Difference between revisions of "Talk:Why is it so Important for Us to Learn so Much?"

From Future Of Mankind
(The Way of Resolution)
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Latest revision as of 02:00, 6 July 2009

Hawaiian 02:00, 6 July 2009 (UTC)Very interesting article regrading the subconscious and conscious inter-relationship to the CPU-memory cache processes of a computer! So very true, as Earth and all its life forms, especially when mankind moves through it's plane within this universe being subjected to interloping radiations from the central sun into the age of Aquaris. It is the age of "Enlightenment", an opportunity of a lifetime for humans, not just Earth bound ones, but all those, including non-physical ones that are connected to the existing re-incarnated manipulated as well as the "manipulators" to come full circle and move forward into their "prospective" realms of Creational development.

What may have happened in the past, whether "influenced" positively, negatively or (neutrally?), will find its unique resolution once Earth humans have achieved the proper balance between the forces that shaped his/her past, current and future demises. However, this resolution has to come naturally by Earth humans, because they hold the "key" of experiences and need to become "aware" of their 6 and 7th senses being in harmony with Creational Laws that have been severely corrupted by religious beliefs forced upon them by creator overlords and their cohorts both Earth bound and otherwise.

As in Special Bulletin 38 so eloquently describe, all coarse and fine materials are interconnected, including thoughts which are energy, thus all events that happened throughout history involving all the participants in regards to Earth humans are connected and further incorporated by BEAM and the Nokodeim spirit that now resides in him. The cast has already been laid down, it now has to be filled with knowledge from the Creational Laws that are available when Earth humans develop their 6th and 7th senses via the pineal gland that has been neglected too long by religions, egotistic stupidity of both self and power lustful individuals.

Earth humans are very unique being a composite of various factors that span through out reaches of this universe and have various degrees of re-carnations including the 144,000 former ring leaders of degenerated overlords, seeking amends. It is very important for Earth humans to return to Creational laws and control his insane overpopulation, the primary reasons for his demise.