Special:Badtitle/NS102:Document Distribution to REBRIP

From Future Of Mankind
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The Working Party on Agriculture from the Brazilian network for the integration of peoples, REBRIP, became in 2001 with the objective to monitor and influence the agreements made by the Brazilian Government in rounds of international agricultural trade negotiations in the various trade blocks such as the World Trade Organisation (WTO), the European Union-Mercosur and the free trade area of the Americas (FTAA). In its effort to open a channel of communication between civil society, trade unions and organisations representing the family agriculture, and representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in charge of preparing and defending the country's position in international agricultural trade agreements, the GT of Agriculture has participated actively in the meetings promoted by Itamaraty Inter-ministerial group on international trade (GICI)-where we discuss issues on to the WTO; the National Section of the FTAA (SENALCA) – where dealing with matters under the FTAA trade; and the National Section of the European Union Mercosur Agreement (SENEUROPA).

Graciela Rodriguez (Secretary General of IGTN), EQUITAS Institute

REBRIP - Brazilian Network for Peoples Integration, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

- Emailed: graciela@igtn.org (Completed)