Love is Not All You Need

The necessity for knowledge, order and a disciplined adherence to the truth.

March 2007

by Vivienne Legg

There is a lot of confusion in the English speaking world swirling around the real nature of the teachings provided by Billy Meier and the Plejaren extraterrestrials. Sincere seekers with various levels of comprehension strain in frustration to see over the language barrier. Some, like me, having struggled across to the other side of the barrier, try in vain to adequately describe parts of the seemingly unending, multifaceted and bountiful garden filled with long-forgotten, health-giving foods. I certainly can’t describe the whole picture, but I can bring back bits and pieces just to provide a sample of its various qualities to, at least, help prevent people getting too far off the track. People who can’t get over the barrier may be able to extrapolate and estimate what may lie between those samples. But if you haven’t been there how CAN you tell the difference between someone conscientiously reporting parts of the picture - and someone who sounds like he is? This is a problem we’re faced with.

Although many people are simply pleased, as we are, about each new discovery, some, on the English side of the language barrier, who have only peered across, angrily dispute the genuine claims. Still others scoff when some strange or scary creature or plant is described which contradicts their assumptions or desires, makes them fearful or demonstrates their own long-maintained assumptions to be in error. Some others, too short or lazy to peep across, make up their own stories to compensate, or to delight those who believe that they have been across. Still others exploit the confusion, irritation, frustration and frayed nerves so that the truth can be obscured once again. Of course, under all circumstances, relaying the scene for others is a heavy responsibility, and those who attempt it have their own flaws. Everyone is struggling with being an Earth human.

Bound with all the rest is the following problem, as described by FIGU core-group member, Guido Moosbrugger, in 1991.

In And Yet ...They Fly, Guido wrote, "With the regular repetition of a striking clock, the harsh and rough-hewn language in Billy's scripts is rejected. A large number of readers are bothered by this fact and prefer to turn to other books whose contents do not attack their psyche so fiercely but instead, soothe it like oil and balsam."

Although many people who support the Meier case benefit from the teachings it provides, there is still a powerful resistance to the principles they describe. Not the least of these is the principle, he who will not listen must feel, which really means, if we will not use reason we have to learn from the consequences of our actions. The learning process is only beginning. Due to the resistance to the truth, which is compounded by our age-old, crusted on, religious confusions, clarifications are sometimes forcefully made, not for the purpose of insulting anyone, but so that the necessary message can penetrate that very thick crust. The thing is, knowledge is essential in order to even know that there is a crust.

In providing the vital teachings for us to get ourselves back on the path of reason, Billy and the Plejaren stress the importance of understanding the history of the falsification of the teachings, just as much as understanding the teachings themselves. This provides the necessary context (knowledge) which enables us to understand, among other things, that this truth strikes us so harshly and it seems so strict because we are a dysfunctional, degenerated, misled and weakend humanity. (My analogy is, someone who is morbidly obese will find the dieting regime very harsh and unforgiving.) But when there is a functional, healthy humanity progressing naturally on its path of evolution, in line with the laws and directives of Creation, the need for such severe measures falls away. These teachings are, to a large extent, correctional measures to get us back on the long-abandoned correct path.

But this difficulty and harshness isn’t something we need to fear or should try to escape. In fact we can welcome it. In his writing, Billy explains, among many, many other helpful, practical things, the necessity for hardship, how we should not try to avoid it and how it is our best learning companion.  We need the opposing force in our process of evolution, as is partly described in Billy's descriptions in relation to striving, and, "What comes forth from striving is truth, knowledge, wisdom, and love as well as peace and harmony, progress and happiness." (Please read more, with the German, in What Ptaah Really Says.

Here’s an excerpt from page 330 of Billy's 2005 book  Sinnvolles, Würdevolles, Wertvolles (Sensible, Dignified, Valuable) which explains further.

Also bleibt den Menschen nichts anderes übrig, als anzuerkennen, dass sowohl Freude und Leid, Glück und Schmerz sowie Positiv und Negativ im Kreislauf der bedingten menschlichen Existenz eingeordnet sind und nicht umgangen werden können, und zwar weder durch materiellen Reichtum noch durch Fluchen, Zorn oder Gewalt.

Therefore, there remains nothing else left for the human than to acknowledge that joy, as well as suffering, happiness and pain, as well as positive and negative, are ordered into the cycle of the stipulated human existence and cannot be circumvented, and indeed neither through material wealth, nor through cursing, rage or force.

Freude, Leid, Glück und Schmerz, das Böse und Gute sowie das Negative und Positive sind unumgängliche Bestandteile des Lebens und nichts Anormales.

Joy, sorrow, happiness and pain, evil and good, as well as negative and positive, are unavoidable components of life and nothing abnormal.

Jene Menschen aber, die trotzdem eine Abnormität darin sehen, führen wahrlich ein recht erbärmliches Leben, denn dadurch leben sie in einem dauernden Zustand des Unglücklichseins.

Any human, however, who in spite of that sees an abnormality therein, truly leads a very pitiful life because they thereby live in a constant state of unhappiness.

Sie sind Opfer ihrer eigenen falschen Einstellungen und falschen Betrachtungsweisen des Daseins, denn sie verstehen nicht, dass alle Formen von Freude, Leid, Schmerz und Glück sowie alle negativen und positiven Dinge zusammen und zum Leben gehören.

They are victims of their own wrong attitude and wrong way of regarding existence, because they do not understand that all forms of joy, sorrow, pain and happiness, as well as all negative and positive things, belong together and to life.

Dadurch vermögen sie nicht zu erkennen und nicht zu erfassen, dass Glücklichkeit nur dann möglich ist, wenn all das Negative, das Unglück und Leid, der Schmerz, alle Unbill und die Trauer usw. so vernünftig betrachtet, genommen und verarbeitet werden, dass daraus kein Unglücklichsein entsteht.

Thereby, they are not able to recognise and not able to comprehend that happiness is only then possible when all the negative, misfortune and sorrow, pain, all injustice and sadness, and so forth, is so rationally considered, taken and processed, that no unhappiness comes about from it.

Das bedeutet, dass eine gedanklich-gefühlsmässige Beschäftigung mit allen Dingen erfolgen muss, um ein Unglücklichsein zu vermeiden.

That means that an intellectual/feelings-based occupation with all things must result in order to avoid being unhappy.

Es muss die Existenz aller Dinge im Negativen und Positiven durch Gedanken und Gefühle verarbeitet werden, um Leid, Pessimismus und Verzweiflung nicht aufkommen zu lassen.

The existence of all things in the negative and positive must be processed through thoughts and feelings in order to prevent the emergence of suffering, pessimism and despair.

The (relative) difficulty and initiative required to get across that language barrier to study the Meier material - and I am speaking from personal experience - seems to produce the traction required for taking the more complete message on board, along with the responsibility that goes with it. That is to say, it seems necessary to have that opposing force to push against so that we don’t just spin off out of control with the new-found knowledge. A similar useful challenge is also there for those who won't get across and must struggle with what's on the English side of the barrier. We need time and challenging life experience to absorb the lessons.

Being involved in the process of learning and attempting to apply the teachings provided by Billy Meier and the Plejaren is enormously fulfilling and a source of joy, but it is not always comfortable and is not easy. It is those difficult experiences, including the mistakes, which provide the practical lessons. Such a learning process, as described by Billy, is necessarily strenuous. Yes, people are free to take on and accept as little or as much of this material as they choose and may remain on the sidelines maintaining an interest in parts of the case, or quietly studying or discussing the spiritual teachings at their level of choice. That is everyone’s right. But, seen honestly, it becomes clear that when it comes to actually becoming publicly involved in the process of learning and helping to share the material, we enter another environment and it is a very serious matter where troubles are logically to be expected. As the many contact note books continue to reveal, there have been many and various troubles and difficulties experienced by the core FIGU group, for instance. And all you need to do is search the internet for anti-Billy Meier sites to see how powerful the opposition is. It has been a real struggle. The  case is not only very serious but it has very serious and well-resourced opponents, as will be understood from an honest study of the available English material.

As is spelled out by Arahat Athersata in no uncertain terms, we Earth humans are rushing head-on towards the abyss, heading for our own annihilation  - "He has taken himself to the brink of a deep abyss and placed himself before the fangs of the beast of lunacy." - and this isn’t meant in merely a physical, environmental and social sense but also in regard to spiritual matters. Arahat Athersata speaks of a desolation of the consciousness and how turning this state of affairs around is a very difficult process because to do so we often must, at an individual level, take a completely opposite path to the one we have been on. This is some of the hard truth we keep hearing about in association with this case. (Some of this can be read in the FIGU-produced booklet,  Life in the Spiritual and Physical which contains an English translation. You can buy it from the FIGU shop.) Arahat Athersata goes on to state that most of Earth humanity is motivated by the crassest egoism and materialism and we are too cowardly to admit this even to ourselves. " Egoism, in its crassest form, is the strongest motivation of all human thoughts and actions, and yet, mankind is too cowardly to become aware of this fact or to admit it to themselves, even secretly." There is an urgent requirement for us to get to the root of this problem and turn again to following the laws and commandments of Creation.

These are still very uncomfortable for most of us. The need to speak openly and honestly; learning the difference between standing in condemning judgement over a fellow human and pointing out errors and wrongs in order to solve problems; subjecting ourselves to the backlash from attempts to promote the truth; accepting the need for control and discipline; the need to speak loudly in certain contexts, the need to be quiet in others, and so on.

The more we look into what is meant by the laws and directives of Creation the more it becomes clear that there are indeed rules. There IS an order to be respected. This is not one imposed by a power-hungry “god” or some other despot but simply an order which is in line with Creation to which we must adhere in order to achieve harmony, peace, progress and a balanced existence. In Arahat Athersata (p.89) it explains that "...the more he arranges himself under, and adapts to, the ironclad order of these spiritual laws and directives, the more knowledge, truth and wisdom consciously grow in him, and the more the monstrous (ie. enormous) powers of consciousness grow in him which he may, through the created knowledge and ability, employ as capabilities." We need to discover for ourselves that there is this order and these laws and directives, and we are badly misled if we think that, as creatures of Creation that they somehow don’t apply to us. This is what Arahat Athersata tells us. We can learn this for ourselves, as advised, by honestly observing the results of cause and effect. We can do this by very thoroughly observing nature and all that goes on in our own lives . (FIGU core-group member Philia Stauber has written an article which is very helpful here in regard to honesty.)

Some people who are not yet very far in their reading may be surprised to learn that the international peace-keeping system the Plejaren advise us to implement on this planet should be controlled with an iron fist. This isn’t the iron fist of a tyrant but an iron fist of a just, orderly, functional system – one which we implement for ourselves. This is only necessary because things are so badly out of control. Another complaint the Plejaren and Billy Meier voice about Earth governments is the inadequate and lax laws to do with punishment measures for serious criminals, like murderers and sexual offenders. They say that because of these lax laws and loosening of laws, organised criminality is increasingly able to take the upper hand. Elsewhere, in the prophecies, for instance, they describe how families will increasingly break down and parents will not be concerned about where their children are and the social order will break down in general. They talk about roaming gangs which will have free reign while the police stand back helpless to act. They stress the need for leadership and for order to drive out chaos. The following is THE 1958 MEIER PROPHECIES

160) Und zu jener Zeit wird es sein, dass die Erdenmenschen gelernt haben, in Ehrlichkeit und Liebe zu geben und zu teilen und dass Geiz ebenso ein Mittel zur Unzufriedenheit ist wie auch die Verschlossenheit gegenüber dem Nächsten, damit keine Einsamkeit zustande kommt; doch der Mensch muss alles erst lernen und sich den Kräften seines Bewusstseins und der Lehre des Geistes sowie der Lehre der Schöpfung und ihrer Gesetzmässigkeiten sowie der Lehre des Lebens zuwenden, doch dazu bedarf es einer eisernen Faust zur Durchsetzung, damit Ordnung das Chaos vertreibt und der Mensch den richtigen Weg wiederfindet. 


160.) And in distant times it will be that the Earth humans have learned to give and share in honesty and love - and that stinginess is every bit as much a means to achieve discontentment as is being closed off from the neighbor - thereby no circumstances of loneliness can come; still the human must learn everything first, and utilize the powers of his consciousness and the teachings of the spirit as well as the teachings of Creation and the extent of its laws, as well as the teachings of life, yet for this, an iron fist is required for enforcement, with which order drives out chaos, and the human finds the correct path again.

Here and there Billy and the extraterrestrials speak about how Earth humanity has become too soft and pampered and removed from reality and how we suffer from false humanitarianism which leads us to act to avoid immediate discomfort instead of taking the more difficult action to get to the root of our problems. Lack of order is our problem at all levels. Consistent with the teaching that our thoughts, words and deeds form our lives, we are taught that we must order our thoughts and learn to control them. For instance, we need to begin by learning the simple art of concentration. Most of us soon discover that when we first attempt to focus our attention on one point or object for any amount of time our minds wander all over the place. Since our thoughts are directly reflected in our words and actions, this seems to me to describe our problem at all levels very well. Billy wrote the following in Arahat Athersata.

268. Das Denken der Gedanken ist die eigentliche bewusstseinsmässige Grossmacht der Welt.


268. The thinking of thoughts is the actual, consciousness-related great power of the world.


269. Der Gedanke ist unübertreffbar stärker als jede andere Kraft, viel zäher, mächtiger und unzerstörbarer als alle Materie und äusseren Einflüsse und Bedingungen.


269. Thought is unsurpassably stronger than any other power, much tougher, mightier and more indestructible than all material and external influences and conditions.


270. Wer seine Gedanken zu meistern und sein Denken in eine gute Art zu verwandeln vermag, der meistert und verwandelt sein Schicksal in ein Gutes.


 270. He who is able to master his thoughts and transform his thinking in a good way masters and transforms his fate into good.


These logical teachings say that the process of effectively controlling and ordering our thoughts, words, and deeds requires a foundation based on truth, knowledge, and wisdom. It cannot be based on belief, ideologies and wrong opinions, hence the repeated stress on the importance of truth. We need to make mistakes, but it does make a critical difference when the truth is obscured, and this has already been felt very personally by people in these present times. Just think, for instance, of those who have been misled by Jani King's fake Ptaah. Over the millennia, the Plejaren and Billy Meier tell us, the truth has been twisted time and time again because it was not comfortable. This will continue in the current time and still do its damage even though ultimately the truth will prevail.

It is obvious that many Earth humans find the Meier-Plejaren teachings too harsh, offensive, “unloving”, “hate filled” and “negative”. This is because we have been drenched in the sticky syrup of false religious teachings which turn us away from the healthy diet which ultimately makes us strong, independent, discerning and free. If we don’t accept that we have a problem then we don’t accept the need for correctional measures, and we will not accept that we have a problem if we do not have knowledge.

And so it also follows, as logic tells us, that if the English language Meier material is incomplete then it cannot be relied upon for the entire picture and no amount of argument will change this fact.  Love, understanding and forbearance are vital, but more than that is required. Just as the teachings say, we also require truth, knowledge, wisdom and logic. True love comes from these things. We need respect and reverence for eachother, but also for the truth. Without truth it just won't work.


The following are some new miscellaneous excerpts which should be helpful at the moment.

From p.49. Arahat Athersata


293. Des Erdenmenschen fruchtbarer Boden der Wahrheit ist zu felsigem Gestein erstarrt und ist überlagert mit weltlich-materiellen und religiösen Dingen, die alle Wahrheit in sich absorbieren und vernichten.


293. The Earth humans’ fertile ground of truth has stiffened to rocky stone and is covered over with worldly-material and religious things which absorb all truth into themselves and annihilate it.


294. Unrat, der tödliche Folgen zu zeitigen vermag.


294. Refuse, the deadly result, is able to mature.


295. Und diesen Unrat muss der Erdenmensch wegschaffen, wenn er nicht durch ihn ersticken will.


295. And the Earth human must clear away this refuse if he does not want to be suffocated by it.


296. Längst schon ist er nicht mehr Herr über sich selbst und gleicht einem ziellos umhergeschleuderten Korken in wogender, stürmischer See.


296. For a long time already he has not been master over himself and is like an aimless cork, slung around in a surging, stormy sea.


297. Ohne Steuer und Segel treibt er dahin, und der Steuermann ist schon längst über Bord gefallen.


297. Without steering or sail he drives onward and the helmsman has already long ago fallen over board.




 OM K32:1068. Beautiful words are seldom true, but true words are seldom beautiful.


In the context of one’s own responsibility to oneself, Billy writes, in Art zu Leben (Manner of Life)

Begehe auch niemals Handlungen und spreche niemals nur deshalb, um anderen Menschen zu gefallen oder nur, um dadurch ihre Gunst zu erlangen.

Also, never act and never speak only for the purpose of pleasing other people or only in order to thereby obtain their favour.

Spreche stets frei und offen und ungeschminkt die Wahrheit, auch wenn viele dies nicht ertragen mögen und sich daran stossen.  

Always speak the truth freely, openly and unvarnished, even when many are not able to not bear this and collide against it.

Doch wahrheitlich stossen sich nur jene am offenen und ehrlichen Wort der Wahrheit, die viele Dinge zu verbergen haben und sich selbst und der Umwelt heuchlerisch geben.

Yet truly, only those who have many things to conceal and who behave hypocritically towards themselves and the environment collide with the open and honest word of truth.


We should not fear disagreement. From p. 347 Sinnvolles, Würdevolles, Wertvolles, Sensible, Dignified, Valuable.

(These lines are just the first of a several page article which we hope to translate one day.)

Meinungsverschiedenheiten sind positiv, Streit ist negativ

Differences of opinion are positive, quarrel is negative.


 Viele Menschen wissen es nicht besser und sind der falschen Ansicht, dass Meinungsverschiedenheiten etwas Negatives seien. 

Many humans do not know better and are of the wrong view that differences of opinion are something negative.

Viele sind dabei infolge eines nicht besseren Wissens auch der wahrheitswidrigen Meinung, dass sie eigens versagten, wenn sie sich in Meinungsverschiedenheiten ergehen.

Many, thereby, as a result of not having better knowledge, are also of the truth-opposing opinion that they fail themselves if they enter into a difference of opinion.

Wahrheitlich ist aber genau das Gegenteil der Fall, denn Meinungsverschiedenheiten können sehr bereichernd sein - und vor allem haben sie nichts mit Streit zu tun, denn dieser ist etwas völlig anderes.

Truly, however, exactly the opposite is the case because differences of opinion can be very enriching - and, above all, they have nothing to do with quarrel because this is something completely different.


Some more insight about judgement is provided in number 341 in the book Art zu Leben (Manner of Life).

Will der Mensch redlich, gerecht und fortschrittlich sein, dann tue er sich mit seinesgleichen zusammen, welche ihm nützen; er halte sich aber fern von allen jenen, welche ihm Schaden bringen.

If the human wants to be upright, correct and progressive, then he does it together with those like himself who are good for him; however he holds himself far from all those who bring him damage.

Nichtsdestoweniger jedoch ehre der Rechtschaffene nicht nur die Begabten und Tugendhaften, sondern auch die Untüchtigen als Menschen, wenngleich deren Sinnen, Trachten und Handeln unredlich ist, denn als Mensch sind alle Menschen gleich, und der Mensch als Mensch kann nicht nach seinen Taten beurteilt werden.  

Nevertheless, however, the righteous honour not only the gifted and virtuous ones as humans, rather also the incapable ones, even if their sense, pursuits and actions are not upstanding, because, as humans, all humans are the same, and the human cannot be judged as a human according to his deeds.

Nur die Taten selbst können als gut oder böse oder als positiv oder negativ beurteilt und dem Menschen als richtige oder falsche Handlungsweise angeheftet werden und dadurch den Charakter und die Emotionen sowie die Persönlichkeit beurteilen.

Only the deeds themselves can be judged as good or bad, or as positive or negative, and be labelled, for the human, as the right or wrong way of behaving, and thereby the character and the emotions as well as the personality is judged.

Der Mensch aber als solcher ist ein unantastbares Geschöpf, das in seiner tiefsten Form den Wert des Menschen trägt.

However, the human, as such, is an inviolable creature, which, in its deepest form, carries the value of the human.

So können also stets nur die Taten, Gedanken, Gefühle und Handlungen usw. des Menschen beurteilt und aufgezeigt oder angeprangert werden, jedoch nicht der Mensch selbst als Mensch.  

So, therefore, always only the deeds, thoughts, feelings and acts, and so forth, of the human can be judged and pointed out or denounced, however not the human himself as a human.

So können in dieser Form die Taten, Handlungen, Gedanken und Gefühle eines Tüchtigen gerühmt und diejenigen eines Unfähigen beanstandet werden.

So, in this manner, the deeds, acts, thoughts and feelings of a capable one can be lauded and those of an incapable one can be complained about.


This recently translated article should be a helpful guideline for everyone who participates in the FIGU discussion board exchanges.  Kritic und Kritic Aus: Sinnvolles, Würdevolles, Wertvolles (2005) (Criticism and Criticism) From: Sensible, Dignified, Valuable (2005).   We recommend you read this important and beautiful "Desiderata" written by Billy Meier which compliments it.



Finally, here is one we used some time ago in our OM articles.

OM 23:14. Suchet daher nicht euer Wohl bei denen, die da sind falsche Propheten und Sektenführer und dergleichen und die euch gestohlenen Honig um das Maul schmieren, sondern suchet euer Wohl bei den wahrheitlichen Führern und beim wahrlichen Propheten, die da euch mit harten Worten treffend die Wahrheit sagen, und die da von euch Mühe fordern und harte Befolgung der Gesetze und Gebote der Schöpfung.  

Therefore do not seek your well-being from those who are false prophets and sect leaders and the like, and who smear stolen honey around your muzzles* but rather, seek your well being among the truthful leaders and from the truthful prophet who tell you the truth by using hard and striking words, and who demand diligence from you, and obedience to the laws and commandment of Creation.


 *(who tempt you with sweetened deceptions,  false promises.)

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