Eine wichtige Nachricht an den Leser dieser Schrift / An Important Message for the Reader of this Document

We (Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg of www.gaiaguys.net) have been given permission by Billy Meier (www.figu.org) to make these unofficial, preliminary translations of FIGU material. Please be advised that our translations may contain errors.

Please read this explanatory word about our translations

FIGU Special Bulletin 31 


 November 29th, 2006

(translated Dec 16th, 2006)

again on February 26th, 2007 with appended news items

" ... the irresponsible powers of Israel have worked out secret plans regarding a rocket and air-force attack against the atomic facilities in Iran." Ptaah, October 15th, published November 29th, 2006

"Israel has drawn up secret plans to destroy Iran's uranium enrichment facilities with tactical nuclear weapons, Britain's Sunday Times newspaper said." January 7, 2007

Please scroll right down for the entire article and further information.



Reader's question

Pflegen Sie immer noch Kontakte mit den Plejaren und gibt es von diesen neue Aussagen bezüglich der Atombombentests in Nordkorea, und gibt es irgendwelche Voraussagen auf die US-Abgerordnetenwahlen sowie den Stand der Prophetie in bezug des Dritten Weltkrieges, der für das Jahr 2006 prophezeit ist?

Do you still maintain contacts with the Plejaren, and are there new statements from them regarding the atom bomb tests in North Korea, and are there any predictions about the US House of Representatives/Senate elections, and, what is the status of the prophecy in regard to the Third World War which is prophesied for the year 2006?

P. Trachsel, Schweiz

P. Trachsel, Switzerland



Natürlich bestehen die Kontakte zu den Plejaren noch immer und werden auch weiterbestehen bis zu dem Zeitpunkt, da ich von der Bildfläche abtrete.

Naturally the contacts with the Plejaren still always continue and will also further exist until the point in time when I exit from the scene.

Der letzte Besuch und das letzte Kontaktgespräch fand vor vier Tagen statt, weshalb ich aus dem offiziellen Kontaktgespräch Nr. 436 vom 15. Oktober etwas gemäss Ihrer Frage zitieren will, denn es gibt bezüglich Ihrer mehrteiligen Frage einiges zu berichten, wie aber auch hinsichtlich anderer Dinge, die von Ihnen nicht angesprochen wurden, wobei es am einfachsten ist, folgenden Auszug aus dem Kontaktgespräch widerzugeben:

The latest visit and the latest contact conversation took place four days ago, therefore I want to quote something in line with your question from the official contact conversation No. 436, from October 15th, because it has something to report regarding your several-part question as well as also in regard to other things, however, which were not addressed by you, whereby it is simplest to convey the following extract from the contact conversation:

Billy Da ist aber noch Nordkorea, wozu du sagtest, dass der Atombombentest ein fingierter gewesen sei, dass aber trotzdem rund um die Welt ein Aufruhr entstehe.

Billy  But there is still North Korea in regard to which you say that the atom bomb test had been feigned, however, in spite of that, an uproar arose around the world.

Angeblich wurden aber doch atomare Partikel in der Atmosphäre festgestellt, weshalb ich mich wundere, dass du sagtest, das Ganze sei nur fingiert - verstehe ich diesbezüglich vielleicht etwas Falsches, denn unter fingiert verstehe ich, dass etwas vorgetäuscht wird?

Allegedly, however, atomic particles were indeed confirmed to be in the atmosphere, for which reason I wonder why you say the entire thing is only feigned - have I perhaps wrongly understood something in regard to this, because by feigned I understand that something is simulated?

Ptaah Dein Verständnis entspricht auch dem, was ich mit fingiert angesprochen habe, denn bei dem sogenannten Atombombentest handelte es sich nicht um eine grosse atomare Bombe, sondern um ein kleines Testobjekt, das unter anderem auch als Zweckobjekt und als Provokationsobjekt bezeichnet werden muss, das weniger als eine Kilotonne Sprengmasse aufwies, was lächerlich gering ist und nicht als eigentliche Atombombe bezeichnet werden kann, sondern nur als Täuschungsobjekt, bei dem zudem noch kommerzieller Sprengstoff eine gewisse Rolle spielte.

Ptaah  Your understanding corresponds also to that which I have addressed with feigned, because with the so-called test of atom bombs it did not deal with a large atomic bomb, rather with a small test object which, among other things, must also be labelled a target object and an object of provocation which demonstrates less than a kiloton of explosive material, which is ridiculously little and cannot be designated as an actual atom bomb, rather only as an object of deception, with which, additionally, commercial explosives still played a certain role.

Tatsächlich wurde das Ganze berechnend nur veranstaltet, um einerseits die führenden Staaten in bezug auf Atomwaffen zu provozieren, und andererseits, um die USA zu warnen, dass Nordkorea atomar zurückschlagen könnte, sollten diese das Land angreifen.

As a matter of fact the entire thing was only calculatingly arranged in order, on one hand, to provoke the countries who are leading in regard to atomic weapons, and on the other hand, in order to warn the USA that North Korea could hit back atomically should they attack the country.

Dass aber damit die Welt in Aufruhr versetzt wurde, ist ein Effekt, der nicht genügend berücksichtigt wurde, und der für Nordkorea grossen Schaden bringen kann, was erstlich zumindest noch durch Sanktionen sein wird, wodurch sich aber Nordkorea wieder bestätigt fühlen wird, um weitere atomare Aktionen anzukünden und Drohungen lautbar werden zu lassen.

That thereby, however, the world was transferred into uproar, is an effect which was not adequately born in mind and which can bring great damage for North Korea which, firstly, at the least, will be as a result of sanctions, whereby, however, North Korea will again feel justified in announcing further atomic actions and making loud threats.

Billy Eine gefährliche Sache, woran jedoch hauptsächlich die USA die Schuld tragen, meine ich.

Billy A dangerous matter, for which, however, primarily the USA carries the guilt, I think.

Ptaah Tatsächlich sind die USA mit ihrem Wahn, dass sie die Rolle einer Weltpolizei spielen und die Weltherrschaft an sich reissen müssten, schuld an all dem, was sich offiziell an Üblem und Bösem in Nordkorea, in Afghanistan, im Iran und im Irak sowie in verschiedenen anderen Staaten der Erde politisch, militärisch und aufständisch zuträgt und sich noch weiter zutragen wird.

Ptaah  Actually the USA, with its delusion that it plays the role of world police and must snatch world control for itself, is to blame for all that which is evil and bad which it officially brings about in North Korea, in Afghanistan, in Iran and in Iraq, as well as in various other countries of the Earth politically, militarily and seditiously, and will yet further bring about.

Diesbezüglich ist auch zu sagen, dass der verantwortungslose US-Präsident George W. Bush durch ein entsprechendes Gesetz offen die Folter als Befragungsmethode von Gefangenen befürwortet, und zwar speziell von politischen Gefangenen, die des Terrors verdächtigt werden.

Also to say, in regard to that, is that the irresponsible US President George W. Bush, through a corresponding law, openly supports torture as an interrogation method of prisoners, and indeed especially of political prisoners who are accused of terror.

Auch sollen künftighin sogenannte Terror-Prozesse durch Militärgerichte durchgeführt werden können.

Also, future so-called terror processes are intended to be carried out through military courts.

Das entsprechende Gesetz ist bereits ausgearbeitet, und die Unterschrift Bushs ist so gut wie gegeben, wodurch die Ungeheuerlichkeit in Kraft treten und die USA sich noch weiter und grausamer über alle Menschenrechte hinwegsetzen können.

The corresponding law is already worked out and Bush's signature is as good as given whereby the monstrosity can come into power and the USA can yet further, and more cruelly, ignore all human rights.

Weiter ist zu berichten, dass US-Präsident Bush seinen Grössen- und Machtwahn soweit treibt, öffentlich bekanntzugeben, dass der Weltenraum den USA gehöre und sozusagen niemand das Recht habe, ausser den USA, diesen zu nutzen.

Further to report is that US President Bush drives his megalomania and delusion of power so far, making it publicly known that space belongs to the USA and, so to say, nobody has the right to use it apart from the USA.

Weiter unterschreibt dieser völlig verantwortungslose Sektierer ein Dokument, demgemäss an der mexikanischen Grenze ein weit über 1000 Kilometer langer Zaun errichtet wird, wozu die Mauer der Israelis gegen Palästina sowie die Mauer der ehemaligen DDR gegen West-Deutschland den USA als verbrecherisches Vorbild dient, um unerwünschte mexikanische Wirtschaftsflüchtlinge davon abzuhalten, in die USA zu gelangen.

Further, this completely irresponsible sectarian signs a document to the effect that a fence, well over 1000 kilometers long, will be erected on the Mexican border in order to hold back the unwanted Mexican economic refugees from reaching the USA and for which the Israelis' wall against Palestine, as well as the former East Germany's wall against West Germany, serve as criminal models for the USA.

Etwas Gutes ist in bezug auf die USA nebenbei jedoch trotzdem einmal zu berichten, wie ich dir bereits beim 428. Kontaktgespräch am 10. Juli dieses Jahres in ganz privater Weise erklärt habe, nämlich dass Anfangs November bei den Wahlen im Abgeordnetenhaus der USA der verantwortungslose US-Präsident Bush sowie seine Vasallen und all seine republikanischen Anhänger eine schwere Niederlage erleiden und die Demokraten die Oberhand gewinnen werden.

There is, beside all this, however, something good in regard to the USA to nevertheless report, as I have already explained to you in a quite private way in the 428th contact conversation on the 10th of July of this year; namely, that in the beginning of November, with the election in the USA's House of Representatives/Senate, the irresponsible US president Bush, as well as his vassals and all his Republican followers, will suffer a grave defeat and the Democrats will win the upper hand.

Dadurch ergibt sich, dass geheime und verruchte Pläne der Bush-Regierung nicht mehr in die Wirklichkeit umgesetzt werden können, wodurch viele Faktoren wegfallen, durch die noch vor Ende des Jahres 2006 ein Dritter Weltkrieg drohte.

Thereby it will be that the Bush government's secret and crazy plans can no longer be translated into reality, whereby many factors fall away through which a Third World War still threatened before the end of the year 2006.

Also wird sich die Prophetie nicht erfüllen, die diesen Krieg für dieses Jahr androhte.

Therefore the prophecy, that this year this war threatened, will not be fulfilled.

Das jedoch, dass dieser umfassende Krieg nicht stattfinden wird, wird tatsächlich nur all jenen zu verdanken sein, die in den USA die Demokraten wählen und damit die kriegshetzenden Republikaner samt ihrem Präsidenten und seinen Vasallen in die Schranken weisen werden.

That this extensive war will, however, not come to be, will actually only be thanks to all those who vote for the Democrats in the USA and thereby will show the war-mongering Republicans, together with their President and his vassals, the boundaries.

Würde das nicht sein, dann wäre der Dritte Weltkrieg nicht zu vermeiden, den Bush tatsächlich noch im November vom Stapel brechen würde, wenn die Republikaner die Wahlen gewinnen könnten.

Were that not to happen, then the Third World War, which Bush would actually still launch in November, if the Republicans could win the election, would not be avoided.

Seine Niederlage durch die Demokraten aber wird ihm die Hände binden und ihn in seinem mörderischen und verbrecherischen Handeln derart einschränken, dass sich die Prophetie nicht erfüllen wird.

His defeat by the Democrats, however, will bind his hands and restrict him in his murderous and criminal behaviour such that the prophecy will not be fulfilled.

Nichtsdestoweniger drohen jedoch zu späteren Jahren wieder Faktoren, die doch noch zu einem Dritten Weltkrieg führen könnten, wobei jedoch zu hoffen ist, dass auch dann die Vernunft der Erdenmenschen siegt und von all jenen das Richtige getan wird, die ihren Einfluss geltend machen können.

Nevertheless, however, factors threaten again in later years which could indeed still lead to a Third World War, whereby, however, it is to hope that also then the Earth humans' reason is victorious and the right thing will be done by all who can bring their influence to bear.

Nichtsdestoweniger jedoch drohen noch andere Gefahren, die bösartig weltweite Auswirkungen haben können, wie z.B. die Tatsache, dass die verantwortungslosen Mächte Israels geheime Pläne ausgearbeitet haben hinsichtlich einer Raketen- und Luftwaffenattacke gegen die Atomanlagen im Iran.

Nevertheless, however, still other dangers threaten which can have malignant worldwide effects, as, for example, the fact that the irresponsible powers of Israel have worked out secret plans regarding a rocket and air-force attack against the atomic facilities in Iran.

Was sich jedoch daraus ergibt, ist über kurze Zeit hinweg noch nicht ersichtlich.

However, what comes of that in the short term is still not apparent.

Jedenfalls wird eine solche Attacke durch die USA befürwortet, das steht fest, weil sich diese dann nicht direkt einmischen müssen und die Schuld auf Israel abwälzen können, wenn etwas schief geht.

At any rate, such an attack will be supported by the USA, that is certain, because it then does not have to directly interfere in this, and the blame can be shifted onto Israel if something goes awry.

Weiter wird Anfang November im Irak auf Drängen der USA-Regierung hin Saddam Husain zum Tode verurteilt, nebst jenen, welche seine engsten Mitarbeiter waren.

Further, in the beginning of November, in Iraq, as a result of pressure from the USA government, Saddam Hussein will be condemned to death, along with all who were his closest co-workers.

Der US-amerikanische Druck auf das Gericht im Irak und in bezug auf das von den USA angestrebte Todesurteil gegen Husain und seine Verbündeten besteht in einer verbrecherischen Intrige der US-Regierung in der Form, dass durch das Todesurteil die Republikaner die anstehenden Wahlen des Abgeordnetenhauses gewinnen sollen.

The US American pressure on the court in Iraq, and in regard to the death penalty strived for by the USA against Hussein and his allies, consists of a US government criminal intrigue in the form that, as a result of the death penalty, the republicans are supposed to win the planned House of Representatives/Senate elections.

Während sich diese Ereignisse zutragen, ergibt sich ein erneuter Einbruch der israelischen Armee in Palästina, wobei in Beit Hanun ein böses Massaker unter der Zivilbevölkerung angerichtet wird und in der Stadt grosse Zerstörungen entstehen.

While these events come about, a renewed incursion of the Israeli Army into Palestine will occur whereby an evil massacre amongst the civilian population will be carried out in Beit Hanun and great destruction will come about in the city.

Diese verbrecherischen israelitischen Machenschaften jedoch werden, weil weltweit die Verbrechenshandlung verurteilt wird, von Israel durch die Lüge bagatellisiert werden in der Weise, dass es sich um ein Versehen und um einen Zielfehler handle.

However, because the criminal acts will be condemned worldwide, these criminal Israeli machinations will be trivialized by Israel through lies to the effect that it concerned an oversight and a targeting failure.

Den Rest dazu werden die USA tun, damit Israel nicht zumindest durch die UNO öffentlich für das Verbrechen gerügt wird, denn bei einem derartigen Antrag werden die USA ein Veto einlegen.

The USA will do the rest in regard to that so that Israel will not be publicly rebuked in the least by the UN for the crimes because the USA will veto such a motion.

Das Geschehen wird aber dazu führen, dass die palästinesische Hamas-Organisation ebenfalls den ausgehandelten Waffenstillstand bricht und neuerlich mit schweren Attentaten gegen Israel droht und diese auch verübt.

The events will, however, lead to the Palestinian Hamas organization likewise breaking the negotiated cease-fire and newly threatening Israel with grave assassinations and also carrying these out.

Auch werden die arabischen Staaten ihre Finanzblockade gegen die Hamas-Organisation widerrufen …

Also the Arabic countries will remove their financial blockade against the Hamas organisation ...

Dann noch diese Information aus einem weiteren Gespräch

Then still this information from a further conversation

Billy Das ist wohl so.

Billy  That is indeed so.

Doch sag mal, was du hinsichtlich des Irak denkst?

Yet tell me what you think in regard to Iraq?

Meines Erachtens hat der Bürgerkrieg dort unten schon lange begonnen, auch wenn das Ganze offiziell noch nicht so bezeichnet wird.

In my opinion the civil war down there has already long begun even if the entire thing is officially not yet labelled as such.

Ptaah Das ist tatsächlich der Fall, wobei es sich um einen religiös-politischen Bürgerkrieg handelt, der zwischen den Gläubigen der Sunniten und den Schiiten geführt wird, woran die Schuld allein die USA tragen, weil diese die wahren Urheber sind und durch ihren verantwortungslosen kriegerischen Einfall und durch die Besetzung und Ausbeutung des Iraks das ganze Land und die Bevölkerung ins Chaos gestürzt haben.

Ptaah That is actually the case, whereby it concerns a religio-political civil war which is led between the believers of the Sunnis and the Shiites, for which the USA alone carries the guilt, because this is the true initiator and through its irresponsible bellicose invasion and, through the occupation and exploitation of Iraq, it has thrown the entire country and the population into chaos.

Ab dem kommenden 23. November wird der Bürgerkrieg noch schlimmere Formen annehmen, denn an diesem Tag erfolgen mehrere mörderische Attentate, denen gesamthaft allein in Bagdad 236 Menschen zum Opfer fallen werden, was jedoch mit einer viel niedrigeren Zahl durch die USA und die neue Irak-Regierung bagatellisiert werden wird.

On the coming 23rd of November the civil war will take on even worse forms because on this day several murderous assassinations will result of which altogether, in Baghdad alone, 236 humans will fall victim, which, however, will be trivialized with a much lowered number by the USA and the new Iraqi government.

Soweit also der Auszug des Kontaktgespräches, dem wohl weiter nichts hinzuzusetzen ist.

That is, therefore, the extent of the extract from the contact conversation, about which there is indeed nothing further to add.



Read what the Plejaren had to say in 2005 about G.W. Bush's insane plans for his Armageddon to be started in IRAN.

Read more about Bush here: www.gaiaguys.net/meier34.htm

Sydney Morning Herald
Israel plans to attack Iran nuke site
January 7, 2007

Israel has drawn up secret plans to destroy Iran's uranium enrichment facilities with tactical nuclear weapons, Britain's Sunday Times newspaper said.

Citing what it said were several Israeli military sources, the paper said two Israeli air force squadrons had been training to blow up an enrichment plant in Natanz using low-yield nuclear "bunker busters".

Two other sites, a heavy water plant at Arak and a uranium conversion plant at Isfahan, would be targeted with conventional bombs, the Sunday Times said.

The UN Security Council voted unanimously last month to slap sanctions on Iran to try to stop uranium enrichment that Western powers fear could lead to making bombs. Tehran insists its plans are peaceful and says it will continue enrichment.

Israel has refused to rule out pre-emptive military action against Iran along the lines of its 1981 air strike against an atomic reactor in Iraq, though many analysts believe Iran's nuclear facilities are too much for Israel to take on alone.

The newspaper said the Israeli plan envisaged conventional laser-guided bombs opening "tunnels" into the targets. Nuclear warheads would then be fired into the plant at Natanz, exploding deep underground to reduce radioactive fallout.

Israeli pilots have flown to Gibraltar in recent weeks to train for the 3,200 km round-trip to the Iranian targets, the Sunday Times said, and three possible routes to Iran have been mapped out including one over Turkey.

However it also quoted sources as saying a nuclear strike would only be used if a conventional attack was ruled out and if the United States declined to intervene. Disclosure of the plans could be intended to put pressure on Tehran to halt enrichment, the paper added.

Washington has said military force remains an option while insisting that its priority is to reach a diplomatic solution.

Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called for Israel to be "wiped off the map". Israel, widely believed to have the Middle East's only nuclear arsenal, has said it will not allow Iran to acquire nuclear weapons.

© 2007 Reuters

Note from gaiaguys:

On October 26, 2005 Ahmadinejad gave a speech that contained statements against Israel. According to widely published translations, he agreed with a statement he attributed to Ayatollah Khomeini that the [Illegal]"occupying regime" [of Palestine] had to be removed, and referred to it as a "disgraceful stain [on] the Islamic world" that must be "wiped off the map". ... The translation of his statement has been disputed. Some experts claim that the phrase in question is more accurately translated as "eliminated" or "wiped off" or "wiped away" from "the page of time" or "the pages of history", rather than "wiped off the map". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahmoud_Ahmadinejad

(from Michael Horn)

There have been some stunning new developments in the
Meier case that I want to inform you about even before
I get these updates on my website. Please click on the
links to follow along. And please also note that the
publication of information regarding specific events
BEFORE the foretold events occur is the highest
standard of proof possible for prophetic accuracy.
Keep that in mind as you read the following

The following article, translated by
http://www.gaiaguys.net  on December 16, was
posted/linked at http://www.theyfly.com  on December
23, 2006:


This article just appeared online on January 6, 2007,
two weeks later, at both:

http://drudgereport.com  and

However, the following question to, and answer from,
Meier was already posted on my site (see:
http://www.theyfly.com/newsletter/november06/november06.htm )
on November 27:


Recently in a speech US President Bush said: "If the
United States of America were to leave before the job
is done, the enemy would follow us here. And that is
why we will support our military. And that is why we
will fight in Iraq. And that is why we will win in
Iraq." The American public next week has an
opportunity to vote the other party into one or both
houses of Congress, dampening the Bush rubber stamp.
However, if the Bush mentality continues and the US
pursues its plans in Iraq unabated, is the principal
phase of the third world fire inevitable?


Thanks to the result of the US elections which brought
a majority for the democrats, the threat of the WWW
III to break out in 2006 has been eliminated. (There
were plans for a war for the end of November in case
the republicans would have won the elections.)
However, there still remains a dangerous situation
because Israel has secret plans to attack the nuclear
plants in Iran."

Please also consider the following regarding specific,
documented prophecies published by Billy Meier on
February 3, 1995 (and in "And Yet They Fly!", 2001,
"And Yet They Fly!", 2004, "The Meier Contacts" DVD,

"New weapons will once again create quite a stir, and
so will the death of 4 heads of state who will die
within 7 days from each other. These then are the last
danger signs, which foretell that within merely 2
years of these events the long-feared world war will
indeed erupt, unless terrestrials finally gain mastery
over their reasoning to stop all these ills."

Pinochet (Dec. 10)
Niyazov (Dec. 21)
Ford (Dec. 26)
Saddam Hussein (Dec. 30)

(While Pinochet and Niyazov died 11 days apart and not
within 7 days of each other, an actual error of 4
days, would a wise person not pause to consider the
improbability of someone coming this close,11 years in

If it's not clear as to how accurately our dead end
path has been foreseen by a more advanced race, and
just how collectively stupid we (and especially our
leadership) are, then perhaps it really is hopeless.

I prefer to think that it's still possible to make
some necessary, positive changes but time is running
out. If you now understand that it is really up to
each individual to wake up and take back our power
from the forces that otherwise will lead us all to
destruction then you must act.

I suggest sharing this information with at least three
people that you think would be interested in knowing
about it.

I also suggest contacting your elected representatives
and demanding that no more troops be sent to Iraq...or
any place else.

Please refresh your memory on what has long been
warned, in the Henoch Prophecies, is coming to the
U.S. (and other parts of the world) if we don't
WITHDRAW all our forces. For a wake up call, search
for the word "America":


I also want to let you know that I'll be appearing at
the IUFOC in Laughlin, Nevada, (see:
http://www.ufocongress.com/schedule.html ) and debuting
scenes from the new film on the Meier case that I'm
producing, "The Silent Revolution of Truth".

And for those who've asked if I plan to charge a
subscription fee for the website, the answer is no.
For those who asked if it costs me (money not just
time) to send the updates to the thousands of people
on the list, the answer is yes, so your support is
always appreciated. Getting "The Meier Contacts DVD"
and "And Still They Fly!", which (among a number of
already fulfilled prophecies) have the information
warning of the deaths of the four heads of state,
gives you guaranteed collector's items...and helps me
to keep doing this.

For those who wanted more information or to order the
Quinton products (http://sitandgetfit.com ) we had a
glitch in the system so please write me back.


Michael Horn

Michael responds to a reader's observations:


(reader) I hope you all don't get too excited about this "prediction". As a quick Google search found, the same story by the same author was posted on the same newspaper's web site 13 March 2005:


The headline from March is: "Revealed: Israel plans strike on Iranian nuclear plant".

(Michael) Actually, I can agree with you somewhat. Let me be a bit transparent here. There has been information in the past regarding Israel's possible action of some sort or another against Iran. In May of 2006, I asked Meier about the saber rattling that we and Israel were doing regarding an attack on Iran. I asked how this would fit in with the prophecy regarding Russia invading Iran (then Turkey, Scandinavia, etc.). Meier answered by saying that IF the U.S. attacked Iran there was a high likelihood that Russia and China would attack us.

I then asked about Israel attacking and he responded with, "Well, do you remember what the prophecies say about Israel?" And I remembered that the prophecies say that the "blood in the land of Israel will be as high the boots". I then asked, "Is that the Chinese?" Meier said it was.

Now, if you look at the body of prophetic information you'll notice that there's quite a bit of warning about Israel, allegedly dating back centuries. There's also very specific warnings, in the Henoch Prophecies and other places, about what will happen if the U.S. doesn't withdraw all its forces from Iraq...and ALL other military bases. Now we see that the U.S. (Bush) actually wants to increase the military fiasco by increasing troops there. Hmmm.

And we see this article on the newslines about Israel planning an attack on Iran. Well, my guess is that there also may be some bluster to that for the purpose of trying to intimidate Iran WITHOUT actually attacking. If the prophecies are right, let's hope that it is a bluff or it will not only lead to a third world war but to Israel, sooner or later, being blown off the map.

Judging from the significant increase in numbers of (recorded) visits to my website by U.S. military, federal government and Israeli computers (unless they're all just folks surfing on their lunch hours) some people are paying attention to the Meier information. He even said that the prophecies have already reached high level governmental parties.

Of course, I think that these parties could well have already gotten the info directly from their alleged 30+ year, ongoing surveillance of Meier, without needing my site to learn it. But the traffic has increased quite a bit nonetheless.

I will grant that we could consider all of this speculative. And I also will grant that, if the people behind the case and its info are as smart as I think they are, they are attempting to lead some horses to water...without forcing them to drink. In my opinion, wisdom - and not just black and white thinking - must be applied in the process of discerning the truth and the purpose. We need to be wise enough to see the big picture, to consider some 55 years worth of prophetically accurate information covering the most diverse of areas and contemplate just WHY it was given.

I suggest that it was given so that we would be WISE enough to recognize the foundation of credibility the prophecies establish and look at the severe warnings pertaining to these very times, and the near future, and wake up in time to avert the worst of what is otherwise coming our way, right here in the U.S., much of which has been set in motion by past actions of our government. The same holds true for Israel for what we are talking about is really quite simple, i.e. the workings of the laws of cause and effect, send the pendulum out and it comes back. Send out war, hate and aggression and that's what comes back, which at least in part answers that naive question, "Why do they hate us?" And that's a question that many people can begin to answer by looking at how they have treated others.

This is far too long a response but I hope you get the gist of it.


Here's what's in the UK press: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/iraq/article1434540.ece

February 25, 2007

The (UK) Sunday Times

US generals ‘will quit’ if Bush orders Iran attack

Michael Smith and Sarah Baxter, Washington

SOME of America’s most senior military commanders are prepared to resign if the White House orders a military strike against Iran, according to highly placed defence and intelligence sources.

Tension in the Gulf region has raised fears that an attack on Iran is becoming increasingly likely before President George Bush leaves office. The Sunday Times has learnt that up to five generals and admirals are willing to resign rather than approve what they consider would be a reckless attack.

“There are four or five generals and admirals we know of who would resign if Bush ordered an attack on Iran,” a source with close ties to British intelligence said. “There is simply no stomach for it in the Pentagon, and a lot of people question whether such an attack would be effective or even possible.”

A British defence source confirmed that there were deep misgivings inside the Pentagon about a military strike. “All the generals are perfectly clear that they don’t have the military capacity to take Iran on in any meaningful fashion. Nobody wants to do it and it would be a matter of conscience for them.

“There are enough people who feel this would be an error of judgment too far for there to be resignations.”

A generals’ revolt on such a scale would be unprecedented. “American generals usually stay and fight until they get fired,” said a Pentagon source. Robert Gates, the defence secretary, has repeatedly warned against striking Iran and is believed to represent the view of his senior commanders.

The threat of a wave of resignations coincided with a warning by Vice-President Dick Cheney that all options, including military action, remained on the table. He was responding to a comment by Tony Blair that it would not “be right to take military action against Iran”.

Iran ignored a United Nations deadline to suspend its uranium enrichment programme last week. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad insisted that his country “will not withdraw from its nuclear stances even one single step”.

The International Atomic Energy Agency reported that Iran could soon produce enough enriched uranium for two nuclear bombs a year, although Tehran claims its programme is purely for civilian energy purposes.

Nicholas Burns, the top US negotiator, is to meet British, French, German, Chinese and Russian officials in London tomorrow to discuss additional penalties against Iran. But UN diplomats cautioned that further measures would take weeks to agree and would be mild at best.

A second US navy aircraft carrier strike group led by the USS John C Stennis arrived in the Gulf last week, doubling the US presence there. Vice Admiral Patrick Walsh, the commander of the US Fifth Fleet, warned: “The US will take military action if ships are attacked or if countries in the region are targeted or US troops come under direct attack.”

But General Peter Pace, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, said recently there was “zero chance” of a war with Iran. He played down claims by US intelligence that the Iranian government was responsible for supplying insurgents in Iraq, forcing Bush on the defensive.

Pace’s view was backed up by British intelligence officials who said the extent of the Iranian government’s involvement in activities inside Iraq by a small number of Revolutionary Guards was “far from clear”.

Hillary Mann, the National Security Council’s main Iran expert until 2004, said Pace’s repudiation of the administration’s claims was a sign of grave discontent at the top.

“He is a very serious and a very loyal soldier,” she said. “It is extraordinary for him to have made these comments publicly, and it suggests there are serious problems between the White House, the National Security Council and the Pentagon.”

Mann fears the administration is seeking to provoke Iran into a reaction that could be used as an excuse for an attack. A British official said the US navy was well aware of the risks of confrontation and was being “seriously careful” in the Gulf.

The US air force is regarded as being more willing to attack Iran. General Michael Moseley, the head of the air force, cited Iran as the main likely target for American aircraft at a military conference earlier this month.

According to a report in The New Yorker magazine, the Pentagon has already set up a working group to plan airstrikes on Iran. The panel initially focused on destroying Iran’s nuclear facilities and on regime change but has more recently been instructed to identify targets in Iran that may be involved in supplying or aiding militants in Iraq.

However, army chiefs fear an attack on Iran would backfire on American troops in Iraq and lead to more terrorist attacks, a rise in oil prices and the threat of a regional war.

Britain is concerned that its own troops in Iraq might be drawn into any American conflict with Iran, regardless of whether the government takes part in the attack.

One retired general who participated in the “generals’ revolt” against Donald Rumsfeld’s handling of the Iraq war said he hoped his former colleagues would resign in the event of an order to attack. “We don’t want to take another initiative unless we’ve really thought through the consequences of our strategy,” he warned.


And this from (SBS) Australian TV, February 26th, 2007:::

 What is Israel's position regarding Iran's nuclear project? This documentary shows Israel's perspective of the threat of an attack by Iran, whose leaders aspire to produce nuclear weapons, and, with unique access to top Israeli politicians and defence officials, it explores whether a military strike against Iran is inevitable. Has the point of no return already been passed? (From the UK in English) CC WS

February 12, 2007

Dump the Dollar!

How the World Can Stop Bush


Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration. He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal editorial page and Contributing Editor of National Review

What would be the consequences of a US or Israeli attack on Iran's nuclear energy sites?

At the 2006 Perdana Global Peace Forum, Australian medical scientist Dr. Helen Caldicott provided an authoritative analysis of the devastating impact on human life that would result from the radiation release from such an attack.

Dr. Caldicott described the catastrophic deaths that would result from a conventional attack on nuclear facilities and the long-term increase in cancer deaths from the radiation release.

Should the attack be made with nuclear weapons--as some of Bush's criminally insane neoconservative advisers advocate--the populations of many countries would suffer for generations from radioactive particles in air, water, and food chains. Deaths would number in the many millions.

Such an attack justified in the name of "American security" and "American hegemony" would constitute the rawest form of evil the world has ever seen, far surpassing in evil the atrocities of the Nazi and Communist regimes.

Dr. Caldicott detailed the horrible long-term consequences for the Iraqi population from the US military's current use of depleted uranium in explosive ammunition used in Iraq. Caldicott explained that "depleted" does not mean depleted of radiation. She explained that each time such ammunition is used, radioactive particles are released in the air and are absorbed into people's lungs. We are yet to see the horrific civilian casualty rate of the American invasion--or the true casualty rate among US troops.

Dr. Caldicott expressed bewilderment why the rest of the world does not stand up to the US and force a halt to its crimes against humanity.

One man heard her--Vladimir Putin, President of Russia.

On February 10 at the 43rd Munich Security Conference, President Putin told the world's assembled political leaders that the US was trying to establish a "uni-polar world," which he defined as "one single center of power, one single center of force and one single master."

This goal, Putin said, was a "formula for disaster."

"The United States," Putin said, truthfully, "has overstepped its borders in all spheres" and "has imposed itself on other states."

The Russian leader declared: "We see no kind of restraint--a hyper-inflated use of force."

To avoid catastrophe, Putin said a reconsideration of the entire existing architecture of global security was necessary.

Putin's words of truth fell on many deaf ears. US Senator John McCain, America's most idiotic and dangerous "leader" after Bush and Cheney, equated Putin's legitimate criticism of the US with "confrontation."

America's new puppets--the states of central and Eastern Europe and the secretary general of NATO, no longer a treaty for the defense of Europe but a military force enlisted in America's quest for empire--lined up with McCain's argument that Russia was in fundamental conflict "with the core values of Euro-Atlantic democracies."

Even the BBC's defense and security correspondent, Rob Watson, jumped on the American propaganda bandwagon, tagging Putin's speech a revival of the cold war.

No delegate at the security conference stood up to state the obvious fact that it is not Russia that is invading countries under pretexts as false as Hitler's and setting up weapons systems on foreign soil in order to achieve military hegemony.

The reception given to Putin's words made it clear to Russia, China, and every country not bribed, threatened or purchased into participation in America's drive for world hegemony that the US has no interest whatsoever in peace. Intelligent people realize that American claims to be a moral and democratic force are mere pretense behind which hides a policy of military aggression.

The US, Putin said, has gone "from one conflict to another without achieving a fully-fledged solution to any of them."

Putin has repeatedly stressed Russia's peaceful intentions and desire to focus on its economy and to avoid a new arms race. In his speech on the 60th anniversary of the victory over Nazi Germany, Putin said: "I am convinced that there is no alternative to our friendship and our fraternity. With our closest neighbors and all countries of the world, Russia is prepared to build a kind of relationship which is not only based on lessons of the past but is also directed into a shared future."

In his 2006 state of the nation speech, Putin noted that America's military budget is 25 times larger than Russia's. He compared the Bush Regime to a wolf who eats whom he wants without listening. Putin is being demonized by US propagandists, because he insists upon Russia being a politically and economically independent state.

The Bush Regime has taken the US outside the boundaries of international law and is acting unilaterally, falsely declaring American military aggression to be "defensive" and in the interests of peace. Much of the world realizes the hypocrisy and danger in the Bush Regime's justification of the unbridled use of US military power, but no countries except other nuclear powers can challenge American aggression, and then only at the risk of all life on earth.

The solution is nonmilitary challenge.

The Bush Regime's ability to wage war is dependent upon foreign financing. The Regime's wars are financed with red ink, which means the hundreds of billions of dollars must be borrowed. As American consumers are spending more than they earn on consumption, the money cannot be borrowed from Americans.

The US is totally dependent upon foreigners to finance its budget and trade deficits. By financing these deficits, foreign governments are complicit in the Bush Regime's military aggressions and war crimes. The Bush Regime's two largest lenders are China and Japan. It is ironic that Japan, the only nation to experience nuclear attack by the US, is banker to the Bush Regime as it prepares a possible nuclear attack on Iran.

If the rest of the world would simply stop purchasing US Treasuries, and instead dump their surplus dollars into the foreign exchange market, the Bush Regime would be overwhelmed with economic crisis and unable to wage war. The arrogant hubris associated with the "sole superpower" myth would burst like the bubble it is.

The collapse of the dollar would also end the US government's ability to subvert other countries by purchasing their leaders to do America's will.

The demise of the US dollar is only a question of time. It would save the world from war and devastation if the dollar is brought to its demise before the Bush Regime launches its planned attack on Iran.

Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration. He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal editorial page and Contributing Editor of National Review. He is coauthor of The Tyranny of Good Intentions.He can be reached at: PaulCraigRoberts@yahoo.com


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