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| '''This is an authorised but unofficial preliminary translation of FIGU material. It has been approved for this website by [[User:Jamesm|Jamesm]]'''
| '''This is an authorised but unofficial preliminary translation of FIGU material. It has been approved for this website by [[User:Jamesm|Jamesm]]'''

Revision as of 12:44, 5 May 2008

--1-- During the early 1980s the American journalist Gary Kinder for 3 years investigated the Meier case, his investigation resulted in the book Light Years which was published 1987 by the Atlantic Monthly Press, in New York.

The book contains a lot of information, however a major shortage of the book is that it contains no index, and almost no footnotes. On this page a table of contents of this book can be found. The book I used for composing this overview was a hardcover, and a first edition, published in 1987.

This is an authorised but unofficial preliminary translation of FIGU material. It has been approved for this website by Jamesm


  • <a href ="#p">Prologue</a>
  • Chapter: <a href="#c1">1</a>,<a href="#c2"> 2 </a>,<a href="#c3"> 3 </a>, <a href="#c4"> 4 </a>,<a href="#c5"> 5 </a>,<a href="#c6"> 6 </a>,<a href="#c7"> 7 </a>,<a href="#c8"> 8 </a>,<a href="#c9"> 9 </a>,<a href="#c10"> 10 </a>
  • <a href="#e">Epilogue</a>
  • <a href="#an">Author's note</a> </menu>

    <!-prologue-> <!-chapter 1-> <!-chapter 2-> <!-chapter 3-> <!-chapter 4-> <!-chapter 5-> <!-chapter 6-> <!-chapter 7-> <!-chapter 8-> <!-chapter 9-> <!-chapter 10-> <!-Epilogue-> <!-Epilogue->

    PART I: Eduard Meier

    <a name="p">PROLOGUE

    Page(s): Topic:
    "Late on a cold November night in 1976", several individuals witness a mysterious re-appearance of Meier.

    <a name=c1>CHAPTER 1

    Page(s): Topic:
    Introduction; Meier; Wilhaldenstrasse 10, his claims, reactions of neighbors; how it all started in 1975.

    <a name=c2>CHAPTER 2

    Page(s): Topic:
    More about Meier and his claims.
         Hans Schutzbach; man in late twenties, skeptical,
         witnessed strange lights in the sky, drove Meier
         to many contacts. 

    "One afternoon" Hans Schutzbach and Meier's (ex-)wife and children had a daylight sighting. Schutzbach took photo but remarks "I presume it might have been a balloon."

    Reactions of neighbors and other people living in Hinwil; Meier's children bullied.
    One afternoon in the summer of 1976 "Hans Schutzbach accompanied Meier to a secluded meadow". There in the presence of Meier and a tape recorder he heard the beamship sounds. Schutzbach later returned to the spot but his attempts to recreate the sounds were unsuccessful.

    Schutzbach was most impressed with landing tracks; he studied them and he and others had no success with duplicating them.

    Guido Moosbrugger, background information; Austrian schoolteacher, first sighting mid-May 1976.

    July 13, 1976, flight demonstration by Semjase's UFO, UFO photographed by Hans and Conrad Schutzbach, Meier and Guido Moosbrugger.

    Popi Meier; background information.
    Bernadette Brand; how she first learned of Meier and his claims; how she saved Popi from comitting suicide; her own sighting ("I got the feeling all of a sudden that I had to stop.")

    <a name=c3>CHAPTER 3

    Page(s): Topic:
    Harold Proch and Herbert Runkel; background information.
    First meeting with Meier in early summer of 1976; Schutzbach shows Herbert Runkel landing tracks and Herbert Runkel photographs them.
    A month later Runkel returns to Meier's house; he re-examines landing tracks, he re-photographs them and he doesn't understand "how the large counterclockwise swirls could be so precisely pressed into the tall grass without crushing it". The grass wasn't brown and dry and it continued to grow round and round in a peculiar flat swirl.

    Runkel studied Meier, his wife and house, but found nothing that was suspicious.

    Herbert Runkel; several months after first meeting with Meier has sighting of strange lights in the sky.

    "On a cool summer evening" Runkel and the Schutzbachs hear spacecraft sounds shortly after Meier says he was telepathically made aware of a contact.

    "Late on a cold foggy night" Meier returns from a contact, Runkel and Bertschinger notice that Meier, despite the cold, is warm, and he is happy.

    Herbert states that he has the feeling that much of the information in the first 700 pages of the contact notes has an ET origin.

    Photographer Horold Proch; experience in the winter of 1977, he and Jacobus Bertschinger drive Meier to a contact and hear the unique sounds.

    Proch describes that he examined Meier photo # 164 and that it can be clearly seen that branches are in front of the tree.

    One time Proch searched Meier's study, but couldn't find anything suspicious.

    Herbert Runkel; what he finds very convincing: Meier in the middle of the night going out of bed to a contact nobody present, except Runkel. No reason for Meier to do that.

    <a name=c4>CHAPTER 4

    Page(s): Topic:
    In the early fall of 1964 Timothy Good learns about Meier, his claims and photographs when he is in India.

    New Dehlie Statesman article on Meier

    In 1965 Good tracks down Meier in Switzerland, he informs Lou Zinsstag of Meier.

    Lou Zinsstag; background information. Zinsstag contacts Meier. Excerpts from correspondence between Zinsstag and Good starting on June 28, 1976 ending in fall of 1977. She is impressed by certain Apollo-Soyuz docking photos.
    About teleportation, the interior of the beamship, and the question: why no open contact?
    In April 1977 Meier moves to Schmidrüti with his family.

    Experiences of Engelbert Wachter and Herbert Runkel; Meier disappears in a fraction of second while climbing a ladder and another time Meier mysteriously re-appears in the meadow.

    Herbert Runkel helped Meier with moving to Schmidrüti, and lived from the spring to the fall in 1977 at the farm with the Meier family, but couldn't find anything suspicious among Meier's possessions.

    Lou Zinsstag final letter to Good about Meier: Personal View of Eduard Meier. She dislikes the anti religious aspects of the ET messages.

    <a name=c5>CHAPTER 5

    Page(s): Topic:
    Col. Wendelle C. Stevens; background information.
    In early September 1976 Good and Zinsstag visit Stevens in the US and show him photos.
    Introduction of the Elders.

    Stevens first trip to Switzerland in October 1977.

    For four days Stevens interviews Meier and other witnesses and studies contact notes and photos in Switzerland.
    Early contact with Sfath.
    Contact with Asket.
    On first meeting with Semjase.
    Stevens visits Hasenböl site, and talks with a farmer who remembers that Meier one day asked permission to enter his land.

    Stevens examines landing tracks.

    More mysterious disappearances; teleportation.

    Stevens' preliminary conclusion.

    <a name=c6>CHAPTER 6

    Page(s): Topic:
    Lee and Brit Elders, Tom Welch and Intercep; background information.
    Stevens tells the Elders about Meier and his claims; the Elders and Welch are skeptical.
    The Elders decide to do an on-site investigation in April 1978.
    First (5 day) visit to Meier, they have their first look at the evidence; films, landing tracks.
    The Elders investigating the farm.
    Interviews; Herbert Runkel; first time he accompanied Meier close to the contact point on a cold night with dense fog, when Meier returns he is dry and warm.

    Elsi Moser; background information; on expression of Meier's face in one particular 8 mm UFO film.

    Harold Proch; Meier heats a coin with his hands to 1,500 degrees Celcius on New Year's Eve 1977.

    Meier tells about telekinesis experiences in childhood.

    Story about Meier melting a spoon in his hands.

    Meier hands over metal samples to Stevens and his team.

    The Elders impressed by Hasenboel site.


    PART II: The Investigation

    <a name=c7>CHAPTER 7

    Page(s): Topic:
    UFO history.
    The Elders and Stevens make plans for scientific testing of the evidence and have many discussions about the evidence.
    Analyzing the evidence, preliminary tests on negatives. Superimposing or double exposing: no.

    Discovery of "signature" (little speck) of Meier's camera on the photos.

    Original slides and Stevens' internegatives.

    Most of the 1st generation film material not available.

    John Stefanelli; background information; documentary filmmaker. Has serious plans for making a documentary and for arranging scientific tests. However, realizing the tests proves to be far more difficult then he thought.

    Inconclusive metal sample analysis at UCLA.

    UFO history.
    On the role of the Pleiades star cluster in ancient cultures.
    Stefanelli locates Jim Dilettoso. Dilettoso; background info. Stefenelli loses interest due to high costs of testing of evidence (without positive preliminary testing results no funding; no funding no tests).

    Dilettoso intrigued by evidence and wants to help Intercep with realizing scientific testing of it.

    More UFO history.
    Neil Davis' inconclusive photographic analysis.

    Dr. Walter Walker's metal analyses.


    <a name=c8>CHAPTER 8

    Page(s): Topic:
    Tom Welch; background information.

    End of July 1978 new trip to Switzerland.

    Many visitors to Meier's farm.

    On-site investigations; Welch impressed by Hasenböl site. Inquisitive people; it's hard to get to a site without being observed. Drop of valley behind tree in Hasenböl photos. Weather changing fast while most photos show same weather conditions.

    UFO history.
    On the processing of the photos by the Bär photoshop. Interviews with the Bärs and Kindliman.
    About philosophies of the Pleiadians, their homeworld, World War III, and the use of the photos "only to make people think"; teachings really important.
    Propulsion methods described by Meier.
    "Something is going on."

    <a name=c9>CHAPTER 9

    Page(s): Topic:
    Stevens and the Elders decide not to inform the UFO community of the details of the case.
    In the summer of 1978 Dilettoso starts his attempts to interest scientists to examine the evidence.
    IBM scientist Marcel Vogel receives metals samples in mid-April 1979; details of his analysis on some of the specimens.
    Stevens' relationship with the Lorenzens gets worse.
    GSW photo analysis (in 1976?). Some arguments for GSW photo analysis being anything but reliable.

    About Dr. Bob Nathan and Post taking a look at the pictures.

    UFO... Contact from the Pleiades, vol. 1, is published in the second half of 1979. Book makes extravagant and unsupported claims. Purpose of publishing the book was raising funds for scientific tests. Book raises suspicion in UFO community and Genesis III is accused of promoting and exploiting a hoax.
    On the recording of spacecraft sounds on 7 July, 1980.
    Analysis of sounds by Shellman, Rognerud and Ambrose.
    By late 1978 people from all corners of the world visit the Meier farm. Popi Meier is anything but happy with this situation but nevertheless accepts it.
    Lee Elders talks Meier out of a depression, and Meier agrees to talk with a Japanese television crew (in the fall of 1979).
    From Brit Elder's diary: "We're protected"-story; Meier bending spoons "with the force of people around him and his own mind".
    Japanese production crew starts 3 weeks of filming in September 1979. They study 8mm films. Welch and Elders examine landing tracks, Meier and his farm with geiger counter and detect a higher radioactivity level.
    Herbert Runkel and the San Fransisco earthquake pictures which resemble the Geo magazine picture.

    Evidence for Meier using some kind of laser weapon.

    Dr. Bob Nathan refuses to do detailed analysis of photos because the material he gets is of inferior quality in relation to the material Stevens showed him the first time.
    Martin Sorge; background information; model photos and explanation.

    <a name=c10>CHAPTER 10

    Page(s): Topic:
    Irena Froning informs her husband David Froning of the propulsion system described in UFO... Contact from the Pleiades, vol. 1.
    Excerpt from Brit Elders' diary, February 20, 1980; stagnation of investigation into the case.
    Hostile reactions from UFO community.
    Eric Eliason's opinion on photos.
    Michael Malin's examination of the photos.
    Bob Nathan's opinion on the 8mm UFO films.
    Special effects expert Wally Gentlemen's opinion on films and photos.
    More on similarities between the propulsion method designed by McDonnell Douglas engineer David Froning and the one described by Meier
    Details on the analysis by Marcel Vogel of the goldish colored triangular metal sample and its disappearance.

    <a name=e>EPILOGUE

    Page(s): Topic:
    UFO history and about UFOlogy in general.
    Hans Schutzbach after leaving Meier's group thinks Meier is a hoaxer but has no idea how he did it; open conclusion.

    <a name=an>AUTHOR'S NOTE

    Page(s): Topic:
    Kinder informs reader that instead of Lee Elders and Tom Welch he was the person who interviewed Willy baer, Beatrice Baer, Fritz Kindliman and Martin Sorge.

    Kinder mentions that Wendelle Stevens was pleaded guilty of child molestation in 1983.

    Kinder states that he mailed the manuscript of the book to all the scientists and other experts he quotes in his book so that they could correct certain things if they wanted to. Kinder notes that "Everything concerning the scientific analyses of the evidence appears in the book exactly as the scientists themselves have authorized it to appear."

    </body> </html>

    Created by Jeroen Jansen


    Last modified:

    Tuesday 1st of May 2007, 10:17:34