, wisdom, love and liberty."

Maurice’s Book Source: Page 176, section "5.4 Laws of God". Page 176, Para. 2: 38.Q5-10, it states, “This is a Creational law of evolution”.
Wendelle’s Book Source:
Complaint: This title should read, "Laws of Creation".
Correction: Section "5.4 Laws of Creation"

Maurice’s Book Source: Page 177, Para. 4: 25.71-98 “Humans on Earth have exercised much spiritualism, but it is very amateurish and without callable knowledge or successes.” “This form of pretended spiritualism causes mediums to be badly self-delusional and all reality is lost.” “There are only four Earth humans exercise true spiritualism” “Spiritualism exercised of the low kind is not desired by the dead and offers no benefit to the living, only bad things.”
Wendelle’s Book Source: First book, page 291, Semjase says “71. As you want: Essentially seen, at you earthhuman beings gets exercised much spiritism, but very amateurish and without callable knowings or successes. 80. This form of a pretentive spiritism evokes in the medium a bad self-delusion, by what the assessors too get enclosed. 90. Now but exists also the form of the true spiritism, of which, as far as we know, only four earthhuman beings are able: 93. Basical the truth of the spiritism lays in that, that in first line it is not desired from the died and not offers any benefit for the living ones, but only bad things, if it concern the exercised spiritism of the low kind.”
Complaint: In various parts of this book the term Spiritualism is used where the word spirituality, would be better.
Correction: Change all references of “Spiritualism” to “Spirituality”.

Maurice’s Book Source: Page 33, Para.2: “Explanation of Meier’s contact with Jmmanuel”, Meier asks Immanuel how his lessons should be presented when the New Testament says that he is the son of God, that God embodies the Creation, that God is the heavenly father and redeemer of mankind, etc. He is told that religion remains always wrong and only spiritualism is truly justified. Religion and spiritualism can only become united when the truth is purified again. Religion and spiritualism can form a harmonic unit when dogmas and heresies have been removed and destroyed.
Wendelle’s Book Source: Second book, page 529, Jmmanuel says: “233. A religious lesson itself can alone then be worthful and really advising, if it is free from dogmas and human heresies and gets connected with the rel-e-geous. 234. In my as in your time but religion is basical wrong and only relegeon can be servible. 235. For these times religion remains always wrong, and alone relegeon finds truly justification. 236. This so long until the truth is purified again and religion and relegeon can get united again. 237. The relegating and the once-more uniting, that are religion and relegeon, can first then form a harmonic unit, when dogmas and else heresies have been remoted from them and destroyed.
Complaint: misleading use of the word Spiritualism
Correction: Change all references of “Spiritualism” to “Spirituality”. The only other place where the term “Relegeon” is used is in contact 24, sentences 32 thru 46. This was included within “Chapter 9, Religion” on page 297. Because there was no prior explanation of what relegeon was, I used the term spiritualism instead.

Maurice’s Book Source: Page 73, Para. 2: 73.10-14, Semjase says, ": Those who prepare now for this will achieve an unprecedented advantage and a chance for faster evolution of up to 124 years of spiritual development. They become elite entities and able to provide spiritual guidance and education for humanity on Earth."
Wendelle’s Book Source: Third book, page 290, Semjase says: “13. Those ones who thus trouble now for this, according to our instructions, achieve this way an unprecedented advantage and the chance of a faster evolution, which develops them after their next life for around 124 years of spiritual evolution, by which they become an elite, which slowly develops itself for the spiritual guidance of the Earth, by which is later performed then the spiritual leadership and education of the Earth by them.”
Complaint: This line, which is presented in a partial confusion of the context, could suggest that FIGU core group members achieve some sort of elite status and requires more clarification. The original German word relating to this matter is indeed "Elite", but it refers to the group as a group, in future incarnations, and how this will be achieved as a result of the Plejaren guidance and the efforts of the individuals involved.
Correction: None needed

Maurice’s Book Source: Page 17, Para. 4: “Asket’s Explanation on February 3, 1953” Asket states, "The limitless greed for power is evident in all earthly religions and represent the most dangerous threat for the eventual goal of a world government. All earthly governments are subjected to religious influences that endeavor to unite them under a single world government."
Wendelle’s Book Source: Second book, page 442, Asket says: 49. Boarderless greediness for might is peculiar to all earthly religions, and the essential embodying of goal of all these consists in the getting of a world’s government. 50. Religion means the greatest and most dangerous might for reaching of the world’s government, which without exception gets endeavored by all directions of beliefs, as far as they are straightened religious or secret circled. 51. It is doubtless, that all earthly governments are religiously guided and led or at least are subjected to a certain religious influence.
Complaint: From these lines it could be wrongly assumed that the Plejaren oppose the concept of a world government. This is not true. They stress the importance of uniting in order to tackle the mounting problems we face. But the government should be good and just and concerned for the welfare of the people, not one which is forced upon us by stealth or through war. The following translation should shed some light on how the relevant section is meant to be understood. "218. But, if the Earth human continues to live attached to religions, then he thereby only serves the wishes, and desires for power, of those who have worked for a long time towards the conquest of Earth and thereby for world control. 219. The Earth human must pay very precise attention to these things because otherwise a worldwide war of annihilation threatens him, which, as the Third World War, could bring the final defeat and enslavement over the Earth - directed and steered by the malicious extraterrestrial life-forms under the pyramids of Giza." [see]
Correction: None needed

Maurice’s Book Source: Page 19, Para. 3: “Asket’s Explanation on February 3, 1953” Asket states that “Jewish Zionists, with the help of the Christian religions, will sharpen their bloody swords to control the Earth.”
Wendelle’s Book Source: Second book, page 449, Asket says: 131. While at the moment still are America, Russia, and China, who force very strong for the slaving world’s command, so at this point of time it will be the Jewish-Zionists, who by mass-murdering might-actions and by help of the Christian religions sharpen their blood-sword, to make for themselves subject the earth.
Complaint: This explanation, which was once in the contact notes, has been corrected by FIGU and now, reads as follows. 131. At that time, and also even later, it will be America, Russia and China, that very strongly push for enslaving world domination, so it will not be at a later point in time the Jewish Zionists, as many people presume, who sharpen their blood sword through mass-murdering acts of violence and with the help of the Christian religion, to subjugate the Earth, rather smaller powers and various malignant sects, whereby one such really malignant one leads back to a certain Ron Hubbard. [see]
Correction: None needed

1 Unknown reference (Issue 1)
2 Mistakes by me (Issues 6 and 10)
5 Recommended changes (Issues 8-12)


To:"" <>
Subject: re: Maurice Osborn's "Essense Of The Notes" book
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Date: Saturday, 2 June 2007 3:30 AM
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Hi Dyson & Vivienne,
I see Maurice's reference to a "mutual acquaintance". That is not
me. I cut off communication with him when he sent me the $50 (that
I returned to him) as I thought it some form of bribe to send him
the other missing notes pages (I never asked for money nor would
I have accepted any). I had suspicions about his intentions after a
few emails with him.
I have no idea who he refers to by "mutual acquaintance".

I have no problems using any of these email communications (in
whole or in part) on your website if it will clarify any matters.

Kind regards,

On Thu, 31 May 2007, wrote:

> Dear David (Hi Christian - copy to Michael)
> Very interesting. Thanks for that.
> How much (if any) of this exchange do you think should be added
> to our webpage?
> David, you will see from the correspondence @
> that Maurice has a
> website where his book is published in full. He is very keen to
> spread it around.
> Do you have any idea who this "anonymous mutual acquaintance"
> referred to by Maurice is??????
> Cheers!
> Dyson & Vivienne
> ----------------------------------------
> From: chancede@SLU.EDU
> Sent: Thursday, 31 May 2007 10:20 PM
> To: gaiaguys
> Subject: Maurice Osborn's "Essense Of The Notes" book
> Hi Dyson, Vivienne & Christian,
> I noticed at the Meier What's New page the review of
> Maurice Osborn's "Essense Of The Notes" book. I wanted to share
> with you the email exchange I had with him in 2005 in which he
> states that he had abandoned his book project. I cautioned him
> about such a project relying on the Stevens books and the
> inaccuracies there, possibly "adding mud to the water", as well as
> the need to get approval from FIGU. It appears that he used some of
> the format I put together for my Contact Notes index webpage,
> including some of the wording I have there:
> I would be interested in reviewing the book myself if a copy is
> available.
> David
> P.S. After having reluctance about what he was doing I decided not
> to send him the remaining pages of Stevens' books that he was
> requesting. I also returned him the money that he sent to me as I
> had sent him the copies as a courtesy.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2005 15:14:27 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Maurice Osborn
> To: chancede@SLU.EDU
> Subject: I just received your packet in the mail
> Dear David,
> I just received your packet in the mail. I am convinced by your arguments concerning my project to provide a summary version of Steven's books. I now agree with you, that this endeavor would be worthless because of all the inaccuracies and omissions involved in the translations. So, I have decided to cancel all work involved in this undertaking.
> However, I am still interested in obtaining a copy of notes 46 through 53 from Stevens' books for my own personal use. I would appreciate it very much if you were to send me copies of them when you are able. In case you no longer have my mailing address, it is: Maurice Osborn, P.O. Box 383, Ramona, CA. 92065.
> I meant for you to have the money that I sent to you as a reward for all of the work that you have done in regards to the contact notes with no obligations attached. You are certainly entitled to be compensated for your expenses in duplicating the material and I am happy to give what I can for what you have done. In any case, I wanted you to know that I respect your wishes. Thank you for your help.
> Sincerely,
> Maurice
> chancede@SLU.EDU wrote:Hi Maurice,
> You're welcome...glad to share what I have.
> Regards,
> David
> On Mon, 1 Aug 2005, Maurice Osborn wrote:
> > Dear David,
> >
> > Thank you very much for the copies. They are greatly appreciated. Be ready for something that should please you. Thanks again!
> >
> > Sincerely,
> >
> > Maurice
> >
> > chancede@SLU.EDU wrote:
> > Hi Maurice,
> > You're very welcome. I'll be mailing your package out tomorrow.
> > Thanks for the info on the CD...I contacted Cece Stevens about it.
> > All the best,
> > David
> > ===================================================================
> >
> > On Mon, 25 Jul 2005, Maurice Osborn wrote:
> >
> > > Dear David,
> > >
> > > Thank you very much for your kind help. Please send whatever you can of notes 34 thru 45 to my mailing address of: Maurice Osborn, P.O. Box 383, Ramona, CA 92065. Thanks. I promise that you will not regret it. You have no idea how important this is.
> > >
> > > To answer your questions, I obtained a CD of book 1 from Wendelle personally and later, I purchased a CD of book 2 by sending him a money order to his mailing address. Each CD cost $25.00. There does not appear to be anything missing between CDs 1 and 2 or book 3. I was also able to purchase his third book, in hardback form, for the same amount. I do not have his address with me right now, but if you'd like it, I will be happy to send it to you. Thank-you ever so much for all of your help.
> > >
> > > Sincerely,
> > >
> > > Maurice
> > >
> >
> >
> > ---------------------------------
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