
From Future Of Mankind

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/* Table for Contact Report 690 */
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/* The following class is used on the Test page. */
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.WD-Gewalt::before {background-color:#d0dcf1; border-radius:4px; bottom:120%; color:black; content: '[ FIGU Dictionary Site:Gewalt] Explanation from Ptaah: Gewalt has nothing to do with the terms ‹heftig› (violent) and ‹Heftigkeit› (violence), because the old Lyrian term with regard to ‹Gewalt› means ‹Gewila›, and it is defined as using, with all the coercive means that are at one’s disposal, physical, psychical, mental, and consciousness-based powers, abilities and skills, in order to carry out and carry through terrible actions and deeds.'; white-space:pre-wrap; font-size:14px; left:50%; max-width:350px; opacity:0; padding:5px 8px; position:absolute; text-align:left; transform:translateX(-50%); transition:opacity 1s; visibility: hidden; width:max-content}

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