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Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte, Block 8  Seite 89

Zweihundertfünfundsiebzigster Kontact

Dienstag, 10. August, 1999, 22:27 Uhr


Pleiadian/Plejaren Contact Reports, Volume 8  Page 89


275th contact


Tuesday, August 10th, 1999, 10:27PM


Billy ... Vielleicht ist dir bekannt, dass die sogenannte <Mutter Teresa> nächstens in einem Schnellverfahren heiliggesprochen werden soll.

Billy ... Perhaps you know that so-called "Mother Theresa" is soon to be canonised, in a high-speed process.

Du selbst sagtest mir aber bezüglich dieser Frau, dass sie eine Kriminelle sei, die unter dem Deckmantel des Glaubens und der Religion schwere Verbrechen begehe resp. begangen habe, denn in der Zwischenzeit ist sie ja gestorben.

But you yourself said to me, in regard to this woman, that she is a criminal who, under the cover of faith and religion, commits, respectively committed - because in the meantime she has died - grave wrongdoings.

Wie ich von dir und aus verschiedenen irdischen Quellen weiss, war sie eine Kindesräuberin, die vielen indischen Müttern ihre Kinder stahl und für teures Geld an kinderlose Ausländer verkaufte.

As I know from you and from various terrestrial sources, she was a child-robber who stole children from many Indian mothers and sold them for a lot of money to childless foreigners.

Den Müttern, denen sie die Kinder stahl- in Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Schwestern ihres Ordens -, erzählte sie, dass die ihr anvertrauten Kinder gestorben seien usw.

In cooperation with other sisters of her order she told the mothers, from whom she stole the children, that the children entrusted to her had died, and so forth.

Im weiteren scheffelte sie auch millionenweise Dollars mit Spenden, die ihr anvertraut wurden, um damit die Not der Leidenden zu lindern und um damit Krankenhäuser und Pflegeheime usw. zu bauen.

Furthermore she also raked in dollars by the millions by means of donations which were entrusted to her for the purpose of alleviating the need of those who were suffering and to build hospitals and nursing homes, and so forth.

All die vielen Dollars aber, die du mir vor noch nicht langer Zeit mit 3,5 Milliarden angegeben hast und die sie zu grossen Teilen von Staatsoberhäuptern und Wirtschaftsbossen usw. erbettelte und ergaunerte, wurden nie für die Zwecke verwendet, die Mutter Teresa angegeben hat.

But all the many dollars, which, not very long ago, you indicated to me was 3,500,000,000 - and which, in large part, Mother Theresa got through begging and underhanded means from the Federal heads and finance bosses, and so forth - was never utilised for the purposes indicated by her.

Nur wenige Dollars flossen tatsächlich für die genannten Zwecke aus, während der grosse Rest, nämlich mehr als 1,7 Milliarden - wenn ich mich richtig deiner Angaben entsinne von der Betrügerin nach Rom getragen wurde, um die päpstliche Kasse zu füllen.

Only a few dollars actually flowed out for the named purposes while most of the remainder, namely more than 1,700,000,000 - if I correctly recall your statements  - were carried to Rome by the deceiver in order to fill the papal coffers.

Kann man das so im Raum stehen lassen und dies auch öffentlich publik machen, oder soll ich besser schweigen darüber?

Can one let that hang in the air and also openly make this public, or had I better remain silent over it?


37. Was ich dir im Zusammenhang mit dieser betrügerischen kleinen Frau berichtete, entspricht den Begebenheiten und Tatsachen, folglich die Erklärungen auch offen genannt werden dürfen.


37. What I reported to you in connection with this deceitful little woman corresponds to the incidents and facts, consequently the explanations may also be openly given out.

(related reading)

From Billy's Q&A www.gaiaguys.net/answers.htm

Posted on Saturday, July 22, 2006 - 10:17 pm:

Dear Billy,

There is something I have pondered and have not come to a complete understanding.

The person known as Mother Teresa had visited many countries during her lifetime and sought out the poorest of people to help and comfort. She mentioned receiving the calling of "God" and decided to devote her life to serving humanity. She taught the simple lessons of giving and receiving love with no attachments. The basis for much of her life was giving service to "God" and "Jesus" and spreading religious ideas.

In your opinion would you consider this person someone of greatness and a true humanitarian, or perhaps someone who has been misguided by religious ideas and philosophies? I mean this in a respectful and kind way, but I can't seem to reconcile the ideas she taught which don't seem to teach people to help themselves, but to rely on "Jesus" and "God" for strength and guidance...

Thank you for any ideas you may have on this topic.



Mother Teresa "produced" things she then believed to be real and true. Actually she was living in a religious-sectarian delusion.

Mother Teresa was a serious criminal. She was dealing (selling) children and sending/donating about 2 billion/milliard $ to the Pope.

Sydney Morning Herald.

Mother Teresa's letters inspired order 

September 4, 2007

Letters written by Mother Teresa which reveal she sometimes doubted God surprised and then inspired many among her order, her successor said ahead of Wednesday's 10th anniversary of the ethnic Albanian nun's death.

"The sisters were surprised, I was surprised to learn how she suffered in her thirst for God," said Sister Nirmala, the diminutive superior general of the Missionaries of Charity.

"She suffered, yet she had a mask on herself of mysterious joy which comes only from complete surrender to God."

Sister Nirmala succeeded an ailing Mother Teresa six months before she died aged 87 on September 5, 1997, and will help lead a special mass to mark her passing.

The collection of letters written to colleagues and superiors over 66 years and complied by an advocate for her sainthood are due to be published under the title, Mother Teresa: Come Be My Light.

They cover a range of subjects dear to the Roman Catholic nun but it is those which portray her as at times deeply tormented about her faith that have grabbed attention.

In 1956, the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize winner, who dedicated her life to the poor, sick and dying in India, wrote: "Such deep longing for God - and ... repulsed - empty - no faith - no love - no zeal."

After Time magazine published excerpts of the book on its website last month, Sister Nirmala said dozens of nuns had approached her asking what the letters meant.

"They understood that even as thoughts of God forsaking her entered her mind, she never rejected God, such was her thirst for God, such was her greatness," Sister Nirmala told Reuters.

"Her letters are inspiring and it has inspired us more to carry on the good work."

In overcrowded India and elsewhere, Mother Teresa faced some strong criticism over what many saw as her dangerous opposition to population control, and stand against abortion.

Homes run by her order were also accused of doing little to alleviate the suffering of patients.

Meanwhile, Kolkata - previously known as Calcutta and where Mother Teresa worked for decades among the poor and dying - was painted as a pit of misery and suffering, critics argued, ignoring its long history of intellectual and artistic creativity.

But many others see her lifetime's work on behalf of the city's underclass, which thrust her to worldwide prominence, in a different light.

In the run up to Wednesday's anniversary, hundreds of people, both rich and the poor, have been thronging Mother House, the order's headquarters in Kolkata, to offer prayers and sing hymns.

There had been speculation the publication of the letters would hurt the procedure to make her a saint, but this weekend Pope Benedict said in a speech Mother Teresa's torment over God's silence was not unusual.

Mother Teresa was beatified in 2003 but has not yet been canonised by the Vatican.

© 2007 Reuters


The Weekly News Magazine

Mother Teresa and the Kidney Stone

Sat Oct 6, 12:25 PM ET


This week the Catholic News Service reported that the cause for the canonization of Mother Teresa could "cross its last hurdle" if the Vatican validated a cure reported by a priest in Guwahati, India on Sept. 5, the 10th anniversary of the beloved nun's death. The cure in question, originally reported by the Asian Catholic news agency UCA News, was described as "the disappearance of a half-inch kidney stone in his lower ureter."

Here is the timetable of the miracle, as provided to UCA News by the Archbishop of Guwahati , Thomas Menamparampil: The priest, Fr. V.M. Thomas, suffered several months with the stone, and had taken medications to no avail. Most kidney stones can be removed surgically, however, in what is often an outpatient procedure. Indeed, Fr. Thomas had scheduled a surgery for September 6 and entered the hospital for prep on the 5th. However, he reportedly asked and received permission to leave the hospital and celebrate a Mass at a children's home founded by Teresa. At the Mass he asked participants to pray to her on his behalf. When he returned to the hospital x-rays indicated the stone had disappeared. The surgery was cancelled. Notes provided to UCA News by the archbishop included a case summary signed by the surgeon stating, "It indeed seemed like a miracle and unique incident as the stone, which could not be dissolved with medicine, just vanished on the particular day."

At first glance the elimination of a mineral deposit may seem too insignificant to merit sainthood. Indeed, the criterion of the early Church for sainthood was martyrdom. Even when popes established an alternative requirement of anywhere from two to four posthumous miracles, those have tended to be cures of dire, often life-threatening ailments. They were seldom conditions that the sufferer could have dealt with by other means, but simply didn't.

It was unclear from the CNS report whether Mother Teresa's order, the Missionaries of Charity, had officially submitted the reported cure for investigation by the Vatican's Congregation for the Causes of Saints. A call and e-mail to a Missionaries official went unanswered.

A certain degree of urgency may have come to attend Teresa's miracle count. Normally the process of recognizing a saint takes decades or even centuries. But after Mother Teresa's death, Pope John Paul II waived a traditional five-year waiting period, initiating what some have called a "fast-track" canonization process. The first major step, the establishment of her "heroic virtue," proceeded quickly. However, verifiable reports of posthumous miracles have apparently been scarce. Teresa was beatified after the first one in 2003. But on Sep. 5 Teresa's successor, Sister Nirmala, told Agence France Presse that "We are waiting for a second miracle for sainthood to the Mother." The cure of Fr. Thomas, who had reportedly known Mother Teresa for 18 years before her death, occured that day.

However minor this second miracle may seem, if validated it will probably prove less problematic than Teresa's first. In that case, an Indian woman named Monica Besra reported that she had prayed for the Mother's assistance and been cured of an abdominal tumor. However, members of Besra's medical staff and her husband maintained that her cure could have been brought about by the conventional medical treatment she was receiving. Besra has subsequently complained to the press that after Teresa's beatification the Missionaries abandoned her.

To be fair, not every historical miracle was earth-shaking or, for that matter, without controversy. Consider St. Antonio de Sant'Anna Galvao, whom Pope Benedict XVI canonized last December. Galvao, who died in 1822 (he was on the slow track) was a Franciscan monk in Sao Paolo who distributed "pills" that were actually folded bits of rice paper bearing the prayer: "After birth, the Virgin remained intact. Mother of God, intercede on our behalf." Believers swallowed them for various ailments. After Galvao's death nuns in his monastery took up the pill production. According to England's Daily Telegraph, as his cause for sainthood began picking up steam, they were up to 10,000 pills a day. The Telegraph reported that the local hierarchy opposed the practice, and a senior archbishop commented that it "foster[s] suspicion." However, the Vatican was apparently satisfied.

Galvao's first posthumous cure was of kidney stones.

Copyright © 2007 Time Inc


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